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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter best girl Ravel (Sorry) transferred to Kuoh academy and joined the ORC.


POV: You

Part 1.

The ORC are training for the up and coming rating game in a space field under the Gremory territory, it's kind of like a different dimensional space but it isn't. Their is purple brick ground as far as you can see, with a sky that has no sun but it had clouds of sorts. I was by myself in my balance breaker form, trying to get used to the Hands of the Abyss, It's hard to use four arms when I've only had two arms my entire life. The hands just floated there with my duel sword in front of them, it was hard enough to get them to appear since when they appeared back in Kyoto it just happened.

I sighed "This is fucking impossible"

[Do you need my help?] Rex asks me.

"Why are you just asking me now after 2 hours of trying to use them?!" I say to Rex with a frustrated tone.

[I thought you would of figured it out by now, you figure most things out easily] Rex tells me.

"It's obvious that this isn't one of those things" I tell him.

Rex sighs then tells me [Instead of trying to pretend that you've always had four hands, imagine that you have four hands. Use your mind to envision what you want to do with the hands]

"You should of told me that earlier" I state.

I close my eyes and tried to do what Rex has told me to do. I envision with the hands, picking up the swords from the ground. I imagined my set swinging them around, and I could hear the swords being swung as I had my eyes closed. I hear a slight yelp, I opened my eyes and saw Ravel in front of me with one of my swords pointed at her face. I immediately made the hands disappear and desummoned my swords then my balance breaker.

"Are you okay?, did I hurt you?" I asked her with a worried tone.

"N-No, I'm alright, I got spooked when I was trying to approach you" She tells me.

"Oh" I replied while relaxing a bit "Is there something you need?"

"I overheard your conversation with Rex about your extra hands. Since you could use your mind to control the hands, you'll be able to attack from angles the enemy wouldn't be able to easily block or evade" Ravel tells me a bit nervously.

"Thanks for the advice Ravel, I'll keep that in mind" I replied.

"No problem, I'm trying to help where I can" Ravel says.

"Alright, are you all wrapped up over here?" Rias says as she walked over to me and Ravel.

"Yeah, we heading home already?" I asked.

"We have a press conference tomorrow, we have to be careful that we don't over do it. After all it's important that we look good for the cameras" Rias explained with a smile.

"Great, more press....Fan girls are already trouble some enough" I state sarcastically.

"You won't need to worry about any fan girls being there, only the press" Rias assures me.

"That still doesn't change how annoying the press can be" I replied "They're like immature children"

"Well I can't say that your wrong but never the less, let's go home" Rias says.

Part 2.

It's the next day and the Gremory Peerage are at a high class restaurant in the Gremory territory. This is where the press conference would be taking place. We are in the dressing room, getting ourselves prepared. Lily, Emma, Yuuma, and mom aren't included in the conference for obvious reasons of not being official pieces let alone actual pieces. At the moment, Rossweisse and Asia were getting some light touches of makeup on their faces while the rest of us were waiting for the conference to start. Koneko was sitting on my lap while eating some sort of cake, Kiba and Gasper sat on another couch together, Rias and Akeno were chatting away as they sat by a window over looking the city, and for Xenovia, she was standing behind my waiting patiently. Issei was sitting by himself on a different couch, watching as Asia was getting her makeup done.

"So Gasper, have you decided whether your going to wear your girls uniform to the press conference later?" Kiba asks Gasper after drinking a sip of tea.

Gasper sat their nervously "W-well Maybe, it would be strange to wear a boys uniform after all this time. Still though I don't think it will make me less nervous" Gasper then jumps into the his box which was on top of the coffee table in front of us "Ah, don't want to go anymore,I can't stand the sight of everyone looking at me during the stupid conference!"

The door of the dressing room opens and a older gentlemen that was apart of the staff walks into the room "Everyone, it's almost time" He says. We all leave the room and followed the staff member

"Hey bro, how are you not nervous about all this?" Issei asks me as we walked.

"For me it's no different from being at school, theirs always someone looking my way" I tell him.

"Isn't that uncomfortable?"

"Only if you constantly remind yourself that there is someone watching you" I tell him.

He sighed "I should of expected that kind of answer from you"

"What's up?, good to see you guys" We hear a familiar voice say and we see Saji and the rest of the Sitri peerage excluding Sona and Tsubaki.

"Hey Saji, What are you guys doing here?" I asked him.

"You seriously don't know?, we have a rating game the same day as you guys do" Saji explained to me "And yet not as many people know about it, I'm not surprised really. It seems the whole underworld is excited for your fight"

"Sorry about that" I say.

