Important Meeting

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you had a job to help Riser Phenex with his PTSD that you gave him, but you also got to spend some time with his sister Ravel.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's about 15 minutes since my mom shot a arrow from her sacred gear at Riser. Me, Issei, Kiba, and a very scared Gasper sitting in the hot springs that was a bit down the mountain from where the girls were.

"Finally some time to relax" I say as I laid back in my seat.

"Yeah" Issei says.

"What the hell have you been doing the past 3 days that made you work hard?" I question him.

"I don't think you want to know, but this is the result of it" He says then points at a bruise that was on his side "But I did get a tweak to the chess pieces inside of me from the devil king beelzebub, something about getting a new power"

"Good for you then" I say.

"Isn't there a dragon nest near by?" Gasper says, scared.

"Yeah but there isn't anything to worry about Gasper" I say.

"If you say so" Gasper says, a bit relieved.

"I've been reading" Kiba says.

"Reading what?" Issei questions.

"Reading these fan fictions" Kiba states "They include the three of us in one way or another. Kinda freaks me out how perverted girls can get. I don't know why I'm still reading"

"Ahh, girls are writing perverted things about me!" Gasper says before disappearing into a box that was near the hot springs.

"Kiba means him, me and Issei" I tell Gasper.

"Ohh thank goodness, girls are always saying I'm cute and I can't handle it" Gasper says and the box he was in rattled as he spoke.

"Hey (Y/n), I meant to ask, what was that explosion earlier?" Issei asks.

"Riser being hit by one of my mom's arrows from her sacred gear. He might be scared of arrows and bows now instead of dragons" I explained.


"He should be fine, he is immortal after all, to a extent" I say.

I then feel the aura of a familiar fallen angel. We then see Azazel, wearing his usual attire, land in front of us at the edge of the hot spring.

"Hi Azazel" I say.

"You still have all those scars kid?" Azazel says "I'm kidding, I'm here for you (Y/n), we need to talk"

"Talk about what?" I question.

"Important stuff, and I'm not the only one who wants to talk to you" Azazel states.

"Right when I was going to have a long relaxing time in a hot spring after spending 3 days in some of the harshest winter conditions I've ever seen" I say as I got up with a towel around my waist.

Part 2.

I'm walking with Azazel down a hallway with what seemed like endless amount of doors. We were still in the underworld and Azazel brought me to a large building in the capital of the Gremory territory. I was wearing my school uniform because it the Kuoh Academy uniform became like the ORC's standard dress attire.

"Who exactly needs to talk to me?" I ask Azazel.

"3 of the devil kings, me, and Micheal" Azazel tells me.

"It must be really important if some of the most important people of the three factions need to talk to me"

"Believe me, the matters we need to talk about are very important" Azazel says.

We then stop at a large set of doors which had Grafia waiting beside them. Each door was made up of one single board of wood, they had gold designs on them and when closed showed the insignia of the Gremory family.

"Please come in" Grafia says as she opens one of the doors.

Azazel walks in and I followed him in. Grafia the walks in as well and closes the door behind her and stands by the door.

"(Y/n) your finally here!" I hear a voice say with excitement. I then see Serafall, who was wearing her magical girl outfit, run at me and hug me from the front.

"Your really strong compared to your size Serafall" I say as Serafall hugged me tightly.

Serafall then let's go "Sona has said the same thing before" she says with a smile.

I looked around the room and saw Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Micheal sitting at a conference table in the middle of the room.

"Good evening everyone" I say.

"It's nice to see you again (Y/n)" Sirzechs says.

"Me as well Sirzechs" I replied.

"Green Dragon Emperor, its a pleasure" Micheal says.

"Now, lets get to the matter at hand" Azazel says as he sits down at the 6 chair table.

I sit down to the left of Azazel and Serafall sits down in my left with Sirzechs next to her, Ajuka on his left and Micheal on Azazel's right.

"So what is this important matter I keep being told about?" I ask.

"It's about that girlfriend of yours" Azazel says.

"Which one, you need to be more specific" I say.

"It's about the girl you call Yuuma, more specifically the sacred gear she aquire after separating from you" Sirzechs says.

"Okay, is their a problem with her sacred gear or something?" I ask.

"It's not like that, it's more of what she can do with it then their being a problem with the sacred gear" Ajuka states.

"Look (Y/n), Heaven's Maiden is more than just a sacred gear that can heal people, in some cases with just a touch" Azazel says "Yuuma has access to the chains of heaven and the shield of heaven"

"I've heard of the chains of heaven from a anime but never of the shield of heaven" I say.

"I know what a I'm your talking about (Y/n)" Serafall says "The real chains of heaven work sort of like that but can do much more"

"There aren't many who know about them let alone seen them. So few that you probably won't even find a handful of records about them anywhere" Sirzechs explains.

"I don't exactly see the entirety of what you guys are saying" I say.

