The Mission (part 3) The mysterious man

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(The top picture is RavenVille)

We ran everywhere we could and took out bandits one by one. Something was bothering me though, when we came to Raven Ville I felt a large dark aura of magic run over my body but everyone we've taken out hasn't had any magic! "I'm back!"🎼 I heard a high musical voice from behind me. It was yuki! "Hey Yuki thanks for the help!" I said happily. "No prob its my job." Yuki was taking all the bandits to the local jail and it was a great help. "I think that's all of them." Akemi said with pride. "Now let's all go home and celebrate are first victory!" Kenshi said excitedly. "Not just yet!" Kaito said with worry. He was looking around helplessly. "Uh, what is it Kaito?" Yuki said with the same worry. "Do you not feel that humongous array of dark magic." Kaito feels it to. "So I'm not the only one who feels it then." I said. "No, it's an Eerie feeling." Kaito said. "You guys are paranoid let's go!" Yuki said grabbing my wrist about to fly off. "The girl and boy are quite right!" A mysterious voice amidst from the shadows. Who's there! I said cautiously. No one you would know and probably never will know! The voice said. Spill what the heck are you doing here! Kenshi said getting tired of his charades. Well this is my home and your intruding on MY property! The voice said in an aggravated Manner. "Just what makes you think this is your home it belongs to the people of RavenVille!" Kenshi said. "Did it ever occur to you why there are no people here!" Now that I think about it there really is no one here! "Are you saying that this whole place is a fake mission!" Akemi said with her fist clenched. "Bingo!" "We sent in a fake report of bandits and led you right into my trap!" "What do you want from us!" I said. "You Alexa!" "W-what!" I said aloud. What could he possibly need from me I'm just a new mage learning her ways! "Yes, though the rest of you would be a great addition to my collection!" "I'm tired right now so I'll just send my minions to take you down!" The voice maniacally laughed before going into the darkness. I don't understand why he would need me I'm just a regular everyday magical least in this world! I guess I'll have to get used to being captured in a world full of evil-doers. I saw a bunch of winged monsters coming towards us. Time to have a real fight!

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