"Don't sweat it" He says "Well I got to go"

"Okay, see ya" I replied.

"I feel bad for them, our game is over shadowing their game"

"We should continue on our way" Rias says.

"Of course"

We walked to a double door and on the other side was slightly noisy and the sound of a gentleman on the other side over a mic.

"Thank you for waiting, and now we are proud to welcome the Gremory family" The man says in the other side and the double doors in front of us open.

We started to walk to our assigned seats that had our names on a placket in demonic lettering. The press took what seemed like an endless amount of pictures which was extremely annoying.

"Alright, both families are present so let's begin. First let me introduce the kings of each family. Now each king will have the chance to comment on the up coming match. Sairaorg will go first followed by Rias so please reserve any comments for afterword. Lord Bael, please start" the Announce said..

"Yes, thank you. Well then, I guess I'm just really excited for this battle to begin. I intend to fight the Gremory family with all my strength. that's it for me" Sairaorg said as he had his arms crossed.

Rias then put on a smile "I'm so honored to be fighting against the bail family and I'm looking forward to an interesting match. Although he is considered top ranking among the younger devils, I have no intention on losing. In fact, I plan to win"

"Thank you everyone, next up, we'll open the floor to questions from the press. Whose first?" The announcer says.

A woman then raises her hand "I will. I have a question for the next rising star, the grab-in dragon Issei Hyoudo!"

"U-umm, Yes?" Issei replies nervously.

"So, whose breast will you be poking to power up?" The woman asks and I could see that Issei was internally shocked and had no clue what to say "and is it true that you have used this technique in other dangerous situations?"

I could only internally face palm, not at Issei but this woman who would ask such a question, I guess that's what the underworlds most important question.

"Well, when you put it like that..." Issei says with no other words to say or explain.

"I need to help him out before the press fry his brain"

"If I may intervene I would like to say something" I say and their press focus on me.

"Go ahead" She says.

"The three heavenly dragons all have their own way of doing things and powering up in specific situations, Issei's just happens to be breasts" I tell them.

"Then what would your's be then?" A older looking gentleman says.

"Mine is without its faults, Who I care for is what drives me" I replied.

"Mr. (L/n), is the rumor that you've gained a new ability while on your recent visit to Kyoto true, and if it is will you be using it in the up coming game?" A young man asks me.

"Whether I did or didn't would not matter for the upcoming game. Strategizing on how to use a new move for this upcoming game would not be any use and would just waste precious training time. This match is about two families of power and brute strength" I tell the man "If you wish to talk about strategy then the Sitri vs. Agares press conference is down the hall and they deserve popular coverage as well"

The press are shocked by my statement, it's not like it was wrong or insulting. The press then start to clap and take photos which made me a bit confused since press back in the overworld would flip their shit. The announcer then starts to motion for the press to quiet down.

"Now now everyone, let's carry on with the questioning" The announcer says

Part 3.

It's the next day after school and I'm in the ORC room reading a news article from the underworld about the conference yesterday. On the front page was a picture of both sides of the panel with 'Gremory Vs. Bael' in bold lettering. The door opens then Kiba, Issei, and Gasper walk into the room.

"Hey guys" I say "So Gasper, how are Ravel and Koneko doing?"

"Well, fine besides the whole fighting like cats and chicken thing" Gasper replied.

"I see, though I'm still don't understand why there at eachother like this" I said with a sigh.

"But, even though she complains the whole time I've noticed that Koneko still helps Ravel out and while she usually has a comeback ready, Ravel foes seem to listen to Koneko's instructions"

"Jealousy can bring out the worst in just about anyone" We hear Azazel say as he walks into the room "That's why they can't help butting heads like that"

"That doesn't really explain why their butting heads, their both dating me" I explained then sight "Girls are confusing sometimes"

"I wish I could be helpful to Ravel in the same way Koneko is but I can't even support someone in battle, I don't know where I would start if I had to help someone like that. I'm the most useless person ever" Gasper says in apologetic tone as he had his hands clasped together.

"Gasper" I say and walked up to him and he pays attention "Listen to what I'm about to say Gasper"

Gasper nods "ahuh"

"Rule 1. As a man of the Gremory household you always put everyone else before yourself, especially the girls. Got it?, now repeat it back to me" I tell him.

"Umm, well, - real man always puts everyone else before himself" Gasper answered back.

"Rule 2. A real man stands up tall no matter what the situation is" I tell him.

"Right, a real mans stands up tall no mater the situation"

"And Rule 3. No matter what, you never ever give up" I tell him.

"No matter what happens, don't give up ever!" He says.

"If you ever get scared, just remember that you are apart of the Gremory family" I say.

