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   It has been several days I had, had that kiss with Williams. The same one that had happened under the rain, and I could say I was literally losing it. I was losing it in the sense that one, I totally did not understand how I had managed to agree to him that we were going to work out something in the marriage that was to happen. Williams had spoken to me in a moment of vulnerability, and there was nothing that was more confusing than that. At first, I had thought he wanted to have nothing to do with me, but it seemed like that was going to be a totally different case since he had basically asked me, asked us to work something out.

For the first time, I realized how much my life felt like a novel, and I didn't even realize. I suddenly went from being that girl, the same one that was just starting to get her life together, to being thrown into a marriage that I am not even in love with this husband. And there was in no way, in my life to come that I was going to reveal that to Aunty. I was not going to be the reason of her sadness, I knew how happy she was about their union.

The kiss with William. Sure, I had been with several guys, some had, had big lips it had been and it had been difficult to even understand what some guys had been doing with my lips. But I had also had my fair share of good kisses. And none had ever been as intense as any of this. I wanted to hit my head on the wall. I would have,  if I was not in the office, working, knowing that the CEO, Aka Williams could walk through the door at any minute.

To say that I had been avoiding him since that day would have been a complete understatement. Even on days we all gather in the dinning room for dinner, I never spoke to him. Not even once, nor did I think I was going to be speaking to him soon.  Something was happening to me, something I really could not understand or pin point. It was just something that was making me question my emotions. One day, I had been there, hating on him and the next, I was kissing him and thinking maybe he could be a good husband. I was convinced there was some kind of crack I was taking that my sub conscious was unaware about, because what was happening.

The hot sun that was raining down on earth today, most precisely Nigeria, could fry egg into pieces. I was convinced this place was close to hell. The only thing helping me was the fully air conditioner wired by the corner of my office. And even at that, the way the sun escaped through the blinds I had earlier closed just sent some kind of hot  chills down my body, I didn't want to imagine how it was going to be like out there.

That in itself, had also turned me away from going to get lunch from Iya Baraka the Amala seller. So I just remained behind the four walls of my office, disconcerted and unable to phantom the room what I was going to do to my now growling stomach. Going to have my lunch in the office cafeteria was w bad choice, considering everyone had started to avoid me like I was plague ever since the engagement party. I think that was when they fully realized that I was closer to the boss than they thought. And ninety percent of people in the office hated Willaims, hence, I was also going to be getting the hate too. Even if I was innocent, and I was not as annoying, wicked, or even bossy as he was. I was not even half up to that.

But going to the cafeteria seemed like my only choice, except I had a death wish for myself, and I was willing to die by hunger. I could picture Willaims perfect face as he would smile when pouring sand on my coffin. That in all seemed to motivate me enough to slip my cold legs into my red bottoms. Saving what I had left on the laptop, not like I had anything meaningful to do, I was only up on YouTube watching and stalking every member of BTS, my latest form of obsession. I made sure to shut down my laptop, before making  my way out of the office.

As I  passed by the long mirror that was in between William and I's office, I resisted  the urge to take a mirror selfie. I was looking beautiful as usual, and my blue up and down suit made me look sophisticated. I was a direct imitation of a working  class madam. But I was avoiding Williams, which meant that wasting even a second taking pictures no matter how hot I looked, was a big risk at seeing Willaims. I was not up for that, not even anytime soon. So I rushed by his office, casually ignoring the way his personal assistant who was designated just outside,  not too far from the elevator raised her brow. 

I was very sure they all believed that William and I were head over heels for each other. Which was the opposite of that, really, but no one cared to know. I waited calmly in front of the elevator and rushed in, giddily might I add. That was another escape from Willaims. I gave myself a mental pat on my head. I just needed to be this way till the wedding which was taking place in two weeks. And when the time of the wedding came, I was going to deal with it.

The smile that had been placed by both sides of my cheeks immediately wiped away as soon as I heard those words, alongside the deep voice that resounded with it.

"Hold please." Willaims voice reverberated through the space between him and the elevator. Never I had I ever prayed for an elevator to close quickly but I prayed with all my might that an elevator should glide their doors quick. I was losing it. But there was no way I wasn't going to hold the door because one; Simi, Willaim's personal assistants  was staring at us, and there was no way I was going to do anything that was going to spark rumors. That was what I was staying  away from, even at the moment.

