Fun and Games

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was your date with Xenovia and she rewarded you for winning her. This chapter is another date but with Emma. Now let's get into the chapter.

Also, after these last 2 date chapters I will start to use the light novels instead of season 3. So the book will start at volume 5 of the light novels.



Part 1.

It's the next morning around 8 am. I was tired once I got home last night  so I went to bed almost instantly when I laied in bed. It was Lily and Emma's night with me last night. As I started to wake up someone was jumping on the bed trying to wake me up.

"Wake up (Y/n), Com'n wake up already. Wake up" I heard Emma shout as she jumped on the bed.

I opened my eyes then rubbed them to see Emma jumping on the bed. She was fully dressed in casual clothes ready to go out.

"Geez, she's acting like a child trying to wake up their parents on Christmas" I thought to my self as I started to fully wake up.

"It does seem that way doesn't it" I hear Lily say as she lays next to me trying to snuggle with me.

Emma continued to jump on the bed and shout but had her eyes closed so she couldn't see that I was up now. I turned to Lily, she was wearing one of my old shirts and was in a pair of panties.

"Morning Lily" I say with a smile.

"Morning (Y/n)" she says with a smile then gave me a morning kiss.

Emma then jumped onto me still with her eyes closed.

"Get up sleepy head!" She shouts then lands on my stomach.

"I'm up I'm up, you can stop the shouting and jumping" I tell her.

She finally opens her eyes and then gives me a light kiss on the lips. She then gets off me and gets off the bed.

"Get dressed already okay. I can't wait for our date" she says cheerfully then skips out of the room.

"I've never seen this side of her for a long time, you must really make her happy" Lily says to me.

"I guess I do, I guess I make all of you girls happy" I say.

"More than you may think" Lily says with a smile.

"Well I better get ready for my date with Emma, don't want to keep that bundle of energy waiting" I tell Lily before getting out of bed and started to get ready.

As I started to get ready I had the feeling that I was becoming different from what I used to be as I thought of how things have went since becoming a devil.

"Why do I feel different from what I used to be. When I think about it I was never this social before I became a devil. I guess these girls of mine are changing me for the better"

When I finished getting ready for my date with Emma I headed downstairs.  Once I got downstairs I saw Emma petting Mo'o.

"Are you ready to go Emma?" I call out.

She quickly turns to me "Yes I've been ready since 7 this morning" she says excited.

"Wow that early,I can't blame you though. You haven't seen much of the outside world since you were stuck inside a hospital bed for almost an entire year" I say to her.

"That's not the only reason, it's also because I'm going on a date with you" she says with a smile.

"I'm glad that your happy,now let's get going on are date" I say.

"Ohh yes we should"

We get into the garage and I opened the passenger door of the porche 911 for her and she got in. I got in the drivers seat and started to drive to the amusement park. As I drove Emma couldn't stay still in her seat.

"This date will be fun, it feels like how it would when 2 normal highschool students go in a date. I think?. That's what I see in anime sometimes" I thought to my self.

Part 2.

When we got to the amusement park Enma's face was full of excitement. We paid for tickets  and we were inside the park. There were Rollar costers, a faris wheel, carnival like games, fun houses of sorts, and I even saw a oracle booth.

"What do you want to do first Emma?" I asked her as I looked around at everything.

"Let's do the all the rollar costers first before anything else" she says then grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards a rollar coststar.

"Damn the Servant piece gave Emma hell of a physical strength boost" I thought as she pulled me.

{Time Skip}

We finished all the rollar costers in the park within a hour and Emma was still full of energy. I look at her with a smile and she looks at me with one also.

"So what's next?" I ask her.

"How about the oracle, I want our fortune to be told" she repies.

"Sure let's do that" I say back.

I take her hand and we walk over to the oracle booth. When we got there we walked into the small building and it was dimly lit inside with candles scattering the outer edges of the room. In the center of the room was a table with 3 chairs and the table had a nice looking table cloth on top of it. In the seat facing us was a lady in her 50's dressed up as a oracle. She had a smile on her face.

"Ohh, welcome. Please have seat" the old woman says while motioning to the seats in front of her.

I sat down in one of the chairs and Emma sat to my left. Emma was holding my hand as we sat down.

"Whose fortune should I tell first?" The oracle asks.

"I would like to go first please" Emma says with a smile.

"Okay, let me see what lies in your future" The oracle says.

She takes out her cards and starts to do her thing. She then lays some cards on the table in 2 different rows then flips them over. She reads the cards before telling her.

"Two different things will happen in your future. For the first thing I read is that your true wish that you have right now will be fulfilled after a period of darkness"

"A period of darkness? What does that mean" Emma questions.

"After anything you may drop you into darkness or sadness" The oracle says swiftly.

Emma then looks at me with a concerned face. I pat her head to comfort her

"Onto the second one. Do you have a sibling older or younger?" She asks.

"Yes I do, I have a older sister named Lily" Emma replies.

"Your sister Lily will gain great power in the coming months. A power that could change herlife" she says.

"Lily getting a great power" I say to my self.

"Yes, she gets it because of you" She says as she pointed at me.

