Going to Hell

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Hello everyone. Last chapter was your date with Koneko to the beach and you also ate dinner with her at a restaurant. The girls decided that they wanted to watch the dates but you stopped their plan and now rias wants to punish you.

P.S. Sorry it took so long to update any of my books, I've just been quite busy with school lately and other things. So into the chapter you go, I hope you enjoy it.


POV: You

Part. 1

I was dreaming a weird dream to say the least. A dream Issei would probably have with his pervetedness. I was in a dark like abyss and all I could see was darkness. Then someone turned a light on or something revealing from left to right Akeno, Emma, Xenovia, Koneko,Lily, and Rias in noting but their underwear.


"Ohh (Y/n)~"

"Hi (Y/n)~"

"Hey (Y/n)~"

"Hello (Y/n)~"

"(Y/n) Dear~"

They all greet me. They stepped foward as they greeted me.

"Hello my dear (Y/n)~" I hear a more mature voice say.

The voice was familiar, way to familiar. I looked around and couldn't find the source of the voice. I then look back at the girls and realized something.

"I've never seen Emma without a shirt on" I tell my self "at least from what time know"

I then crank back my right hand and punch in the middle of all of the girls. I then hit something and the girls shader into glass and the black abyss does also revealing my mother tied up to a chair. She looked exactly like when it was her final moments alive. She didn't have any hands or feet with deep cuts and bruises all over her body. She went through so much torture just because of Raynare's selfishness.

"Hello my dear (Y/n)~" I hear again and see Raynare walk up to my mother with a pistal in her hand.

Raynare was looking past me at me, me when I was 8 years old. I was crying as I was tied to a chair. My eyes were red and puffy from all they crying.

"You know (Y/n), I think that I'll let your mom die quickly just for you" Raynare says as she swung the gun around.

"Why..." my old self says weakly.

"Tell your mother good night" Raynare says and puts the pistal to my mother's head

"Nooooooooo.... Please don't do this please" my old self says weakly again.

"Goodbye" Raynare says.

I run up to Raynare before she pulls the trigger and I go to swing at her but I was too late.


{Dream end}

My eyes shoot open with tears welling up in my eyes. I wipe my eyes and look around. Rias was sleeping soundly to my right and Lily was sleeping with light, cute snores to my left. I look at the ceiling it looked a bit different but I disclosed it.

"Why, why would I dream about that?" I ask my self.

Then a certain girl with magenta eyes and jet black hair reveals herself from under the blanket. She was naked from what I could see but with my legs I could feel that she had a pair of panties on.

"Morning you~" Akeno says in a soft seductive tone.

"Hey Akeno" I say to her.

"Hello handsome" Akeno says then moves upwards and presses her body against me and started to kiss my neck for a bit "does my body feel nice, pressed up against yours?" She asks.

"It does, your skin is soft and smooth. The feeling of your body is something no one can resist" I tell her.

"I like it too, getting to feel your rough body against mine, it makes me heat up inside" Akeno says.

Akeno then starts to lean in to kiss me and I go to kiss her. Before our lips can touch I hear Rias' voice.

"Akeno. Do you care to explain how you ended up in (Y/n)'s room?" She asks Akeno.

"Morning Rias" I say to Rias.

"I'm just trying to develop a intimate bond with cute little (Y/n)" Akeno says as she traces her finger on my chest.

"My (Y/n)?,When exactly did you become the master of his soul?" Rias questions as she sits up.

"I'm not his master but I am his senior. It's my duty as a upperclassmen to take care of him" Akeno says.

"Clever girl" Rias says.

"Good morning (Y/n)" Lily yawns then rubs her eyes.

"Good, now that we're up we can go wake up the others and see what's been remodeled" Rias say before getting out of bed.

"Wait Remodeled?!" I question with a shout.

Part 2.

After eating breakfest and getting ready we all hovered over the table looking at multiple blueprints of my newly remodeled house.

