Chapter 1 Letter with Shocking News

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                                     Annabelle Marie "Alexa" to her friends was on a walk when she found a letter.  She was not sure what to think when she saw her name on the envelope.

                Strange she thought I do not know anyone in  the United States let alone in New York. She opened it and what she saw was about to change her life for good.

                                My Dearest Annabell Marie,
                               Hope all is well for you!  I have not seen you in ages.

                              your sister,
                           Margaret Ann

                         PS. See you soon!

                              Annabelle went home upset. She did not know she had a sister unti now. Why did not her mother tell her was the first thought on her mind? 

                           "Mom, is it true?  Tell me this a cruel joke," Annabelle says as soon as her mother comes home from work that day.  She stands their with a angry look in her eyes.

                             "Is what true, my daughter?" Her mother asks. She looks at her in concern. She honestly has no idea what she is going on about now.

                             "This letter, I found it on a walk in the park and it says I have a sister," Annabelle says in an accustatory tone. She has her hands on her hips too.

                              "Annabelle, I mean, Alexa, calm down!  Look, I can explain everything," Her mother says with tears in her eyes.

                              "Well, explain on then, and it better be good!" Annabelle scoffs. She can not believe her ears.
                               "The thing is you were adopted as a baby, and that is why I can not say who the father is because I never met him." Susan, her adoptive mother says.
                                "I only met your biological mother once and she was the quiet sort, and she made me promise not tell about your twin," She goes on to say.

                              "What? I am teenager and only two years away from my eighteenth birthday!  How could you just lie to me all this time? " Annabelle asks. She looks at her mother in dismay.

                                "Look, I would have told you, but she that is Emily Hannah Jefferies  told me not tell you,"  Susan replies. She looks at her daughter sadly as she speaks.

                                  She never thought her child would find out this way.  She hugs her in the hopes to resolve any hard feelings the young girl has about the situation.

                                  "Mother, or Susan, I mean, I am sorry for the outburst,"  Annabelle says and hugs her back. She is glad to know the truth now if it did come as quite a shock.

                                  "It is okay, you are right I should have told you sooner, I am sorry,"  Susan says.

                                 " Just one more question though," Annabelle says.

                                "Oh, what might that be my dear daughter?" Susan asks her.

                                 "Who does this twin sister of mine live with and is she an identical twin or fraternal one?"  Annabelle asks.

                                 "She lives with your biological mother, Emily Hannah Jefferies in New York.  As for the twin thing, she is a fraternal one and I hear she has blonde hair just like your mother's," Susan says.

                                 "Oh, okay, well Emily might be the one who gave birth to me, but as far as I am concerned you are my mother. After all you are the one who raised me for sixteen years, mom," Annabelle replies.

                                          Susan and Annabelle hug again. Then, Susan asks, "Well, I am glad we got all this straightened out now, how about lunch?"

                                            "Sure, whatever you say, Mom!" Annabelle answers. She helps her mother prepare lunch.



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