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Link's POV

I got dressed into my gym clothes. It was a gold shirt with the words Hylia High, and blue shorts with our names on a small white square on the bottom left.

I walked out and saw Zelda. She was sitting with Urbosa, the guy that helped me earlier, the Zora in our first period, and some Rito that didn't know how to put on his clothes.

I stared at them for a second, then walked to the other side of the bleachers by myself. I could feel everyone's gaze just felt like a needle poking me over and over.

I say down and stares at the gym teacher, he looked like the Zora girl.

"Ok class, today we will be playing dodgeball!" Everyone cheered and the teacher smiled. "Ok, so do y'all wanna do same teams or new ones?"

Everyone wanted to do same teams. Then some girl called, "Link's on my team!"

I looked over at her, she was wearing heavy makeup and smirking at Zelda. My assumption is that she hates her.

I walked up to the teacher and signed, "I don't wanna be in her team."

He nodded and whispered to me, "Don't worry, I thought she would call you. So I'm gonna put you on the opposite team. The team captain is Daruk."

I grinned at the teacher and nodded. "Ok Cia, Link is gonna be on the opposite team, so sorry about that," he whispered so softly that only me great hearing could hear, "Not sorry. . ."

Everyone ran to their sides of the gym and huddled with their teams. I walked to where I was supposed to go and just stood off to the side. "Little guy, you gonna join us?"

I shook my head knowing that it was Daruk, the guy that helped me. A few minutes later, we started.

As everyone around me got out, I was dodging and catching balls. It was too easy compared to where I went before.

My mind went into autopilot as soon as everyone on my team were out. There was about 20 people on the other team. "Easy," I thought.

One of them threw their ball at me and I caught it, "One down."

Several threw there's at me at the same time. I flipped over them and threw the ball I caught at another guy. Everyone that was out started cheering and going crazy. "OHHHHH!!"

I grinned, I was just showing off at this point.

I flipped some more, caught more balls, and got more people out. Then there was only one person left on the other team.

From everyone's shouting he was the best one here. "Let's go Groose," the other team cheered.

"You're going down new guy!" I felt like provoking him and just shrugged.

His face grew cherry red and he threw balls as hard as he could at me. They were too fast to catch, and if I did catch one, I'd probably drop it.

"Hmm." I picked up two balls and threw one, as soon as I threw that one, I threw another one right behind it.

Groose dodged the first one and when he looked at me, all he got was a face full of dodgeball.


I felt like writing. 🤯 Woah! Anyway, here's da next one. 551 words here and I'll see y'all next time! Svages out

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