"So from what I've seen everything on the first floor is the same except the their is now a hallway to the right of the tv that leads to 2 guest rooms" I say to the girls.

"The second floor was turned into the study, a storage room and recreation room. In basically half of the 5th floor was transfered to the 2nd floor. The third and forth floors are all guest rooms for now. The fifth floor has Emma's room, Koneko's room, Akeno's room, and Xenovia's room. The sixth room is revitivly the same but the third room was turned into Rias' and Lily's room. And for the new story their is the seventh floor that half of it is a lounge with a bar and stuff like that and the other half of it is a roof top balcony. When it comes to the basement floors the only difference is that the shower and baths has been moved to the second basement floor by the training room just for convenience. And the third basement floor is now just the pool and hot tubs and stuff like that" I explain.

"Does this mean we have to sleep in our own rooms now?" Emma asks.

"Yes, this is his punishment for what happened" Rias explains.

"But wouldn't that include you also?" I question Rias.

"No because I'm the master of your soul" she tells me.

"Uhhh, okay then. I don't feel like arguing with you on the last day before summer break" I tell her " it makes no sense to make modal the last day either. Maybe it's was just the authers convince in the storyline"

"Who remodeled the house?" Lily asked Rias.

"Well Sirzechs insisted that the house would be remodeled to reward (Y/n) and just in case anyone new moves in" Rias explains.

"Who else would move in?" Xenovia asks.

"Not sure but Sirzechs insisted on the remodel" Rias sighed as she looked at all the blue prints.

"It's better to be safe then sorry" I say to Rias.

I then look at the clock on the wall and it was almost time to leave for school.

"Looks like it's almost time to leave. I think the best way to get their is to just teleport there unless theirs a back door to walk through just to get to Issei's house" I say.

"In fact there is" Rias says and we all look at her with shocked expressikns "it was built in just for that convenience of walking. It's right next to the elevator" Rias says while pointing at the door.

"How the hell did I not notice that there?"

Rias walks over to the door and opens it. On the other side was Issei's front yard.

"Shouldn't we question the weird door that teleport us to Issei's house?" Emma asks.

"Don't worry about it, I asure you it's perfectly safe" Rias asures Emma.

"Then we should just walk through then" I say and lead the way through the door.

We all walked through and I turned around to see where this door was. Some how the door came out of the tree in Issei's front yard. Not sure if only devils can see the obvious door in the tree but what ever. Issei was at the door with Asia getting ready to leave for school.

"Uhh did you guys just come out of my tree?" He asked confused.

"Yes we did, just don't question it" I say.

"Okay" he replies.

{Time Skip}

I sat at my desk as I listened to everyone talk about what their going to do over summer break. Lily, Xenovia, and Asia were talking to some girls in the class. Issei was talking to Matsuda and Motohama.

"Last day of school you giant ass suckers!" Matsuda shouts.

"And you guys know what that means, sexy summer time" Issei says.

"Babes in bikinis at the beaches and pools. My spy dork senses are tingling with anticipation" Motohama adds.

"So the perverted trio is keeping their summer schedule open" Kiriu says.

"Hey stop creeping! We only need one creep with glasses and Motohama's our dog" Matsuda says.

"I'm going to stop listening to that stupid conversation before I somehow get involved" I thought before looking out the window.

Then Kiriu walks over to me with a weird shine in her glasses.

"What do you need Kiriu?" I ask her as I looked out the window.

"Stay still (Y/n), Kiriu and Motohama are doing a scouting stand off" Issei tells me.

"I wasn't planning on moving" I tell him.

I could hear Kiriu muttering words under her breath. I couldn't understand her but it sounded like she was calculating something.

"Wow Issei, (Y/n) beats you by a inch in length" Kiriu tells Issei. Kiriu then turns to Lily who's on the other side of the classroom "Hey Lily your a pretty lucky girls. Your boyfriend is smuggling serious drugs"

"Drug smuggling?" Xenovia questions "that sounds like something that should be regulated to the authorities"

"I mean his package" Kiriu tells her.

