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A/N: This is going to be an Uncharted/ Tomb Raider-like story before, and this is the prologue which starts in Viking times, and then the next chapter will jump to the modern era. I'm gonna see how this turns out, if you guys like what you're reading so far, let me know because I am writing other stories at the moment, and if this doesn't work, I'll most likely finish it after I'm finished with my Darth Maul story. I not only want to write more modern AU stories for this fandom but I also plan on writing a story on Zephyr and Nuffink at some point in the future. Also, this story is going to be a crossover between Httyd and the Road to El Dorado. Anyway, enough rambling. Here we go!

(The North Sea— 1066 AD)

The pouring rain and raging winds made visibility hard, especially while sailing in the open ocean in the North Sea, but being Vikings was an occupational hazard. Nobody knew that better than Chieftain Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III of New Berk.

As his crew of Vikings rowed through the violent storm and churning seas, Hiccup narrowed his eyes as if he were looking for something. Thunderbolts stabbed the sea, and the chieftain looked to the heavens while chuckling nervously, Thor certainly was throwing quite the tantrum right now, and at this pace, it could kill him and his crew.

"Lord! Can you see the island you're looking for?" The helmsman barked out.

Wiping the water from both the sea and sky out of his eyes, Hiccup narrowed his eyes harder and was able to spot an island thanks to the flash of light from the lightning. "To the left! We'll find the island, helmsman!" Steering the ship to the left, the helmsman barked at the rowers to row the ship in the direction of the waves, which allowed them to reach the island in question without damage to their ship and loss of life from their crew.

Disembarking from his ship, Hiccup helped his crew get their ship onto the sand and made sure that it wouldn't drift out to open sea while they remained on the island to wait out the storm. Once their ship was secure, Hiccup and his men made their way to a cave, and once they had started a fire, they shrugged off their soaked fur cloaks and laid back against their bed furs.

"Thor is certainly angry tonight," One of the Vikings laughed breathlessly.

"Aye. I wonder what upsets him so," another Viking added.

Snorting softly, a third Viking wrung the water out of their hair. "Perhaps Thor has nothing better to do and delay our journey back to New Berk by another day." The other Vikings laughed lightly as they too wrung out water out of their long hair and clothes.

Hiccup, however, leaned against the mouth of the cave as he watched the trees and bushes being rattled by violent winds and pouring rain. The lightning echoed in his ears and despite his companion's talks of Thor, the chieftain couldn't help but think of his reptilian companion from when he was a boy, Toothless. It felt like a lifetime since the last time he saw the Night Fury, and thanks to threats like the deceased Grimmel the Grisly and the Northern Alliance, dragons who once settled with the Hairy Hooligans were forced to follow Toothless and the Light Fury into the Hidden World, where they would be safe.

"Everything alright, Hiccup?"

Turning around to lay eyes on one of his oldest friends and one of New Berk's best healers, Ana the Winter Rose. In another life, Hiccup could've seen him being with her, seeing as though she had always been by his side from childhood to adulthood.

"Fine, Ana, just... thinking about Toothless."

"Ah," standing by her friend's side, Ana tucked a strand of her brunette hair behind her ear before smiling. "You're not alone in missing your dragon, I miss mine too. We all do." Being able to read Hiccup like a book, Ana nudged him softly. "What else?"

Chewing on his lower lip, Hiccup stroked his beard before looking at his friend. "I was just thinking about the future and what will become of my bloodline throughout the ages." Looking outside, Hiccup continued. "I wish for the name Haddock to thrive and prosper long after I'm dust and bones."

Laughing softly, Ana took Hiccup's hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Hccup, your bloodline is secured. You and Astrid have incredible children who too will achieve fame and fortune."

"Zephyr and Nuffink are incredible, you're right. And I do not doubt that they will have children of their own and thus continue the Haddock bloodline. But I speak of a future where the world is very different from the world we live in now." Looking at his friend, Hiccup continued. "I never asked to be born as a chief's son, yet that was my fate. The Haddocks crave adventure, exploration, and venturing out into the great beyond, we were never meant to be rulers of men." Letting go of Ana's hand, Hiccup smiled to himself as he recalled all the adventures that he, Astrid, Ana, and the Riders of Berk had when they were younger. "I hope that the gods will allow my bloodline to no longer be rulers in the distant future, but instead, be the explorers we were meant to be."

