V.I. A Game to Play

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Saturday, 11:05 P.M.

Zoey held onto the wire clippers as Miles walked just a few feet ahead of her. She could feel the tiredness starting to take control of her body but she shook it off. "We just need to find the others then we can finally go home... after we call the police," she said out loud.

Zoey's eye caught sight of a dark figure move behind a building suspiciously. The noise of the figure only caused her suspicion to spike. Zoey poked Miles which caused him to turn around with a glare but stopped once he heard the noise too.

"We should check it out," Zoey said as she started to walk towards it.

Miles looked at her like she was crazy and hissed, "That's probably how Hannah died. Exactly that's how all people in this exact situation die."

Zoey looked at him before continuing to walk towards the figure. She turned her flashlight off and crept towards the building. Miles growled but followed after her. The figure shifted around in a shed, their back towards them.

"On three," Zoey whispered to him.

Miles's eyes widen. "Not on three! What if they are the murder? They'd snap your body in a heartbeat!"

"Lower your voice!"

The figure closed the shed and started to walk away. Zoey emerged from the hiding spot with a wooden board. Miles knelt watching the interaction, unsure of what to do. In the end, he sat there waiting to see what would happen to her. Zoey raised the board over the figure before swinging it against their head.

The figure fell to the ground clutching their head. "Ow! What the heck dude!"

"London? What... what are you doing!?" Zoey dropped the board and knelt down to look at him. She shined the light on him and he brought a hand up to block the light from his eyes. Miles continued to watch but came out of the hiding spot to get a closer look.

London continued to hold his hand on his head but stood up leaving Zoey to slowly stand up. She slowly grabbed the board but London placed his foot on it. "No. You are not hitting me with that again." He kicked the board away and scratched his head in pain.

"London, are you okay?" she asked. He shook his head then changed to nodding instead. "Where are the others, London?" He watched her for a second before pointing to the attraction that was next to them.

Miles picked up the wire cutters that Zoey had put down and walked over to them. London watched Miles come into view before looking at them. "I was trying to turn the lights back on but I'm having trouble. Do you mind helping me?"

Zoey nodded. "Of course. Whatever you need."

"Maybe not whatever you need," Miles added.

London laughed and pointed to the electric box. "Whatever I do it won't turn back on." He steps in showing them what he was doing. He flicked a switch and nothing happened. "I think the wires are cut but I can't seem to pull the hatch open. It's really rusty."

Miles rolled his eyes and pushed London out of the room. He cracked his fingers before pulling on the hatch.

"Here let me help," Zoey offered as she also pulled on the hatch. Just as they pulled it open everything went dark. "Hey!" Zoey yelled as she tried the doorknob on the door. She looked at Miles who angrily pounded on the door.

"London, open this door up!"


Saturday, 11:13 P.M.

Iris watched as Tessa and Rhydian drag out Cliff's body. Carlie and Penelope-Jane in front of them to help lead the way. Iris stared in horror and turned away. She took deep breaths to keep herself from crying.

Anastasia slowly made her way to Cliff. She placed a hand on his and finally allowed the tears to fall. She slid her hand across his eyes to close them with respect.

Rhydian felt his heart pull slightly at the sight. He cleared his throat while avoiding eye contact with the body and said, "What should we do with Cliff?"

"There's a dumpster out-" Tessa started.

"A dumpster!" Anastasia interrupted. "Cliff dies and the first thing you think of is dumping him in the dumpster!"

Penelope-Jane eyebrows furrowed together. "Eso est sospechoso, Tessa. That's something a killer would say and do."

Tessa ran a hand over her face before trying again, "There might be trash bags in or near the dumpster which is out back. We can place Cliff inside so his body is not rotting."

Iris who continued to have her back turn nodded. "Yes. That would be lovely."

The group left Cliff on the ground and walked along the side of the building, which wasn't very far. Carlie pointed at the dumpster and quickly went to check it.

"There are no bags in here but there is an old rug of some sort," she called to the group that stood watching her.

Tessa whispered to the group, "I'm so glad we have someone that voluntarily wanted to dumpster dive."

"Nobody said she was smart," Anastasia said.

Penelope-Jane looked at them. "Nobody said she was dumb either."

Carlie dragged a thin rug out of the dumpster and wiped her hands on her black jeans. She took off her beanie to shake off the dust before placing it back on her head. "I could use a hand carrying this back." The group looked at one another not wanting to touch the rug. Anything could possibly be growing on it. Carlie growled and picked it up. "Why do I have to do everything? You two basically picked up a dead body. This is nothing!" she told Tessa and Rhydian.

"She does have a point," Anastasia told them.

Yelling came from a distance and the group looked at each other confused. Pounding caused the shed to shake and Carlie dropped the rug to check it out.

"Hello! Are you guys deaf or something!?" A male yelled.

"Be nice, Miles! We want them to help us!" A female told him as they approached.

"Miles? Zoey?" Carlie asked.

Penelope-Jane eyes widened. "We have to get the door open!"

"Or we could leave them in there," Tessa and Anastasia said at the exact time. To which Iris glared at them.

Rhydian pulled out the crooked crowbar and started to work on the door. The door creaked open and the two walked out to look at the group.

"Thank goodness you guys were here. I don't think I could have spent another minute in there," Zoey said before looking at Miles. "Not that you were annoying or anything."

"You don't need to sugarcoat your opinions," Miles told her.

Penelope-Jane looked at them confused. "What were you doing in there?"

"London... he's the murder," Zoey told them.

Anastasia looked at them unimpressed. "I'm pretty sure if he was the murder he would have killed you. Not lock you up. Besides we watched him die. Tell them, Tessa."


Part 2 coming soon

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