The girls that Lily, Xenovia, and Asia were talking to start to giggle.

"Lily and Xenovia already know Kiriu, but I'm not going to tell you that"

Part 3.
Everyone was in the old school building in the club room waiting for club to start. Rias and Akeno haven't arrived in the club room yet. I sat on one of the couches as I drank some tea. Lily, Emma, Xenovia, and Asia were talking to eachother while Issei looked out one of the windows and Kiba read a book. Koneko was next to me and looking down at the coffee table, she seemed out of it and thinking about something else.

"Hey Koneko is their something wrong?" I ask her with some concern in my voice.

She shakes her head "No, nothings wrong (Y/n)" she says to me but still looking down.

I then pull her over next to me by her waist and pulled her into a hug. She hugs back but she was thinking about something that was now the only thing on her mind. I've never seen Koneko like this before.

"Thank you, I needed that" Koneko tells me.

She then lets go and goes back to how she was. Then Rias and Akeno walk in.

"It looks like everyone is here" Rias says as she walks in with Akeno following her.

Rias sits down by Kiba and Akeno pours her some tea. Akeno then stands next to where Rias is sitting.

"So what are all of you talking about?, it's about what you all are going to do over summer break I presume" Rias says then take a sip of her tea.

"What are you going to do over summer break Rias?" Issei asks Rias after turning away from the window.

"I'm going back home to the underworld" she tell him.

"Will we be accompanying you also?" I question.

"Yes, we're all going to the underworld for summer break. It is a yearly tradition after all" Rias explains. She then leans over to me and caresses my cheeks "Plus I plan on keeping you around for a few dozen millenia at the very least. I would never leave you behind understand" Rias says ephisizing 'you'.

She then leans back into her seat and speaks to us all.

"Very well then we will all head to the underworld tomorrow morning, and it's a long trip so bring a book or something"

"Going to the underworld while I'm still alive makes me a little nervous, but I wouldn't feel anything if I were already dead" Asia says.

"So starting tomarrow morning were going to spend our vacation in the same hell I once tossed infidels into. Huh,for a once believer turned devil that's irony" Xenovia adds.

"I'll be going along as well" a voice says and we all turn our heads to words the voice.

We saw Azazel sitting in Rias' chair with his hands begin his head as he wore a cheeky smile.

"What!, Azazel" Issei shouts.

Rias then stands up quickly and faces him "when did you get in here?" Rias questions.

"Listen gremory if you didn't notice my presence until just now, you still have a lot of training to do" Azazel states.

"I knew he was here for the past five minutes. He walked in behind you and Akeno" I say to Rias.

She then turns to me "You knew he was here and didn't tell me!?" Rias asks with a semi raised voice.

"I thought you would of noticed his presence even though he wasn't even trying to conceal it" I tell her.

"If I have to work on that then that's how it is then" Rias says before sitting back down.

Part 3.

It was the next morning and all of the ORC were standing in front of a elevator at the train station. The new members of the ORC including me all looked at the elevator with questioning expressions.

"Uhhh, this is how were going to hell?" Issei asks as he looked at the elevator.

"To be honest I'm questioning this as well?" I say.

Rias giggles a bit before explaining "were not going to the underworld by elevator, that would take way too long and too much effort. We're going to the underworld by train. Why else would we be at a train station?"

"Uhh, I'm not sure" Issei says.

Rias and Akeno then enter the elevator.

"Now then, (Y/n), Lily, Emma, and Xenovia, come with us first" Rias says then looks at everyone else "Everyone else will go down after us, please come together with Azazel"

We then carried our luggage into the surprisingly big elevator. The elevator closed and I looked at the buttons and it only said '1' and '2'. Rias then pulled out a card from her skirt and put it up to the meta panel that had the buttons on it. Then we started to feel the elevator going down.