"Let me shead some light on the matter. The chains of heaven are chains that stretch as far as the eye can see, Their dangerous to all but those without power" Michael explains "The more power the target of the chains has, whether it's divine, unholy, even a human with a sacred gear. The more power the target has, the more powerful the chains get, if the target ever gets trapped in the chains, the more powerful the target, the tighter the chains are"

You fate guys understand how this works. It's basically the chains of heaven that Gilgamesh has but works on more then just beings with divinity, and can also be used as weapons.

"Those chains make her extremely dangerous if she ever chooses to use them. The only ones that the chains don't work on are those who don't have any special power like magicians and people with plain sacred gears like twice critical for example" Azazel tells me.

"And for the Shield of heaven?" I question.

"It works reletivly similar to how the chains work though the shield isn't a physical object and the shield can only be used by the person who has the sacred gear. The shield is like a barrier more so, the more powerful the force that hits the shield whether it be holy, unholy, or from a special sacred gear, the stronger the barrier. The shield can be penetrated because amount is not put into consideration and there is only so much the shield can take, though god himself has said that it is close to inpenetrable" Michael says.

"Why does it sound like you guys don't have much information on her sacred gear?" I say.

"It's because Yuuma is the third person to ever have it" Azazel tells me straight "What we know about the sacred gear is what Michael has records of, from what I can see Heaven's Maiden might as well be the top ranking longinus but the full capabilities of the sacred gear is unknown even to all of us. One thing the sacred gear has a pattern with is that it has a power triangle of sorts, offense, defense, and support. The chains being offense, the shield being defense, and her mirical healing being support"

"I know it's a lot to take in (Y/n), but all in all were asking for you to make sure she doesn't get out of control" Serafall tells me.

"I'm sure you gave her a servant piece so not doubt that gave her even more potential with it" Ajuka says.

"I'll make sure that she's safe and that she doesn't get out of control if she ever gets close to that point" I say.

"I already informed her on her sacred gear so that you don't worry if someday out of nowhere a chain appears" Azazel tells me.

"Thank you for not being a dick for once" I say.

"Also, (Y/n), I would like to give you a experimental program that will tweak the chess pieces inside of you" Ajuka says as he stands up.

"We should of done that thing we were going to do before you tweak his pieces, I really wanted to be the pink ranger" Serafall wines.

Everyone in the room laughs a bit at what Serafall says, except Grafiya of course. Ajuka walks over to me and I stand up. Everyone watched as he opened up some sort of screen from my chest and tapped on the holographic screen multiple times. After a minute or so Ajuka stops and the screen disappears.

"There, all settled" Ajuka says "Within the program I gave you are factors, you'll need to see what those factors are yourself. If you want to change the you will have to choose a door from various doors and you are the key to opening it. Dive into your sacred gear when you have the chance if you want to see those factors" Ajuka then smiles "I know this is far off topic but I think you will be a great devil king one day"

"He definitely will" Sirzechs says.

"I'll make sure of it!" Serafall cheers.


"It seems the meeting is now over. If you would excuse me I have to go back to heaven" Michael says before standing up and teleporting away.

"I guess this concludes the meeting. I'm gonna go get a drink" Azazel says before leaving the room.

"Meeting concluded" Sirzechs says.

Right after Sirzechs says that Serafall pulls me out of the room " Your coming with me"

"Hey, what's wrong Serafall?" I questioned as she pulled me through the hallways..

"It's something personal that I want to talk to you about" She tells me with some excitement in her voice.

"It must be something good if your excited to tell me" I say.

Serafall then pulls me into another room, a lounge type of room and the room was empty. She quickly closes the doors and stops in front of me with a smile on her face.

"(Y/n), I have something very important say to you!" Serafall says with excitement.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I want to marry you!" Serafall tells me while doing a magical girl pose, pointing her wand at me.njj

I had absolutely zero words to say. A devil king who acts like a magical girl most of the time and is absolutely cute and hot at the same time, just told me that she wants to marry me while also doing a magical girl pose. What the hell am I supposed to say!. Serafall starts to ease out of her pose and started to look sad.

"Do you not like me (Y/n)? Why aren't you saying anything?" Serafall says as her voice tensed up and saddened.

I mentally slapped myself out of my shocked state so I could actually reply "No, it's not that I don't like you Serafall. It's just that I didn't expect you to say what you did that's all"

"So, you do like me?" Serafall says as she wipes one tear that escaped her eyes.

"Well, I really wouldn't mind if was married to you" I tell her.

Her face lights up and a smile appears on her face "You'll be the best husband ever!" She cheers before pulling me in and kissing me.

Serafall then pulls away "How about this Serafall, when I become a devil king, then I'll marry you. Until then, we need to get to know each other then just heading straight into marriage" I tell her.

"Alright then!, how about we go on a date right now!" Serafall says after grabbing my left arm and hugging it.

"Maybe next time Serafall, I need start getting my stuff ready for My field trip to Kyoto" I explain.

"Awww, fine. I guess it would be better if I waited for next time" Serafall says "I'll be waiting!" Serafall smiles as she hugs my arm.

"Looks like girlfriend count is at 9 now, how many more am I going to have when I die?  I guess I see when I die"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Next chapter will be the start of season 4. I know that near the end of the chapter felt rushed and I'm sorry if you did feel like it was rushed. Until next time bye.

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