"Because of me?" I question.

"Yes. I'm sorry but I don't have anymore details then that" the old lady says.

"It's fine. Now can you tell my future next" I say.

"Sure thing young man" she says sweetly giving off  a sweet old lady vibe.

She picks up her cards that was on the  table and does the same thing again that she did with Emma.

"Ohh my..." The oracle says as she looked at the first row of cards.

"What's wrong?" Emma asks.

"This young man will have a rough life ahead. But after all the challanges that is thrown at him he will stand tall" The oracle says.

"I can see that happening (Y/n), don't you?" Emma says to me.

"Yeah I can, especially the rough road ahead of me" I say while rubbing the back of my hand with my free hand.

"Now onto the last one. You will become more like a normal person your age" she says.

"More like a normal person? So you will be more like a normal highschooler than you are now. Your still very anti socal at school" Emma tells me. "You might act more like a normal highschooler, you might become more like Issei"

"No no no no no, I will not become a massive pervert like Issei!!!" I screamed in my head.

"We will see about that" Emma says casually.

"Get out of my head" I tell her.

"Sorry I couldn't help it" Emma says while smiling "but almost all boys are a little perverted"

"That might be true" I sigh.

"That is all I can do you 2" The oracle says

"Thank you for the readings" Emma says as we get up.

"No problem, it's my job" The lady says with a smile.

We then leave the building. I look at my phone and it was 11:30
"What's next Emma?" I ask.

"I'm a bit hungry, can we get some food?" She asks me.

"Sure, I think I saw some food places when we were coming over here" I say.

We then start to walk over to where the food was. When we got there I bought some funnel cake, fries, and got us a some drinks.

(I know it sounds like a weird combo but whatever)

We sat down at a empty table facing eachother. Emma starts to dig into the fries and I do the same.

"How do you feel about the date so far?" I ask her.

"I'm happy, it's more than I ever dreamed" she replies cheerfully.

"I'm glad"

"What do you think about what the oracle said?" She asks me.

"About what exactly?"

"About what she said about Lily gaining great power?"

"Well" I say then put my hand in my chin "I'm not exactly sure, we are devils so the meaning of power expands more than it would be for a human" I tell her.

"I see"

Part 3.

Me and Emma finished eating and started to walk around looking for the next thing to do. She then looks and sees a giant teddy bear.

"Ohh dear I know what's going to happen next"

"(Y/n) (Y/n) (Y/n) I want that teddy bear she says as she points at it.

I look at the game where the giant teddy bear was and it was the game where you knock down milk bottles with a base ball.

"How hard could this be to win"

"Okay okay, let's go get it" I say as Emma starts to pull me towards the game.

We get to the game and there was a guy with a beard running the game, he looked quite shady if you were to ask me.

"Hello, can we have 3 balls please" I say as I hand him the money.

"Sure thing" he says with a smug face as he hands me and Emma 3 baseballs.

"You want to try once?" I ask Emma.

She nods and grabs a ball. She throws it and all the bottles fall except the bottom 4 bottles. The guy resets the bottles. Emma was pouting a bit. I grab the second ball and threw it and the same thing happened, the bottom 4 bottles didn't fall. I threw it pretty hard if I was a normal human but that throw would of made all the bottles fall.

"This guy superglued the bottles down, looks like I'm going to have to pull out all the stops"

"Emma you might want to step back a bit" I tell Emma.

"Why?" She says confused.

"Because I'm going to pull out all the stops" I reply.

She backs up with a smile. I grab the last ball and cranked my hand back. I then threw the ball like during the baseball game. Before the guy knew the bottles I threw the ball at were all in pieces and there was a hole in the wall behind it. The guy looked at the bottles with a shocked face.

"Can I have the giant teddy bear?" I say casually.

The guy nods quickly and gives me the bear. I turn to Emma and handed her the gigantic bear she hugged it tightly.

"Thank you (Y/n)" she says still some how full of energy.

"Your welcome, anything else you want to do?"I ask her.

"One last thing I want to do then we can leave" she replies.

"And what is that?"

"Let's go ride the faris wheel" she shouts with excitement as she points at it.

"Let's go do that then" I say with a smile.

She grabs my left hand and holds the teddy bear with her left arm, hugging it tightly. We walked to the faris wheel as little kids stared at Emma's teddy bear. The thing was almost as big as her. We got to the faris wheel and got on. Emma sat next to me and she put the bear on the other other side. She then lays her head on my shoulder.

"(Y/n)" she says to get my attention.

"Yes Emma"

"I-I love you" she stutters out.

"I love you too Emma" I say and I started gave her a hug bringing her closer to me.

"Never leave me (Y/n), promise me you won't ever leave any of us" she tells me.

"I promise Emma, I won't ever leave any of you" I tell her.

"That is a promise I hope I will never break" I thought of the entire ride on the faris wheel.

After the ride on the faris wheel Emma was ready to head home. We exited the park then going the car and headed home with a gigantic teddy bear.


Hello everyone, wow this chapter is much shorter than I normally make chapters but I hope you guys like it. Until next time bye.

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