"For all the times I've used this elevator I never thought this elevator went down" I say.

"Me either" Lily adds.

"It's only natural that you wouldn't know about the secret level underneath the station. It's a route that's exclusive for devils. A ordinary human can't arrive here even if they struggled for their entire life. Areas for the exclusive use of devils are hidden all over town in this way" Rias explains to us.

After a another minute or so the elevator stops and the elevator doors open. Me, Lily, Emma, and Xenovia look out of the doors to see a large artificial space, it looked like a large room that looked similar to a station platform yet was underground with a high ceiling above it, the vast room was illuminated by wall lamps that gave off a mysterious magic glow. We all then walked out of the elevator with our luggage and the elevator doors closed behind us.

We then waited a few more minutes for the everyone else to arrive from the elevator. We all stood outside of the elevator with our luggage before Rias spoke.

"Now that we are all here we're going to walk to platform 3"

Rias then takes the lead and we follow her to platform 3. As we walked Akeno suddenly grabs my open hand, holding my hand as we walked. I did it back and her face grows dimly red.

"What the?! When did Akeno start having such girly reactions"

After a few twist and turns of hallways we finally got to platform 3. At the platform what seemed to be a train, it looked different to trains a ordinary human would see. On the side of the were devil patters carved into it, the Gremory household symbol was also carved into the side of the train.

"Were here, let's get on the train and get through the procedure for our new member entering the underworld and get going" Rias says with a small smile.

{Time Skip}

We were all in the 2nd train car that was all about lounging around. There are 2 big booths that have a coffee table, multiple tables with seats and even a bar.

I sat with Lily, Emma, Koneko and Gasper in one of the big booths, while Issei, Xenovia, Asia, Rias, and Akeno play a card game. Kiba was at the bar reading a book.

I always wondered why Kiba is always reading books, truth be told you can't see him being someone to read a lot just by looking at him.

Gasper played on the PS vita I gave him while he sat in his box. Lily and Emma were watching a movie on Lily's phone, it looked like one of those animes that were turned into a live action movie. I was playing a game on my phone then I looked over at Koneko, she was sitting up straight and staring into space. She seemed better than how she was acting yesterday during club but still not the same as she usually is. She hasn't eaten her lunch yet that I was able to make in the bar.

Gasper then looks up from his game "Hey Koneko, yor lunch is going to get cold you know" Gasper states bu Koneko doesn't respond and continues to stare into space "What is it?" He asks.

Koneko turns to him and replies "Nothing, nothing to worry about"

After a while I moved over to the other booth and talked to Rias about what we will be doing as she continued to play the card game. She was vague about what we were going to do.

"We will soon arrive at the Sitri domain terminal" a girls voice says over the trains intercom.

"Sitri domain?" Issei questions.

Then when he says that a familiar voice calls out to him.

"Yo, Hyoudou"

I look in the direction of the voice and I see Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji. Saji was waving to Issei as the three of them walked into the train car from the train car in front of the one we were in.

"Hey Saji, Student council prez, and VP" Issei says as they walked towards us.

"Hello Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji" I say with a small wave as I sat in my seat.

"Good to see you Sona" Rias says.

"Since you were kind enough to give us a ride on the Gremory train, I thought I would see how you were doing before we got off" Sona says.

"Fine if not a bit anxious" Rias replies to Sona.

"Perfectly understandable, after all this is no ordinary trip home" Sona says.

"Your heading out to train in the underworld too right bros?" Saji says to me and Issei.

Me and Issei look at each other with questioning expressions.

"Huuh?" Issei let's out if his mouth.

"Up to now all we know it that we are accompanying Rias on break" Xenovia   expalins.

"Well I'm going to go work my but off so next time we meet up I'll be a lot stronger than you, got that Issei-" Saji says in a cocky fashion then turns to me nervously before lowering his head "I already know I won't become stronger than you (Y/n)"

After saying that Sona looks at the time then turns to Saji.

