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*Recap from last chapter *

We stopped in front of my room and I gathered myself both mentally and physically. "Thank you, will. Goodnight." I said but he was unwilling to leave. That was when I noticed the hand that was placed on my hip. And the intense look raw in his eyes. The heat radiated off him and I was almost boiling. Everything in me was screaming 'kiss me' and when he moved closer, and my eyes fluttered shot, I almost gasped when he whispered, "I'm only going to kiss you when you aren't going to be expecting it and maybe then, it'd be memorable enough for you not to forget. Goodnight Jayde."

With that, he kissed my forehead and walked away. What in the world?



It rained, beautifully on the day, the weather had swept me right on my feet and I welcomed the alluring smell of the rain. Being little, there had always been something that fascinated me about the rain. The unavailability of the sun, disappearance of the brightness and the bristle rain drops as it pitters and patters from the sky, unto the ground.

My engagement.

Marriage hadn't always been a thing I had put much into consideration but, I always imagined myself happy, full of life and giddy with happiness of my supposed union. It felt like yesterday when the sun had shone, and I had thrown myself underneath the sky to enjoy the peace of the daylight—the same day when the remorseful news had been thrown into my skull.

I never fully understood it. I don't think I ever digested the fact  that I was getting married to a close stranger, a person  I barely had around, a soul I barely tasted, and a heart that even though it had  always portrayed the cold hearted to me, I found myself spotting a crush on. Maybe it was more than a crush right now.

The day of the engagement had finally rolled in and I think that was when I finally ate the decayed good, swallowed the bitter pill, that I was getting married to William. It felt really surreal I had to pinch myself several times.

Of course, Aunty had taken care of everything and I almost regretted her taking up the position because of the amount of people that I glanced coming and going out of our house, attending the engagement party alone.

What was this for Christ's sake?

I was cladded in a classy and beautiful peach gown that was sniffing the length of my knees. With silver earrings dangling on my ears, paired with a identical necklace. I looked classy but simple as I had made sure to instruct the make up artiste to go low on my face. I was also on silver stilettos.

"Jade? Where are you na? It seems like you are here, yet you aren't." Temi complained next to me and I fixed her a small smile. She was looking rather good and Joey was yet to arrive so I imagine she must be really bored out of her mind. I wasn't paying her any attention. I hadn't seen William since the beginning of the day and the thought of him had me a little nervous. Was he looking forward to being announced to be with me publicly? Was he going to come barging down here right now to demand a Aunty cancel the wedding? I could not know. For our sake, I hoped all was going to be well.

The party as much as people eased in and out was simple, with old couples and business associates of Aunty's and Uncles wishing me warm hearted congratulations everywhere I walked past. William had been silent and that only happened right when he had seen walk out of the house, when our engagement was publicly announced and till this moment. On few occasions, I caught him stealing glances at me and I was weirded out by most of all, the stupid butterflies that kept dancing in my tummy.

I was conscious of every move I made, and even whilst I was sipping champagne, I felt my fingers tremor and I shivered a little. He looked really good this night. More than how he usually did on a regular base and that was speaking a lot. He was in a blue tuxedo, a peach bow tie and instead of wearing a normal shirt underneath his tuxedo, he had opted for a black turtled neck shirt and I could say I was swooning. He looked really good. So did he lips.

Kill me.

"If it isn't the woman of the night." A very familiar voice whispered in my ears and I whipped and around and practically jumped on Joey. I hadn't seen him in forever. "Joeyyyyy, how are you? Omg, you look so good. I like your hair, what did you do to it to make it this curly?" I kept gushing on and on and kept admiring him, barely giving him a slave to breathe. I missed his presence.

"Jesus woman, I missed you too but that won't warrant you stepping on my chance of claiming a beautiful lady here today by ruining my hair." Joey laughed, swatting my hands away from touching his hair and I joined him too. He was also in a simple suit, looking handsome as always. It was his hair for me though. We spent minutes catching up before he headed in to pay his regards to Aunty and Uncle and probably to go look for Temi. Sigh, they never want to grow.

I sat on one of the chairs, sighing as my feet's released their assault on me. I swiftly grabbed another glass of champagne from a walking usher nearby. I spotted Lucas walking over to me and I gave him a little smile.

"Hi there, little miss bride to be." Lucas caressed my cheek and I laughed, swatting his hands away in a playful manner.

"I am definitely not little. And you know that." I said and he wriggled his brows, "or you think I do." He said.

"So how are you? How's the party towing on you. I don't see Mr CEO around." He questioned and although it had been a innocent question, my mind could not help but picture what Williams might be doing at the moment. Probably playing video games in his room, or playing his lips on another lady's own. I cringed.

"I'm fine. I don't know, I think he went to use the toilet. How about you? How are you? I didn't even know you were in the party all along. Sly!" I picked up my glass again and took another sip.

"Hehe. I was invited of course, as the older brother of the little bride."

"I've told you, stop calling me a little  and did you just sister zone me? Wow, wow way to go."

"You are little. Well, I did sister zone you but don't worry, what's the definition of incest again? We might be into that." Lucas smiled  and I half shuddered, half laughed.

"Eww, can't be me and you  are disgusting"

"I know I— Lucas's statement was interrupted by a presence. A scowling one at that. Williams stood tall, staring at me and Lucas. He stated, at me, my face, then my fingers that was hosting the ring, Lucas's face, his hands that were close to mine on the table. His scowl deepened.

