The fight with two Excalibur wielders and Food!

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Hello everyone and I'm here with a new chapter. Last chapter Kiba went missing for a while and now shows up when Xenovia and Irina are meeting with Rias. Now onto the chapter.


POV: You

Part 1.
After Kiba arrived back in the club room during the argument about Asia, it was decided to have a battle with Me and Kiba against Irina and Xenovia. Xenovia and Irina were wearing black skin tight combat suits. We were behind the old school buildimg were there's a open field. Rias, Akeno, Lily, Koneko, Asia, and Issei were standing to the side. Kiba said he wanted to take on Xenovia, meaning I was going to take on Irina. Irina started to talk about me before we started.

"I don't belive I'm going to fight my childhood friend (Y/n)" she said as she twirled around with her sword.

"Why are you so happy, you were crying 2 days ago when you saw me" I said to her confused.

"When I heard you were kidnapped I thought of all the memories I had with you and thought I might never see you again. Then when I saw you again I was worried about what happened to you and thought you weren't real till you wispered to me and I knew it was you, and now I'm so happy to see you again" she said as she continued to play with her sword.

"Were about to fight and your sword can kill me. This is no time to be happy!" I yelled at her.

"But that doesn't mean I will go easy on you" Irina says as she gets into a fighting stance.

I look over at Kiba and his eyes are full of rage knowing there is an Excalibur in front of him to destroy.

Everyone was in a battle stance except me. I activated my sacred gear and Rex had something to tell me.

[Partner I made a holster for your swords on your back so you are not restrained from using your fists]

"Thanks Rex. Talk to you later" Getting ready to take out my swords.

[Sure thing partner]

Rex stops talking and a (X) shaped holster appears on my back holding my swords with my gauntlets. I drew the swords from its holsters and got into a fighting stance.

"Start the battle" Rias said then blew a whistle.

We started the fight and I was facing Irina. She kept say things about me when we were younger.

"I'm very impressed (Y/n), you can fight very well" Irina said as we clashed our swords together.

"I am too, a tomboy gone and now  twin tails, I like the look" I said as I brought one of my swords to get her legs but she dodged.

"Thank you. You like my outfit I'm wearing also?" she says swinging her sword at my left shoulder but blocked with a powerful clash.

"I know Issei is, but I'm not a pervert. The church is kinky for making warriors wear something like that into battle" I say as I she blocks another one of my attacks.

"They say us girls have to wear it into battle so we do" She says shrugging and charging at me again.

"Whatever" I say then hear Kiba and Xenovia talking while they faught.

"Its time to feel the burn and the freeze" Kiba says then goes in swinging.

"How naïve" Xenovia says as she breaks both of the swords. She then stabs her sword into the ground and makes a explosion leaving a huge crater in the ground "...The holy sword of destruction isn't just for show you know?"

"Even after it's been split into 7 it's still this strong. Then I guess there will be a little carnage in my path when I destroy all of them" Kiba says to himself.

"Hey Xenovia warn me next time you want to destroy the ground. Anyways it's about time we finish this (Y/n)" she says as she she wipes the dust away from her butt.

Me and Irina continue to battle as I listen to Kiba and Xenovia's battle. Kiba formed a bigger sword about 2 times the size of Xenovias.

"Let's see which of these destructive swords are the most destructive. Will it be your holy or my demon?" Kiba says then charges in.

"Too bad" Xenovia says then dodges him and hits him in stomach with half of the handle and twists the blade before pulling, blood on the sword dripping down.

Kiba then spat out blood and fell to the ground leaving me standing, thinking to myself "That's brutal, at least he won't die."

"Well looks like Kiba's rage got the best of him. I'm still standing so bring it on girls" I say taunting them.

Xenovia and Irina come at me at once making block both of their swords with one sword each. I then made my swords do a pulse and both of their swords went flying and landed a ticking in the ground 20 feet away. I then did another attack putting my swords at their throats.

"It looks like it's my win girls" I say and smirk at them.

"I admit you are a good fighter (Y/n), My sword of destruction wasn't even able to put a scratch onto your swords" Xenovia says as she retrieves her sword from the ground.

"I'm thankful I didn't have to kill you" Irina said with a smile and got her sword from the ground.

"You girls are good fighters too. It's been a pleasure fighting you" I say and bow a little.

I go to Kiba whose still on the ground and picked him up and brought him to Asia. I put him down next to her and she healed him.

Rias had a small conversation with Xenovia and Irina as they left. We got into the clubroom and Kiba started to leave the clubroom.

"Where are you going Kiba? You do realize that I will never permit you to leave me, you are a knight of the house of gremory" Rias said as he went for the door.

"I know president and I'm sorry" Kiba then walks out the door and goes who knows were.

{Time Skip}

Me, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Lily were at home. Me and Rias were sitting on the couch watching tv after Kiba decided to leave earlier today.
Akeno, Koneko, and Lily were studying in their room. I looked over to Rias and knew she was stressed.

"Rias your stressed aren't you?" I asked her as I brought her close to me.

"You have no idea (Y/n)" she replied as she cuddled with me.

