The Tree

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Drew's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to the ice cold wind biting my rosy cheeks. I pressed the heel of my hand to my eye as I tried to keep my skull from splitting apart. Though to be honest, I wouldn't mind it breaking open so long as it stopped aching like this. Please, anything, just stop hurting . . .

I blinked open my other eye to see the sun shining straight into my face and a meadow filled with long grass but instead of being overwhelmed by memories of my mom a brief flashback flashed across my eyes.


I watched as Dean Ambrose dove out of the ring after Kane, but instead of hitting Kane with the steel post he accidentally hit my shin. I winced in pain and gritted my teeth as Dean gave me a quick guilty glance before throwing himself at Kane. I rubbed my shin as the match continued.

"Hey, I'm sorry for hitting you." I looked up at the deep, husky voice in front of me and smiled weakly as he hugged me.

"Its okay."

"Alright, I hope your okay, I really am sorry." He called as he went back stage and I smiled at him.


Groaning, I sat up and stretched, my stiff muscles screaming in rejection and I grimaced in pain as my body cracked and pop in places I never knew could shift and crack. "Ow . . ."

I turned and studied the initials of my family on my family tree and yet again remembered the day Mom carved them in. 


"Drew! Come on, set the camera down and get your arse over here."

I whined as I looked over at her, I was in the field taking pictures of the scenery while Mom was standing under the big willow tree behind me over towards the north. "But if I go over there I won't be in Cincinnati anymore I'll be in Norwood . . . and I like 'Nati."

Mom laughed. "No you won't, you'll still be in Cincinnati, stop being melodramatic."

I whined as I stomped my way over there, but I was smiling as I dramatized my walk over, receiving a huff from Mom as she rolled her eyes. "Well at least you're comin'."

I laughed as I stopped, under the willow and at Mom's side. "So what do you need me for?"

She smiled. "Wanna carve our initials into the tree?"

I raised a brow at her. "You'd let me use a knife? On something other than food."

"Just this once. Oh c'mon! Let's brand this motherfucker!" She said, acting like a two year old hyped up on sugar, bouncing, and doing a giddy like dance with her shoulders.

I gasped at her, feigning a look of shock. "Mom! Language! I'm only ten!"

She laughed. "Please, come one Missy, let's do this."


I smiled at the memory and brushed my fingers against my mom's initials, a few tears escaping from my eyes, taking a deep, stuttering, breath I released an airy laugh that was mixed with a sob, my smile faltered.

I stood up, swinging my bag into my shoulder and grabbing my case I touched the carved letters once more. "Miss you Mom."


Jonathan's P.O.V

I laid across my bed as I listened to Renee as she spoke with the police. I hadn't felt like talking to anyone, this morning Renee had to force me to get up and pack by making the deal of calling the police before we go.

So here I was laying on my bed for the last time, remembering the first night Drew stayed here, smiling at the memory of her screaming in the bathroom because the water was cold.

I let time fly that way, remembering every second, every hour, and every day I spent with Drew. I didn't want to go to Detroit without her, I didn't want to go anywhere without Drew.

I astounded myself at how fast I had grown attached to the sixteen year old. She was like that annoying tune that got stuck in your head and couldn't get out, or your phone, claiming that you'd never be attached to it, but find yourself sleeping with the damn thing at night, then have it taken away and you finally realize that you were more fond of the thing then you thought.

But this phone I could never replace, Drew was my daughter, and I could never replace her, I couldn't just walk in to a store buy a random girl say "I love you, you're my daughter" and expect her to be exactly like the original. No, people didn't work like that, people aren't phones, we're living beings and nothing can truly replace something like Drew.


"Jonathan?" I didn't stir as I heard Renee's voice above my head. "Jonathan, the cops said they'd keep an eye out for her, and notify all surrounding cites, even cites between here and Detroit, and surrounding states, but its only been a night, they don't think she got vary far."

Groaning and covering my face with my hand, I stared up at Renee from between my spread fingers. "So their not even trying until she's found dead in a river?"

Renee winced. "No, they won't notify the other surrounding states or police because they believe she's still in Cincinnati or still in Ohio."

"And if she's not?"

"Then they'll have a state wide search for her."

I sighed, sitting up as I watched the cops leave the room, then turned to Renee, feeling hopeless. "What if they can't find her?"

She averted her gaze from mine, unable to meet my devastated stare without feeling guilty. And I knew she was blaming herself as much as I was myself.

Dragging my legs closer to my body, I tucked my legs under me as I turned my body to face the small petite woman behind me. Pulling her to me, I wrapped my arms around her as I cradled her head into my chest and allowed myself the brief moment to breath in her rich perfume, letting the toxins mess with my head and make me disoriented.

"Its okay, they'll find her." I mumbled into her blonde hair, but the reassurance was aimed more at me then Renee. ". . . I hope."


Later on Renee and I were on the road to Detroit Michigan and I couldn't get rid of the deep pain that sat in my chest, nor the heavy weight on my shoulders as I stared out the window and at the setting sun.

"Drew would of loved to see this . . ." I muttered as I rested my temple against the cold glass of the window.

"I bet she's watching it somewhere. Jon."

I sighed heavily as we passed a meadow and I suddenly felt a strange tug in my chest and picked my head up. "Stop."

Renee gave me a confused glance but did as told and pulled over. I was unbuckled and jumping out of the vehicle before she even had it fully stopped. She slammed on the brakes. "Jon!"

I didn't listen to her as I slammed the door shut behind me and stared at a large willow tree swaying gently in the wind and I felt a bitter cold touch to my wrist and looked down, expecting to see a hand with their long, delicate fingers wrapped around my wrist, but nothing was there but the ghostly touch of a woman's hand holding my wrist.

I felt a push behind me and sworn I felt two hands grip my shoulders as they gently ushered me toward the tree and I felt a cold breeze tickle the back of my neck.

She was here, Jon.

I froze as I thought I heard a voice carried on the wind, speaking to me and the invisible force on my back shoved a little harder, like it was telling me to keep moving. So I did.

When I was under the tree I felt the cold touch on my cheek as it directed my gaze to three initials carved into the trunk and I felt my heart skip a beat, hope rising into my chest releasing some of dread that I felt.


Clarisse Anderson, Drew Anderson, and Jonathan Good.

I noticed that my initials were fresh, the wood a bright yellow. While Clarisse and Drew's were weathered, matching the color of the bark.

Drew was here.

I looked around the meadow, hoping to find anyone standing behind me, only spotting Renee running up to me and I left the cold presence recede. I looked at the trunk again and breathed a quiet. "Thank you."

I felt the cold return and it felt like a pair of lips pressed against my cheek and I closed my eyes as my other cheek was held in a cold hand, pulling my head toward the force as it seemed to kissed me and I muttered. "Clarisse?"

The sensation on my cheeks warmed and I smiled weakly before the touch disappeared. Slowly opening my eyes I stared at the tree as Renee stumbled up to my side. "Dear God, Jon! You scared the living hell out of me."

I turned to my girlfriend with a smile and she raised a confused brow at me. "What?"

"She was here. Drew was here."

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