Deadly Sports and Familiars

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Hello everyone it's me rg808guy and here is another chapter for the ones who like my story and vote for it. So now let's get to the new chapter.



Part 1.

It was the next day. You were walking the girls to their classes. You were suprised ever since you woke up they didn't try to suduce you in any way, we'll except that if you are in the room and Koneko's their also when you sit down she will sit on your lap but you didn't mind it. Especially when your driving Koneko will sit on your lap like yesterday.

When you arrived at Rias and Akeno's class they gave you peck on the lips and walked in to class. You just stood their because you still can't figure them out as you said.

"See you two at the gym for club sports festival"

And when you got to Koneko's class you got on one knee because you knew she was problubly going to give you a peck on the lips also. You then said.

"Koneko I'll see you at the gym"

"Ok (Y/n) bye nya~"

"What did I say about cat stuff at school"

"Sorry" she says that with the expression as if she had her ears out they would be pointing down.

You then pat her head a little bit and say goodbye to her as she walks in to her class.

You and Lily walked to your class with Lily and you got to your desk and Lily got on her toes and gave you a peck on the lips to. Then she walked to her desk while she tried to hide her blush. You then thought in your head.

"Why can I not figure them out. What did I do for this to happen. It's not like I mind them doing this but I'm just so confused"

Then Issei and his perverted side kicks came to your desk.

"Yo (Y/n) how are you and the girls" Issei asked.


"Just fine!!!!, you got the 3 most popular girls in school and you have the inoccent Lily also" Matsuda said.

"Yeah just fine, nothings changed for like the past half week, they sleep with me in my bed and they make breakfest sonetines. But now that I think of it if I'm in the room Koneko now sits or lays in my lap" you said that with your hand on your chin.

"WHAT!!" The three of them yelled then Issei continued " they sleep with you in bed, make you breakfest and Koneko sits on your lap. That's suppose to be me I'm suppose to be the harem king"

"Issei you got Asia and I think that's all you can handle at the moment"

"Why to you say that"

"Do you remember when I was telling my story to the student council. You were looking at Rias and Akeno with lewd and perverted faces and Asia grabbed the bible she had in her bag and hit you really hard in the side of the head"

"Yeah, my head still hurts from that"

"That gives me the point that you can barely handle Asia let alone a harem"

After you said that the bell rang and the club part of the sports festival has started.

Part .2
The dodge ball game of the ORC Vs. The Student Coucil was about to start. We were all stretching. Akeno was helping Asia stretch, Koneko was trying to help Issei but he was looking at Akeno and Asia with a lewd face so koneko pushed on his back hard which caused him to scream in pain. And You helped Lily stretch while Kiba and Rias were stretching by their selves. Then when you and the others were done stretching Issei gave everyone all head bands. While saying.

"Here I made these so I don't hit any one one of our teammates"

Then the whistle blew which signaled that the game was going to begin. When the game started Rias and Akeno took out two people. Then Koneko gets hit in the boobs. You catch a ball which brought her back in the game. You calculated the people to see how many people you could take out at once. You then threw the ball but you didn't control the power of the ball causing it to make a sonic boom. The ball took out three people at once.

Sona then got the ball and threw it hard and hit Issei strait in the nuts. He then fell to hid knees and was wheezing. Rias orders Kiba to take Issei out side so Asia could heal him. Saji was laghing his brain out. You a ball in your hand so you threw it with uncontrolled power aiming at his crotch. The ball made a sonic boom and hit him right in the balls.

After he got hit he just fell over and didn't move but just wheezed.

{Time skip}

The game was over and the ORC won. Saji became unconscious and had to be carried out of the gym.

Part 3.

It was almost midnight. Everyone was in the club room waiting till midnight. Earlier the others showed you their familiaes. Rias has a bat that can transform into a girl actually the flyer girl you and issei saw when you got the flyers, Akeno had an imp that could multiply and shape shift, Kiba had a bird, and Koneko had a white cat suprisigly.

At the moment Kiba was reading like always, Rias and Akeno were playing chess, Issei was sleeping and Asia was sleeping next to him, Lily was sleeping next to you while leaning on you, and Koneko was laying on your lap sleeping. She would purr in her sleep sometimes even saying your name while before, during, after she purred. You just left it at that.

