~Chapter 14. Big picture.~

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3ed person pov

•sometimes you just gotta enjoy the little things in life•

Aloha stands up and stares at the pink inkling girl as she rushes towards the middle. He recognizes her. He knows it's her.
"That's her. Octoglasses she's alive..."
His eyes go wide as he shakes her arm. His team looks towards the girl with the exact description of (y/n). It's her. They know it. She rushes up the other teams side. Moving to their spawn she is cut off by punk. She lets out a short gasp as he holds his weapon with a serious face.
She whispers out as she is shot in the head by the multiple shots of the splatling. Her mini squid ghost floats up into the air


Aloha rushes out of the stands. Their win was amazing. Team pinku wiped the floor with them. He starts looking around for the octoling girl. Who is more of an inkling now. He catches her glance and walks over to her.
"Hello🎶 what's your name babe?"
Her face changes. Has he really moved on from her 'death' so fast?
She says with a weird look. Aloha leans on the wall beside her.

"Man. You share a name with one of the most beautiful girls I've met."
He rolls his head back. A curious glance from the young octo.
"T-tell me about her."
She says. Showing almost no interest in his presence.
"Well. She was about your height. Her name was (y/n) like yours. Her ink colour was the most beautiful (I/c) ever. Perfect shade. She was so cute and amazing. I loved everything about her. Even the fact that she was an octoling. But.... she recently died..... it was horrible....."
He removes his visor and glances sadly at her.
"It made me sad because I couldn't live without her. I don't know how I could for about a week."

Her eyes widen as she looks at him.
"But I found her a few minutes ago."
"O-oh really?!"
She nervously plays with the bottom of her (f/g). Looking at her shoes.
"Oh yeah. And I hate how she tried to hide who she really is. A smart. Funny. Beautiful...."
He looks at her. Causing her to look back. Her eyes locked with his.
"....Octoling girl."
He slides her wig off her head. And drops it to the side. The whole room goes quiet as they look at her.
"T-this is a big mistake!!"
She says take I got a step back.

"I-I'm not her!! I-I swear!!"
Aloha steps forward knowing she's lying.
"Yes. You are."
He wipes her makeup off.
'Because there is only one octoling girl in this whole world who has my heart. And if she's an inkling, well then she doesn't really fit the picture now does she?"
He tilts his head with a smirk. The young octo takes another step back. Before stopping.
"And there is only one inkling who would be able to find me."
Engulfing him in a bone crushing hug, a few tears stream down her face. Her ink colour Turing back o the beautiful (I/c) it was before she threw the pink ink tank on.

Your pov.


Aloha is texting the others. I'm sitting on a bridge because him dangling my feet above glowing deep blue water. The moonlight being the only source of light. Minus Alohas inkphone. It got dark fast today. Me and aloha spend the whole rest of the day catching up about what happened. Apparently everything was very sad that I was quote unquote, 'dead'. Three koi fish swim along. Telling an enchanting story of themselves. Comfortable silence.

"So.... aloha...."
I splash some water off my toes as he looks up from his inkphone and over at me.
"Did you really mean all you said back then.... ya know.... about me?"
"I don't know..."
He says looking up at the large moon. I look down at my feet and sigh.
"Do you think I meant all I said back then?"
He says.with A genuine smile.
"I mean..... I hope.... because I don't want to say I think you did, and have it just be a stupid joke to get me all vulnerable."

He sighs and lays back on the stone arch bridge. Looking at the stars he smiles as he sees one shoot across the sky.
"Well I have a wish."
"What is it?"
I ask. Yeeting a pebble into the water.
"Well if I tell you it won't come true."
"Well I also have a wish. But I can't tell you ether."
"I didn't ask what it was though."
A stupid grin placed on his face. I sigh and smile as I shake my head.
"Well do you want to know?"

"Sometimes you just gotta enjoy the little things in life (y/n)."
"And stop looking at the big Picture. Because right now, it's just you and me."
"What's the big Picture...?"
More silence. This time he doesn't say anything. He just sits up and grabs a cherry blossom that was flowing calmly down the stream.
"I don't know. But this for sure isn't it. We could be asking so many questions. Like why are you magically still alive. But we're not."
"I still have no idea what you mean."
"Just... don't overthink this."
"Overthink wha-"

I can't even finish my sentence before he pulls me into a kiss. His lips are soft. His hands wrapped around my waist. When he pulls away I'm left dumbfounded.
"Did you just-"
He shrugs and looks back down at his feet. The koi fish are back. Only 2 this time.
"Hey aloha..."
"Did your wish come true...?"
"I'm not sure yet... did yours?"

I look away from him. He softly takes my hand into his. His fingers interlock mine.
"Listen... aloha..."
"What is your wish?"
More silence. He closes his eyes and smiles a soft smile.
"I mean.... a girlfriend would be nice."
He looks at me as I play with my tentacles.
"Okay then. You would be nice."
He says clearly as he looks at me. I choke on my spit.

Awkward silence this time.
"Tension is high. Will the young aloha win the heart of this fair lady? Or will he be rejected?"
Aloha narrated.
"She thinks for a bit before telling the hopefull boy her response."
He holds an air microphone to my face.
"Did aloha hear right? Did the young (y/n) say-'
I hug him tightly. He lightly kisses my neck and hugs back.

"So how many squiddos do you want?"
"My god- ALOHA!!"
I shove him back as he laughs.
"Hey! Just Looking out for our future babe!"
He winks and I roll my head back with laughter.
"What's going on here?"
I hear a voice say.

Alohas eyes widen. I look behind me to see.....
Gloves. His fists closed tightly. And he does not look happy.

Oop. Idk what to say here. But this story is not over yet lol.
Yeet yeet out fools
~Milkyfan xoxo

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