"Saji it's time to go" Sona says to Saji.

Sona, Tsubaki, and Sona start walking away, but before they exit the train car Sona turns her head to Rias.

"Goodbye and good luck" Sona says.

"Goodbye,see you again soon" Rias says then they exit the train car.

Part 4.

It's been a while since we dropped off Sona and her pereege. Everyone was minding their own business but Rias and Azazel were no where to be seen. I was sitting in the booth having my vack face the window nearest to me, I looked at my phone and was looking through something new to read on wattpad.

"We will soon arrive at the Gremory domain terminal" A girls says over the trains intercom.

"It's about time" I say to my self and put my phone in my pocket.

Akeno then gets in my lap and looks out the train window. Her boobs pressed against my chest as she leaned against me.

"Take a look out side dad-, I mean honey" Akeno says then giggles to her self a bit.

I look out the window to see many cities in geometric shapes with what looked like roads connecting each city. I look to see Xenovia turned around in her seat looking at all the land in shock and awe.

"Wait, do you mean all that land?!?" Xenovia asks.

"Yes, this all belongs to the house of Gremory" Akeno says.

"Really, it's freaking huge!" Issei shouts.

"If you were to compare it to Japan, they own roughly the size of their main island" Kiba states.

Then out of nowhere the train comes to a rapid stop making everyone loose their balance. With that I gave Akeno a excuse to grab on tightly to me.

"The emergency break has been activated" I hear over the trains intercom.

"Wow how strange, I wonder why someone stopped the train?" Akeno says as I was almost being suffocated by Akeno's breasts.

"Yeah, I wonder why" I muffle out before Akeno let's go of me by continues to sit in my lap before getting off and sitting next to me.

"Oww my neck, did we get into a accident?" Gasper asks.

Then Rias and Azazel appear in the door way from the third train car.

"A few VIP's will be gathering here soon, maybe the stop was a safety precaution?" Azazel states

"I highly doubt that, if it was a safety precaution we wouldn't of stopped in the middle of the air, also they wouldn't of used the emergency break and if they did I'm pretty sure you can't do it remotely"

"So what 'VIP's are you speaking of?" I question.

"Looks like we will be stuck here for a while, I'm going to go take a peek. Chow" Azazel says before walking back into the third train car.

"One of the representatives of asgard will be joining us for a conference" Rias says.

"What's an as-gard?" Issei questions.

"They are the gods of Norse mythology, Asgard is the home of the viking gods, then their is Olympus from Greek mythology and the legendary Mount Meru in aisa. It's more than angels and devils" Kiba explains.

"So wild guess, this conference is about the Khaos Brigade" I say to Rias.

"That's right, terrorist counter measures. Asgard is joining our alliance" Rias says.

"Let's hope you don't become my enemy Vali"

Then out of the blue Koneko speaks for the first time in the past few hours.

"Somethings wrong" She says.

Then it felt like I was free falling. Then when I opened my eyes I pushed my self off the ground to see Akeno, Lily, Koneko, Xenovia, Emma, Kiba, Issei, Asia, and Gasper but no sign of Rias or Azazel.

"Where the hell are we?" I question as I look around at my surroundings.

We were in what looked like the bottom of a canyon in rocky mountains.

"Force teleportation?" Kiba says questioning.

"Where's rias?" Asia asks.

"I don't see her" Akeno states.

"Azazel is missing too" Gasper adds.

I then begin to feel a rumbling under my feet along with a faint sound of very large foot steps.

"Everyone quiet" I say and everyone shuts up.

The foots steps and rumbling gets close and closet until we see the source of it. It was a huge dragon standing on 2 feet.

"It's a dragon!!!" Issei shouts.

"No shit captain obvious!" I shout at him with saracasm"Tell me something I don't know!"

"Well shit, if this is what Rias considers training then we're going to have a field day that's not fun at all"

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the new chapter for the start of season 3. Now until next time bye.

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