I. Who's invited?

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Saturday, 7:30 P.M.

1 hour before the incident
"What do you mean the boys convinced you to go out?!" I queried, my phone laying on my bed, on speaker. "Z, you know I never say no to hanging out but these are the boys we're talking about. Why can't we just go to a normal party for your eighteen birthday like normal kids?" I collapsed on my soft bed, staring at the phone, waiting for a response.

"I just think that it's nice that they want to do something special for me. Cliff and London texted the others to meet them there," Zoey told me before taking a long pause. "What-a-say?"

I am her best friend after all and I can't leave her alone with them, I thought. It's just an amusement park that's not too far from here. What's the worst that could happen? "Okay fine. As long as you are driving."

"I'll be a little late since I gotta pick up a few stray passengers," she quickly said before hanging up. I made a face at the screen, who else could possibly be coming?


Saturday, 7:55 P.M

I glanced out the review mirror at the other two passengers who sat in the back of Zoey's silver Jeep. She put the Jeep into drive and we were off. I pressed the nearest station before whispering to Zoey. "When you said you had to pick up a few people, I didn't think Miles would be one of them."

Miles had always left the worst impressions but I wasn't sure why I was so surprised that Zoey brought him along. Zoey was the definition of friendly. I bet there wasn't a person that she didn't know which was why I was so lucky to her have her as my best friend.

"I'll have you know that I can still hear you," he remarked and sat forward so I could see him from the corner of my eye, "and I came because I was promised free food."

Zoey glanced at him and said, "Behind you, on the backseat, there are bags of chips." Miles scooted away and started to munch on a bag of Doritos without his seatbelt on, of course.

"You should put your seatbelt on," Penelope suggested to him but remained minimum eye contact with him. Penelope-Jane was normally a quiet girl or at least she was at school. She moved from France about two years ago and hasn't made too many friends in those two years. I watched the interaction between the two as Miles narrowed his eyes at her before turning away. In response, she rolled her eyes and mumbled something in French, "Ça m'est égal."

This is going to be a long ride.


Saturday, 8:45 P.M

The sun was gone leaving the sky a purplish-black color. The stars dotted the sky and it would have been for the sole in the distance. Our little group stopped and stared at the site. Across the way, bright flames consumed an old building. "The building is on fire?" I stated in confusion. "Wait. The building's on fire!"

"No shït," Miles scoffed.

Penelope let out a frustrated sigh as she stared down at her phone. "There's no service! I can't call 911!" She looked around then looked the burning building in the distance.

Maybe we shouldn't have came.

"We should look for the others and make sure they are alright," Zoey said. "It could have set itself on fire."

Penelope gave Zoey a weird look but didn't ask. We made our way to the burning building with our phone flashlights swinging around as we walked. The walk wasn't too far but by the time we arrived the others stood in a heated debate next to the burnt house. Zoey looked at each of us as we had approached.

"... I could ask the same about you!" Cliff barked back before groaning, his hands messaging his temples when he caught sight of us.

Zoey gave them a look as I watched the group circled around Cliff and an unfamiliar boy. "Is someone going to tell us what's going on?"

"Rhydian killed Hannah!"

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