Nodding in understanding, she knows this is Hiccup's greatest desire, and she had never seen him happier when the Vikings of Berk befriended dragons as well as exploring Dragon's Edge and what lay beyond the lands of the Barbaric Archipelago, as well as discovering new species of dragons. But ever since he had to take up the mantle of chiefdom, Ana could always see there was sadness in her friend; even though he was a free man, he was no longer free to explore beyond Scandinavia and see what else Midgard had to offer.

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few," Hiccup finally muttered before shaking his head. "Oh, to this day, those words that my father told me have stuck with me like an ingrown hair." Sharing a laugh with Ana, Hiccup pursed his lips before sighing. "I've sacrificed my dream to venture beyond our homelands to explore Midgard because I must ensure New Berk and the Hairy Hooligans thrive and I must ensure my family name lives on for generations to come."

"It will, Hiccup," Ana reassured with a warm smile. "It will."

Looking at the beauty beside him, Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "And how can you be certain that it will?"

"I believe the gods won't let your name become like a fart— here one moment and the next it's gone," she smirked. Laughing at her words, Hiccup composed himself when Ana grabbed him by the arms and spoke firmly. "Your family name will live on and I believe that the men and women who carry the Haddock name will leave a great mark on this world." Chuckling softly, Ana shrugged as she approached one of the fires. "The sun will soon set on the age of Vikings, but the name Haddock will live on. I guarantee it."

Now alone with his thoughts, Hiccup looked to the sky and murmured. "Well, I won't live to see what becomes of my family name," closing his eyes, he then uttered a brief prayer. "Allfather, I beg you, let not the weight of leadership prevent the future generation of my family from leaving their mark in this world."

The now forty-five-year-old chieftain knew that his children, Zephyr and Nuffink were already out in Midgard exploring the world and leaving their mark. Hiccup didn't blame them at all, they wanted to live life to the fullest while they could before they too would have to take the burden of chiefdom and ruling over the Hairy Hooligans.

Smiling to himself, Hiccup once more thought back on all the adventures and exploring he did in his youth and it brought him joy that his grown children were doing the same. He just hoped that those who would carry the Haddock name would seek a life of adventure, exploration, and thrill.

Despite already having visited the Hidden World as a young man, Hiccup wished to see more. A man by the name of Skulder the Archaeologist visited New Berk one month after the dragons had retreated to the Hidden World this man had explored a great deal of the Hidden World and spoke of nine realms within the Hidden World where dragons the likes of which the Vikings had never seen before reside in each of these realms. After telling his accounts and stories as well as showing Hiccup and the other Hairy Hooligans well-detailed and realistic drawings and sketches of these unknown dragons, it only fueled Hiccup's desire to visit these nine realms even more. Of course, being chief and because of his stubbornness, Hiccup was already planning such an expedition for the Hidden World with Skulder the Archaeologist leading the charge.

As Hiccup lay on dry, and warm bed rolls for the night, his one thought before sleep consumed him was that the name Haddock would be more than just that of a Viking chieftain, but that it would also be a name that craves the unknown and is willing to prove to others that this world has more to offer.

"The gods may demand that we follow their path, but only by our own will can we find our true destiny."

Hiccup murmured to himself with a smile, knowing full well that would act on his desire to explore the Hidden World and its nine realms before his life came to an end. And whatever he would find would surely be a story worth telling, and perhaps one day, those who carry the Haddock name into the future would day explore the Hidden World for themselves and learn that Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Chief of New Berk, and Dragon Rider of Norway, was a man who started at rock bottom and eventually found the gods favor and become so much more than he could've possibly imagined.

A/N: Again, this is just the prologue, the next chapter will jump into 2024, the modern era. Again, this story is a crossover with the Road to El Dorado, but by the end of this series, I plan on having the modern Hiccup Haddock find the Hidden World and the nine realms and find evidence that the Viking Hiccup Haddock and his family and friends explored the dragons ancestral home. Anyway, leave feedback if you want to see more!

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