So against my will, I held the elevator till he made his way inside. Immediately, my nose was swarmed with the beauty and the luxury of his presence. I once read something on Twitter about how men that smell really good are a blessing, and there was no way I could not agree width the statement at the moment. I could not place the cologne but it smelt like spice, and wood furniture. The smell was so seductive I was tempted to pull him close to me, and just continue to sniff him. That thought alone reminded me of how I had been in the reckless position a week ago.

I had smelt him just like this, my hands had been on his shoulders and the same hands that was now holding onto the handle that was placed at the edge of the elevator had been on my waist, pulling me to him. At a point, the same hands had also sneaked to my butt, and had snatched and squeezed it really bad. I closed my eyes. Thinking about that, within the close proximity with him was a bad idea. What was even more of a bad idea was the fact that I was turned on.

Willaims remained mute. His gesture didn't even seem like he noticed I was next to him. On the other hand, I was busy shaking like a jelly fish and he wasn't even staring at me. His face was stuffed right into his phone and he was tapping  really hard onto it. There was even a time he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. I wanted to avoid him, but the fact that was not paying  any attention or mind to me was making me feel irradiated. Maybe i had read too much into the kiss.

I was even sure that the words he had said about us making it work, and seeing how it'll go for a year had been from his tipsy mouth. That was when I realized that maybe he had been avoiding me too. I remember calmly, how he had barely  even spoken to me. In my own world, I had been the one ignoring and avoiding him. My mouth  shook in an exaggerated horror. I had been avoiding someone that did not even care about my existence. My mouth pursued automatically, and my face hardened against my will. I just wanted to get out of this elevator, get myself an ice cream and indulge Temi and Joey in a conference call to mock me.

I stared at the elevator floor and realized that we were still far from the third floor; where the cafeteria was situated. I had never had an elevator ride so long in my life. In resignation, I moved completely to the edge and rested on the handles.

My heart almost jumped out of my body when all of sudden, Willaims spoke.

"You've been avoiding me." His deep voice rammed through the elevator, making me shiver a little bit. I was literally behaving like a squirrel and he wasn't even at me yet, still. He was still staring at his phone, only he had stopped typing and I knew that he was concentrating on me now.

"Are you talking to me?" I managed to choke out, trying to compose myself and remind myself that I was a mature lady, and not just some coward. My body and voice seemed to have another decision because my voice came out weak.

"Are we four in here?" As sarcastic as ever, Willaims replied and I shook my head.

"I'm not avoiding you." I said simply, finally mustering up a bit of composure. Even I knew that was a big lie, but there was no way I was going to admit that I was avoiding him. That would only mean that I had been affected by the words he had said, and the kiss, which I was vehemently trying to prove wrong. I was fighting a lost battle, but I was not willing to back away now.

"Oh yes. You aren't avoiding me. I see that. And you haven't even looked at me since that night. Sure. We have been speaking to each other, and you tell me that you haven't been avoiding me. Sure." I could sense his irritation but I just remained mute.  There was nothing to say. Willaims finally removed his face from the his phone and I swallowed. It was literally  the both of us in the elevator, there was nothing to do, neither was there any form of escape.

"What do you mean? We kissed? I don't think I can- before I could complete my statement, I was on the walk with Willaims arms was beside my head on the wall. My eyes almost bulged out of my socket.

"Please don't play coy with me, that isn't what I want and need right now. I just need you to say it to my fucking face, why have you been avoiding me?" Willaim's voice was so low and hard that I gulped. I didn't know what was running through his head, but I was smart enough not to say anything to piss him off.

"So you decide to acknowledge this in the office? Nice." I said. And he chuckled, it was a bitter chuckle.

"I think I've given you enough- we both got interrupted by the ding of the elevator. Quickly, I pushed him away from me. But not quick enough from the sight of the co workers that were standing right in front of the elevator. I rushed out without looking at anyone.
So much for not wanting to spike up a rumor.

See you tomorrow:)

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