Chapter 5

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"Let go of me! Let- go-!"

Auburnsky, dragging Flare by the scruff of the neck, entered the camp. A scared-looking Dream followed, ahead of Fallenpaw.

Elmstar, as majestic as ever, came out from his den. "Auburnsky? What- what is this?"

She gritted her teeth. "Flare. Can I let go, or will you run away?" The ginger she-cat grunted. "Okay! Yes! Please! Let go!" Auburnsky let her jaw drop, Flare dropping to the ground. She stood, running towards the exit desperately. Dream stuck out a paw, sending Flare sprawling. "Flare." She glared at the younger cat warningly. Flare rolled her eyes, sitting with an angry grunt.

"Dream." She spat out the splotched cat's name with such disdain, she probably wouldn't have spat out poison any more enthusiastically. "Tell them what you told us."

Dream's green eyes shifted around. By now, a group of cats had gathered. Marbledove had her tail wrapped protectively around Moonkit and Stagkit. Smokeypaw, Nectarpaw and Sunnypaw were clinging to each other, right near Sparkpaw and Wolfpaw. Ravenjaw had planted himself loyally next to Auburnsky, looking angry despite the fact he had nothing to do with anything and was just another side character who happened to be in love with Auburnsky for the purpose of another sad soul when Auburnsky inevitably- Dream gulped.

"W-well... We were with some friends, and then... there was a fire. We were separated. And then I met some cats. Th-they called themselves the true clan cats. They said there was a group that they needed to find. They said they were cowardly. They wanna find you- they wanna destroy you. They had names. R-redheart...  Creekbreeze... Ivystar. Oh! And... Goldenwing, and Sootfall, and... augh! There were so many of them, I can't possibly remember them all!"

Elmstar nodded thoughtfully, eyes emotionless. "Marigoldsplash. Auburnsky. And... Fallenpaw, Smokeypaw, and Nectarpaw..." He paused. "And Sunnypaw. My den. Now."

The six cats followed Elmstar into the den nervously, sitting in a ragged line.

"Marigoldsplash. Any advancements on the...?" Marigoldsplash shook her head, trembling lightly. He bit his lip, nodding.

"Auburnsky. Have you seen any more...?" Auburnsky nodded. "There was one, but it wasn't..." Elmstar nodded. "We have to hope not."

"Fallenpaw. Have you begun to feel a certain pull towards the cliffs?" "No..." She practically whispered, lying through her teeth.

"Smokeypaw. Have you been hearing... voices or strange sounds?" She shook her head stiffly. Fallenpaw watched with narrowed eyes.

"Nectarpaw. Is the herb storage full?" He blinked, looking slightly jealous at the fact that everyone else was getting philosophical questions and he was sitting there like a dead bug, with such a simple question. "Yeah."

"Everyone, out. Now. Except Sunnypaw." They nodded, leaving Sunnypaw with the towering leader.

Smokeypaw hastened out of camp, Fallenpaw bounding after her. "Smokeypaw! Smokeypaw!" The older apprentice sped up, navigating through the forest at a steady pace.

"Smokeypaw! Stop!" Smokeypaw sped up even more, to the point where Fallenpaw was sprinting desperately after her. Suddenly, Smokeypaw went barreling into a patrol emerging from the bushes.

"Smokeypaw!" Sugarspots exclaimed, Valleyfrost and Rushpond looking on skeptically. 

"Oh, just... hunting."

"Apprentices shouldn't be out on their own."

Rushpond butted in. "Surely Smokeypaw is old enough to take care of herself... and... Fallenpaw."

Smokeypaw nodded gratefully. "Thank you."

As the patrol continued on, Rushpond called over his shoulder, "Don't let me down, kits!"

Smokeypaw turned around to glare at Fallenpaw. "Fine! What do you want?"

"Don't you think what just happened in Elmst-

Smokeypaw glanced after the retreating patrol. "Can we talk about this somewhere else?"

"Absolutely. Erm- cliffs?" Smokeypaw nodded.

They walked for a while when Smokeypaw perked up. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"


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