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Drew and I sat in my truck, Drew was reading The Devil's Arithmetic again. I glanced over at her, only making out the large 8 in the middle of the page. I did a double take raising a brow. "I thought you were on chapter 2, not 8."

She looked at me. "Its good . . . and I should really stop reading, get it away from me and out of my sight." She closed the book and held it out for me to take, I did slowly, stuffing the book under my left leg.


She nodded. "Better."

"So, you hang with kids at the hospital?" I asked.

She sighed. "Yeah . . . I guess you can say I'm friends with them. A blind kid anyway. His name is Clayton. He's, hopefully, temporarily blind, a drunk driver hit him and his concussion was really bad that it has made him blind."

"Poor guy."

She nodded. "Yeah."

It fell into silence and after awhile I looked at Drew again. "What about the others?"

She got another book out, a much thicker one then the one under my thigh, a metal dragon was all I saw along with large gold letters that said: THE LOST HERO. "Most of them have cancer," she licked her lips, setting the book in her lap, rubbing her hands over the cover. "There's this little girl, her names Mercedes, she has a great voice, I've told her to follow her dreams and never give up, givin' up will get you nowhere. So far she hasn't and has been fighting cancer for three years now."

"Wow, and when you say she has a great voice do you mean she sings?" I glanced over at her.

She nodded. "Yeah, I play some instruments for her to help her keep the beat, like the drums, guitar, piano, stuff like that. Sing with her when she forgets a line or something, but nothing special, I usually let her entrain the others, but once in while I'll have too, hopefully not today."

"Well I'm gonna hang out by the door if you won't mind when we get there."
She sighed. "Whatever, at least I will get to hang with the kids."

"Lucky you."


Drew led me almost eagerly through the hall on the fourth floor, the sound of kids getting louder as she expertly made her way down the long halls.

Honestly, without her, I'd of been lost by now.

She suddenly turned into a room as a doctor left it, he wore a ordinary white doctor's coat, with a blue shirt and black dress pants. His hair was short and brown, so were his eyes, brown and he looked at us and smiled kindly. "Drew! Your here, thank goodness, the kids been asking for you."

I could hear the smile in Drew's voice. "Really, Daryl? Well I shouldn't leave them hanging now should I, huh?" She pasted him, and into the room, children's happy screams and greets came from the room.

I slowly approached the room, and the doctor as he stared into the room, smiling. He looked at me, smile not faltering. "Can I help you?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm here with Drew."

Recognition gleamed in his eyes. "Ohhhh you must be her father. Doctor Daryl Berea. But call me Daryl. Nice to meet you."

He held his hand out to me kindly, I took hold of it and shook it. "Jonathan Good, call me Jon, nice to meet you too, Daryl."

He let go and waved me closer to the door, I obeyed and stood by him, looking into the room, Drew was in the middle of the room, encircled by little kids ranging from 7 - 16, all were telling her things and showing drawings, Drew crouched down and picked up a little girl who was bald, my guess she had cancer, and smiled at her.

Her smile was so bright I found myself smiling at the scene. Suddenly a tall, 16 year old boy who had a blindfold over his eyes tapped her on the shoulder. Drew looked at him and smiled, hugging him.


Daryl chuckled. "Your daughter is wonderful with them, she lights up the room. She helps the with their dreams and encourages them when they want to give up. She's a real nice person, you're lucky to have her as a daughter."

I nodded as the girl in Drew's arms tapped her shoulder to gain her attention. "Drew? Can you sing with me today? There's this song I've been practicing, I want you to sing with me."

"Drew's also fairly talented, a true prodigy. Mercedes absolutely loves her." Daryl explained as Drew sighed and nodded, putting the girl, Mercedes, down. The little girl ran to the stage on the other end of the room, it held a piano, a drum set, and two guitars, Drew helped Mercedes up into the stage before she jumped up there herself. Sitting in front of the lively little girl as they discussed the song she wanted to sing.

Soon after Drew stood up and grabbed the basic wooden guitar off it's stand, slipping the strap over her head, strumming it a few times, toning it to her pleasure. She looked down at Mercedes and smiled. Mercedes looked out into the small, suddenly silent, crowd in the room and smiled.

"I'm going to sing Stitches by . . ." she looked up at Drew, Drew smiled.

"Shawn Mendes."

"Right, Shawn Mendes, thanks Drew."

Drew nodded before she started playing. "Just do me a favor and try not to forget anything."

Mercedes grinned mischievously and started singing.

Half way through Mercedes stopped singing in her amazing little voice and smirked. Drew sighed, rolling her eyes, clearly Mercedes has done this before.

I chuckled, so did Daryl.

Drew opened her mouth and my jaw dropped as I heard her silky smooth voice, sounding a little different from her normal voice.

"Needle and the thread,
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread,
Gonna wind up dead

Needle and the thread,
Gotta get you out of my head, get you out of my head"

Then just like that Mercedes took over again, but I continued to stare at my daughter. She said it was nothing special, but it clearly was. Drew looked at me and, even though I didn't hear it, she chuckled.

Daryl patted my shoulder, earning my attention. "She's a special one."

"She sure is . . ."

"Who does she get it from?"

"Me . . ."

"Oh, not to be rude, Jon, but why do you look familiar?"

"I'm a professional wrestler, I work for WWE, I'm Dean Ambrose."

"Oh, well," he looked lost for words. "Um."

I chuckled. "I should be going, this is my number, please give it to Drew, she doesn't have it and I need to meet some friends for training." I handed him a piece of paper with my number on it and walked away, down the hall, smiling proudly.

I had an amazingly sweet and talented daughter.

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