Hidden Secrets

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There was a knock at the hotel room door. I sighed, getting up, heading for the door.

I opened it, finding a fifteen year old girl with dirty blonde hair staring down at the ground, a bag slung over her shoulder with a black man standing behind her. I licked my lips, getting nervous.

"Are you Jonathan Good?" The man asked.

I nodded. What the man said next would change my whole world.

The man gestured to the girl. "Jonathan, meet your daughter, Drew Anderson."


Two hours before ~

Drew's P.O.V

I rushed into the hospital, breathing heavily I ran to the receptionist, my school bag slipping off my shoulder for the hundredth time. "Drew Anderson, here to see Clarisse

The receptionist flipped through some of her papers and sighed. "Honey, Clarisse Anderson died this morning, I'm sorry for your lost."

My jaw dropped and found support in the desk as my legs gave out. "N-no! She c-can't be."

I couldn't say the word, it would make it real if I did, and I didn't want it to be real, it wasn't real. My mom was still up in room 208 waiting for me to come see her and tell her about my day at school like always for the past year.

"S-she's not de-" I gaged on the word. "Dead."

The lady rushed from behind the desk and helped me up to a chair. "Sweetie she is, she left this." She pulled a piece of yellow paper and handed it to me, I took it and stared at it through my tears.

Dear Drew,

I'm sorry I can't be there for you anymore, I tried my best fighting but I can't hold out much longer. You're love and courage helped me this far, now I want you take that love and courage to your father. I want you to live with him, he's a great man, he's a little distant at first but if you try he'll warm up to you. His name is Jon, I hope that's enough info to help find your dad.

I love you, Drewie, and I always will. Keep that Dean Ambrose unstable necklace, for me, Drew please do this for me.

Love, Mom.

I bursted into tears, folding the paper up and gliding it into my jacket pocket. The receptionist rubbed my shoulder and helped me up. "Its the police, hon, they're going to take you the station, help you find your dad."

I only nodded as a tall, black man walked in, wearing a police uniform, he looked down at me, reminding me of John Coffey from The Green Mile.

He smiled at me, showing off big white teeth. "Drew?" He asked in a deep voice. I nodded. "I'm deputy Gates, Come with me, sweetie, I'm gonna help find your dad."

The receptionist left my side and let Gates lead me out to his police car, opening the passenger door for me.

I got in silently.

After getting in and on the road Gates finally spoke. "Sorry for your loss, I'll find your dad as fast as I can, has your mom ever told you about him?"

I shook my head. "Only in the note, she said his name is Jon, that's all."


I nodded.

"Like in Jonathan?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe, I never met him, I don't know his name, all I know is there's a guy out there who helped make me and has no idea I exist."

He rubbed his face. "Well, this is going to be a challenge."

"Tell me about it." I sighed.


I sat at the police station, waiting for results on who my father was. I had been here for two hours already, staring at my phone and the pictures of my mom and I, crying at the good times we've had.

When she had hair, when she didn't have brain cancer. I sighed, locking my phone, shoving it into my pants pocket, my thoughts drifting to what was to come. What was my dad like? Was he nice or not? Mom said I had his temper, and his hair color, and eyes. She told me I was almost a female vision of my dad.

The image I got kinda scared me, and I had to shake my head viciously to get it out.

I heard a chuckle and looked up, Blake Gates stood in front of me, a folder in his hands. "Drew, we found a match to a Jonathan that shares your DNA, want to take a look?"

I shrugged, taking the folder. "That was fast."

I opened it as he chuckled, looking through it.

Name: Jonathan Good.

I scoffed. What a cliché last name, Good. I continued reading. He was from Ohio, he had some problems as a kid, seemed like a trouble maker.

Not so good are we Dad?

I closed the file, handing it back to him, gripping the unstable pendent around my neck. I didn't look at his picture, I wanted to wait to see what he looked like when I met him. And sighed. "When do I go?"

"Now, I got men packing your belongings at your house, you're father is staying at a hotel, he was recently in Quebec Canada and finally came here. So, perfect timing I guess."

I felt my heart sink. "Yeah . . . great timing."

"My apologies, I didn't mean it like that."

I shrugged, picking my bag up. "Its true though, c'mon, Gates, let's hunt down my dad."

He sighed. "I'm not going to argue."

For the first time today I creak a smile.


Blake and I were walking through the hall on the fourth floor of a hotel, I didn't look at the sign when we drove in or when we walked in, I was to distracted to care, I just kept my head down, avoiding the confused and worried glances of the people we passed.

Blake stopped me suddenly, turning towards a closed door. "This is his room, that what I was told anyway. Are you ready?"

I shrugged, nodding. "I suppose . . ."

He knocked on the door, making me flinch.

I heard footsteps from inside coming to the door and grew nervous, I was about to meet the man that fucked my mom and apparently my dad, the door opened and I found myself staring at a man's long legs that were in jeans, and shoes, he must of just got home, or he was lazy and didn't take the shoes off.

After awhile of studying I decided that my dad's bottom half didn't look bad, I just hope his top did too.

"Are you Jonathan Good?" Blake asked, nothing came from my dad, he must of been to confused or shocked to speak, but after a brief silence Blake continued. "Jonathan, meet your daughter, Drew Anderson."

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