{Time skip}

It was about turn midnight and everyone was awake and standing in a teleprtation circle Akeno was making. Then everyone teleported.

You and the others were now in a dark forest. Then a man appeared who looked like a older verson of an anime character you saw but couldn't put your finger on it then the man spoke.

"Who wants me" Asia, Issei and Lily got sacred because they didn't notice him.
Issei them spoke.

"Who's there"

"The master if the familiars aka the toji, if your looking for familiars galore then you came at the right time that's for sure, the full moon is out to help you decide and I will help and act as your guied"

"If you haven't noticed he likes speaking in rhyme" Akeno says

"Tell me your wants and desires, do you want a strong one, a fast one or one who sets fires"

"Do you have any hot familiars with big tiggos who like nerdy white guys" Issei says with a lewd face.

"That is why amateurs always annoy, if your seeking something more than a toy use your other hand my boy, to look for a familiar that will be the best fit,look for best personality not for best tit"

Asia then asks "I'd like one that's cute and fun to be around"

"Fun,done and done"

"Aww thank you so much"

"That's not fair dude" Issei grumbled

You then left off on your own to see what you could find. You then see an unfimiliar women that looks pretty you guess. You thought that their was some one else out their with you so you followed her. She then goes in a cave and you stop their. You then hear a growl from the cave. Out comes a 25 to 30 foot long dragon like lizard. About 5 to 6 feet tall. Then it start liking your face. You then thought.

"It must of felt my aura"

You then ask it.

"You are a Mo'o from Hawaiian Mythology right. A shape shifter."

It moves it's head like it was nodding then you ask.

"Do you want to be my familiar?"

It starts liking your face again then you ask it to stop so you could turn the lizard in to your familiar. Them after you turn in to your familiar it turned in to a little gecko about 6 inches long so you could carry it.

I chose for you to have the Mo'o lizard from Hawaiian Mythology. One because I'm Hawaiian, and two I wanted something unique. The form thing I'm about to show you is some ting I made up. In the legends they are 12 to 30 feet long. And the pictures will represent what it will look like in its stages.

Carry mode

Casual Mode :able to walk next to you but not huge.

Looks about the same as the carry form but 4 to 5 feet long and 1 to 2 feet tall then legs are stetched and walking like a komodo dragon.

Beast mode or true form : it looks like this but 25 to 30 feet long and 5 to 6 feet tall.
It's scales are strong enough to with stand a 88 mm round from a tiger tank. Even his belly has scales that withstand a 50 cal round..Plus he is fire resistant.

Also "Sed mode" Sed short for seductive women/man mode. A true form in the legends.

You then walk back to where you teleported from. You then asked the lizard who is on your sholder.

"What should I name you, how about Mo'o. I know it's not creative but it works right"

Mo'o nods

You then set him on the ground and tell him to go into beast mode and hid in the bushes by where you teleported from.

You then saw everyone else walking towords you. Asia had a blue dragon on her sholder. Lily had a Wolpertinger that white as snow


and Issei had nothing but he looked like he got caught in a human sized bug zapper. Rias then asked then they finally reached you.

"Did you get a familiar (Y/n), if you did I what to see"

"Me too"

"Mee three nya~"

"Me fourth"

Akeno, Koneko, and Lily said.

You then whistled and Mo'o came up from behind them. Akeno then asked.

"Where is it I Don't see it"

"Look behind you" you say with a smile on your face.

They all turned around to see a big dragon looking lizard staring all them. All of them looked a little terified for what you picked as a familiar. You then say.

"Everyone meet Mo'o my familiar he is a Mo'o lizard from Hawaiian mythology"

Issei then says" what a creative name but that's your familiar it's massive"

Akeno then explained " Mo'o lizards are shape shifters and this is this Mo'o lizards true form. I think it's hot that he got one their very rare"

"Now Mo'o" you say "Sed mode"

Mo'o then transformed in to the hot lady you saw earlier. Issei was drooling at the sight of Mo'o in Sed fom.

"Now Carry mode " Mo'o then turns in to his little self and crawled towords your feet and you picked him up and put him on your sholder.

Akeno then starts the teleportation. Circle and you all head back to the club room.

When you and the others got back you all packed everything up and went home.

Hello everyone it's the end of the chapter and you now have a familiar yeay. Now what will happen in the next chapter. So see you guys later bye.

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