The arulian district

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As I walked out of the portal dizzy and feeling nauseous. I saw a big school. Woah, this place is huge! I said in amaze. Yep its the biggest school in all of Zulla.

Biggest? I said with confusion. There's more than one? Yes, this is just one of the millions of schools in Zulla. Millions! Yes millions, are district is called the arulian district. The arulianian district is made up of 4 districts. The black panthers, the masked society, bloom academy, and this school dragon scale

The black panthers are the smallest school out of all the 4 listed. Why? I asked. No one knows why. It is said to only have 100 people in its school. Only! That seems like a lot! I thought to myself as we walked slowly to the door.

Next is the Masked society it is known to have around 300 members. Why is it named the masked society? I asked. It's said that the master of the schools face has never been seen. He named it after his name the masked silhouette. Creepy it sounds like someone evil. I said with a shiver down my spine.

The next school on the list is bloom academy its known to master in wisdom and being symbolic. Most villains who turn good go there to start a new life. It's known to have over 500 members. 500 MEMBERS!?!? I said. Yep! Yuki said. Thats a lot of people.

Next is are school Dragon scale! Yuki said with pride. Why is it called dragon scale? Well, are first master Arkane was a fire wizard. she was the strongest one Zulla ever had. One day a dragon named Ylander awoke from his 50 year slumber and was terrorizing Zulla. The only one who could stop it was the strongest fire wizard in all of Zulla and that was Arkane.

The legend said that she swung once and it fell to the ground. She took a scale as a reward. And its been are school symbol ever since. Thats how we got the name dragon scale! Yuki said with a huge smile on her face. Thats amazing that one person could do that! Yep, we are the strongest school in Zulla! Yuki said as we stood in front of the school.

Shall we Alexa! Yuki said opening the door and gesturing to go inside. We shall Yuki! I said as we entered the school.

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