Chapter 11

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The girl laughed at my expression. "We've all passed, don't worry. We're just waiting for Mr. Range to bring the last few people in. How do you think you did?" Without waiting for my answer, she continued "I think I did alright, I mean, I kinda took a really long time to solve the riddles because I didn't know them and I'm really bad at riddles. I just wish that-"

The boy next to her cut her off. "My name's Corim 11906, of The Rain Branch. This is Lisa 11909. She tends to talk a lot when she's nervous, don't mind her."

I shook the hand he extended. "I'm Nara 4819."

The four of us, Corim, Lisa, Zharko, and I chat for a while, quickly becoming friends. Lisa is more physical, it seems, while Zharko, though he is not smart in a scholarly way, is good with people and Corim is a budding genius. I mention this to him, and he blushes, embarrassed, muttering something.

Lisa laughs. "I call him Einstein. There was this genius, a really long time ago, named Einstein. He-"

Before she can continue with her history lesson, the same door where I came in opens and a short girl is ushered in, followed by Mr. Range and Ivy. Everyone stops talking. The girl slides into a seat next to Corim. She seems to be younger than fourteen, although she couldn't be. 

Mr. Range walks up onto the stage. "Quiet please." There is no need for this, because we have fallen silent, all eyes facing him. He clears his throat. "Everyone here has taken and passed The Mending." Here he stops, and a few raggedy cheers rise up. He looks the same as he did before my test: bored, as if he couldn't care less about this. 

"However," He continues "Some of you passed with flying colors, and others barely made it. Those empty seats? The people who should be sitting there failed their test." I gulped as I realized what he meant. Those kids are dead. "18 of them, to be exact."

Next to me, Zharko is grinding his teeth furiously, his fists clenched.

"Which leaves us with the 66 of you. How well you scored will determine where you go to work. Your initiation will not be here, but your results will be. Remember, what you get cannot be changed, do not complain. Keep in mind what happened to those who were not strong enough to complete The Mending."

Suddenly Zharko leapt up. "Filthy, murdering cad! How can you say that? We had friends who died!"

Startled by Zharko's outburst, I grab his arm and try to pull him down. He shakes me off. "My best friend Loke was one of them. He was like a brother..." He sobs angrily. 

Mr. Range merely nods and watches his actions. Then he preforms a curious gesture: holding his fourth finger by the base and spinning, as if twisting a ring, then tapping his palm. Zharko continues to shout.

Suddenly metal cords spring out of his chair, pulling him back into it as if they had a mind of their own. They bind him to it and gag his mouth. He struggles for a moment before realizing that it's pointless. 

Mr. Range sighs. "Unfortunately, sometimes we have someone like this one here, Zharko 6085. He is now considered under temporary arrest and will be treated as a miscreant until he has decided to shape up. Anyone else?" 

We sit, frozen into shock.

He continues "I thought as much. Ivy? Have I forgotten anything?"

She adds on to his speech, but contrary to his tone, she seems almost apologetic. "The top two finishers will have a few jobs to pick from. Here are the results."

A hologram-screen floats in the air. Quickly I scan the list for Nara 4819. I didn't see my name. I continued to work my way up the list, but only when I look at the top, do I see it:

#1 Nara 4819 

Time: 4:59:68.42

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