"Hello durllling," William mimicked the darling, and I chuckled because it reminded me of James Brown. Not seeming pleased with that, he went again, this time hard, "Hey Jadyde, can I please have a word with you?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'll see you later." I regarded Lucas and walked away with William.

"No." He spoke as soon as we left the table.

"No, what?" I asked.

"No, you won't be seeing him later." His words came out hard and I wondered what was wrong with him.

"Like that is any of your concern." I huffed just as we walked into his room. That was when I realized, I was in in his room. How did I not notice?

Okay, breathe Jade, breathe.

"So, you wanted to see me for?" I asked while clearing my throat.

"I didn't want to see you for anything Jayde, I just wanted to get you away from that woman eater. He was all over you and you were laughing. Laughing! You haven't even smiled in my direction once today and I'm supposed to be the one marrying you. It's just so absurd we agreed to tolerate each other and yet, every chance you get, you run away from me, you don't want to be left alone with me. And I tell you, that makes it all more horrible. Why are you never care free with me? Why is it only when I get you mad I seem to get a reaction out of you? It's sickening, I won't lie." Williams finished and he was really breathing hard.

Did he really think I was that repulsed by him? Did he really think I did not want to be in the same room as him? He really thought that. I could not say anything but glance at him. He looked so good, furious and looking hot as hell. I almost forgot I did not like him. At that moment, he looked like my husband. I saw him as my husband. I just wanted to hurl myself  to him. And kiss away all his worries. He had nothing to worry about, really. He was looking so good and I was so turned on. My blood was boiling and he wasn't even touching me.

"Well, say something!" He pinned me with his gaze and I sighed.


"You must have misinterpreted me but I am not avoiding you. It's just that, most times, you make me nervous and I hate feeling nervous so I just want to be put a space with the feeling."

He didn't need to know I was nervous because I found him so attractive which I should not.

"Why do I make you nervous Jayde?" As he spoke, he moved closely to me and he was now standing right in front of me. My heart was shivering, sighing at the lust that was confirming in me. We were standing in front of the other, right in the middle of the room.

Oh Jesus

"I don't know. Your presence just makes me." I looked everywhere but his face.

I almost jumped as I felt his hands on my neck. Slowly, he used his hands to turn my head upward to look at him. He licked his lips, and automatically, my lips followed the gesture. Now I was thinking of licking his lips.

"Jayde. Why do I make you nervous?" He asked again and I could not breathe. Heat was flowing in and out within me, and my chest was dancing rapidly, and my blood was hot I could feel it in my veins. And I was grasping for breath.

Just when I thought I was going to collapse from the shocking intensity, William hands moved to cover my neck fully. He palms made a little space from my neck but his fingers remained by both sides of my neck and slowly, he dug into my skin and caressed the pleasure points plastered by the sides of my neck. I stopped breathing. I could swear my eyes almost crossed. Williams was choking me! And I struggled against myself. To stop myself from moaning.

My body on the other hand, won against the rational part of my mind and I found myself move closer to him. There was not a bit of space between us and William leaned down, his warm spicy breath fanning my ear. It stood up straight.

"Does this make you nervous?" He pressed on my pleasure points again and this time I could not help the moan that resonated out of me. He grinned. "He whispered into my ears, "you like this?" He asked and I found myself nodding.

His lips found my temple first. They peppered hot train of kisses down to my cheeks, my ear, to my forehead, leaving hot  trail of burns, he kissed every part of my face apart from where  I ached for him to touch the most. My heart was now hammering. I could feel a sweet and dull ache in deep within me, a place I didn't know existed. Sparks was swaying and wailing on every part of my body. And I was swimming. I could hear the pool of my deep breaths and his. And I was dying. And I could see myself on the floor, wriggling with pleasure all over me.

William angled his hands on my waist and whispered in my ears again. I was resisting the urge to shudder to his deep voice. "Use your mouth Jayde. Do you like this?" His tone was commanding. He was in control of everything and I not for a second, I did not mind.

"I do."  I said, no I gasped out. I was breathing hard. My lungs was constricted. William. His hands were  trailing over my body, holding me like the world is rolling right into tornado. His hands cup my boobs and I'm closing my eyes. I feel dizzy.

It's the first time I've ever felt this type of hunger. And I don't know what to do. I'm a moaning mess and I can't quench my hunger. I wanted him kissing me, I wanted him touching me, I wanted him making sweet contacts in unspoken places, I wanted his arms around my body, I wanted  my hands on his bare chest, I wanted him to consume me. I was floating, sighing in squirming burning, squirming pleasure.

And like he read my thoughts, he moved up to grab my hair, moving straight for where I was aching for him. Our lips almost touched when a knock reverberated, piercing our heated moment. I stopped breathing, alarmed.

I tried to scramble away from William  but his hands remained on my hair and he pushed me to him, hugging me. I was still breathing hard and so was he.

William sighed, then answered, "who's there?"

"William, come out here right now, Mr Faleye is here and your father is so eager for you to meet him. Don't forget the company as an impending contract with him." Aunts voice yelled across the door and she kept banging on the door.

William sighed again and looked at me. I was totally embarrassed was an understatement. He chuckled and whispered to my ears, "we aren't finished yet. No, we are yet to even start." He pecked my forehead and walked away. Leaving me.

Leaving me banging my head on the wall. Hard.

Hey yo. A late update but forgive me? xx

Anyways, I'm back and happy to share this chapter with y'all.

Tell me what you think of the chapter? Thank you!

Love  from Adesewa, xx. ❤️❤️

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