"Right, I promise to do my best" Gasper says.

"Sounds good in theory, but let's see how it goes yes? Start with baby steps" Azazel says.

"Can you not be a dick" I tell Azazel.

Then all of the girls walk into the room, except mom who was doing teacher stuff "Alright everyone, let's get to the meeting"

{Time Skip}

After a long meeting over Sairaorg's peerage we got back to work on the maid cafe stuff.  Azazel and Rosseweisse has to go finish what ever the needed to finish as teachers. A crest then appears on the coffee table in front of Ravel as she did some sowing.
Out of the crest, a small holographic figure of a woman with blond hair in a red dress appears. A resemblance between the woman and Ravel were their drill shaped hair.

"Good afternoon Ravel dear" The woman says.

"Mother!" Ravel says, a little shocked.

"Are Rias and the Green Dragon Emperor available by any chance?" Mrs.Phenex asks.

"Well hello there Aunty, it's been quite a while" Rias says as she stood behind the couch behind Ravel.

"Indeed It has been Rias, your look well" Mrs. Phenex says.

Ravel's mother turned my way as I walked up to the coffee table "Hello Mrs. Phenex, my name is (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you"

"So your the Green Dragon Emperor, it's so nice to meet you as well, I've heard many wonderful things about and I feel so rude that I can't be there to meet you in person" She says

"It's not a problem Ma'am" I replied "There was something you needed from me?"

"Oh yes, it wasn't anything too important. I just wanted to introduce myself, even though it's not in a more proper manner" Mrs. Phenex says.

"Seriously Aunty, please stop worrying about it. We're happy to see you how ever we can" Rias says.

"Thank you Rias" Mrs. Phenex says and looked at me "I did want to ask Mr. (L/n) take care of my daughter while she's attending your school"

"That was the plan from the beginning Mrs. Phenex" I say.

"Of course, naturalistic that is reassuring However I'm asking you to protect her from the various evils of the human world specifically" She tells me "If the Green Dragon Emperor is famous for his numerous, distinguished victories stays by my Ravel's side, then my husband and I will be able to feel better at ease while she is away from home. And we can hope for good news"

After hearing that I chuckled to myself a bit "You won't have to worry Mrs. Phenex. That's exactly what I signed up for when I became your daughter's boyfriend. She will forever be safe while at my side" I say to Mrs. Phenex and Ravel starts to blush brighter then a Christmas tree.

Mrs. Phenex giggled a bit at her daughters blush "Thank you so much" She says then Looks at Ravel "And as for you Ravel dear, be on your best behavior alright , make sure you always listen to Rias and always follow her example. Study hard to learn as much as you can about the human world and make our family proud"

"Of course mother" Ravel replied as the blush on her face started to fade.

"There's one more thing I would like to ask. Mr. (L/n), do you wish to become a high ranking devil some day?" Mrs. Phenex asks me.

"If the day comes that I become a high ranking devil then I wouldn't mind it at all. Why do you ask?" I replied.

"It just so happens that my daughter has returned to my family. I conducted a trade with Riser for her, as such there was something I wanted to let you know. Right now she is available, keep that in mind" Mrs. Phenex says.

"I had that in mind already Ma'am" I replied.

"Thank you, what a relief" Mrs. Phenex says with some excitement "Well then, Good day everyone"

After that the holographic figure of Mrs. Phenex sinks into the Phenex crest on the coffee table before the crest it self disappears. I feel a tug on my left sleeve and I look to see Koneko with pout on her face while her car ears and tail were out.

"Your going to pay for boosting the fried chicken's ego" She tells me straight before turning the other direction.

"Hey!, I told you I'm no fried chicken!!" Ravel tells Koneko.

"Fine then, how about seafood for dinner" I say and Koneko's tail started to swing side to side little by little "How about shrimp?" I questioned and her tail started move more excitedly " Alright, Shrimp Fettuccine it is, with extra shrimp just for you"

"Your lucky you know my favorite food" Koneko says while acting some what mad while the rest of us knew she was anything but mad at the arrangement.

"Every day's is never a dull day"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. Sorry it took way too long to make this chapter. So with as a apology, here is a little problem solver for you guys for some fun.

When the reader becomes a high ranking devil who will his peereage consist of? One Queen, Two Knights, Two Rooks, Two Bishops, and Two pawns.






If you collectively are able to put the name of the girls that will be in the peerage in their correct place then I'll make something small that will be from the far future in this book.

(Hint: All the girls that will be the peerage have been in this book before this point in time. Also keep in mind future canon in the light novels)

This is all in good fun. Until next time, bye.

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