"Then how about we go out to eat tonight just me and you" I propose to her.

"That sounds nice. But how about the other girls they haven't eaten yet either" She says looking to the other rooms where the others are.

"I will text Akeno to make them something to eat and we had to go out for a summoning. Sound good?" I say getting ready to go out.

"Okay, that's good enough" Rias said smiling and we headed out.

We got off the couch and went into the garage. I the keys for the Audi and unlocked it. I opened the passage door for Rias and I got in the car. I texted Akeno that we were leaving for a summoning and she will make dinner then we drove out of the garage not even knowing where we were going to go eat.

I looked to my side and saw Rias relaxed holding my arm close to hers and I decided to ask her.

"Where do you want to eat? It's currently 10 pm and not a lot of shops are open at this time" And I drove waiting for her answer and she hums a tune later after that.

"Hmm~ I want some sushi I heard there was a shop that's open 24/7 but its a long drive from here and plus they said after 10 PM you can eat as much as you like!" She said a little too excited and I asked where it is which she replies with the address.

"That was a long drive, it took us 20 minutes to get here" I complained to which she replies with a giggle and I smiled opening the door for her saying ‘Ladies first’. I entered after her and we saw the captain that challenged us. They saw us and swooned over Rias but stopped immediately when they saw me.

"Hey hey if it isn't pretty boy, coming to get a beating again?" They said and laughed after that. I saw them and acted really dumb like I didn't know them.

"Ah, it's you guys, who are you guys again? I forget really fast" I said and not long after that they all did a dramatic pose that said ‘Eh? How can he forget?’ And fell face first into the ground, the captain then tried to challenge me into a fight again, to which I replied with a normal ‘okay’.

After a few moments we had a talk with the chef, that whoever wins this fight will get to eat here free everyday. Fortunately the chef agreed to this, after that happened the three, the captain and his two other mates, went outside with me following after.

"Now how do you want this to be? Want a fair fight or a brutal fight?" The guy said and his two other friends started to crack their knuckles smiling sadistically.

"Let's see first of all I don't want to fight and second… why do you even do this? Actually don't answer it let me beat you to your senses." And as I said that they charged at me screaming on top of their lungs.

After that I stood still and predicted their moves one by one. One tried to uppercut me and I grabbed his hand pulling him closer with my left hand into my right elbow, elbowing his nose where cracking sounds could be heard and blood could be seen spilled everywhere, dropping him unconscious. Not a second after that, another one came at me with a bat trying to hit me from side, but I easily grabbed it, pulling it away from his hand making him slip face first into the dirt ground and I hit him in the back with, yet more bones cracking. Lastly was the captain himself, who had dared to challenge me, he came running at me with brass knuckles. His fists almost made impact with my shoulder and I jumped back just in time, almost slipping forward I grabbed both of his shoulders surprising him and I head butted his head cracking his skull.

"Are you guys dead now? Hope not because Rias will probably kill me if I did" I said walking back into the shop where Rias and the chef stood there. The chef was a little startled but came back to his senses and had ordered everything to be made and he went back inside to the kitchen.

"What happened outside? Did you kill them? Because there were these sick, nasty crunches" Rias asked a little worried hugging my right arm.

"Haha don't worry I didn't kill them, they were tough guys anyways. They can't die from a little bone crushing battle right?" After that the food came and we started to eat.

After some time of eating I looked at the time and almost screamed. We then went out and parted ways with the chefs and the head chef said to come anytime to eat again.

"Maybe we can do this again (Y/N)? They seemed to be dead after that and I'm still amazed by how much you could eat..." Rias said but was cut off falling asleep. I chuckle a little and drove off to home.

When we arrived home I picked Rias up bridal style and put her in my bed. The other girls were already in bed sleeping. So I got changed quickly into sleep clothes and got in bed and fell asleep.

Part 2.

It was night time and Me, Rias, and Akeno were in the club room worried about Koneko and Issei since they didn't come to club activities today. Lily and Asia were studying at Issei's house. We then got a call from Sona saying they found them unexpectedly. Akeno made a teleportation circle and teleprted us there.

When we got there it was a mansion. We saw Issei and Koneko standing there as if they just were in a fight. And also Sona, Tsubaki and Saji. Sona was punishing Saji as he pleaded for mercy.

"Issei you went to go find Kiba didn't you?" I asked him, sighing shaking my head side to side slightly.

"Yeah I did and Koneko wanted to come along since she cared for Kiba as a friend" Issei replied.

"So why didn't you tell me that you went to go find Kiba?" Rias asked him in a serious tone.

"Because I already knew you were stressed out. That's why I didn't tell you" Issei answered Rias.

"Did you find him?" She asked.

"We did during this fight we were just in and then he ran off with Xenovia and Irina to follow Freed" Issei said loudly almost screaming.

"Was this all your plan Issei?" Ria's said with a dark aura surrounding her.

"Yes ma'am" Issei answered a bit scared.

"Ok now show me your rear end" Rias said.

"Why?" Issei asked even more scared now.

"Because your going to be punished for not telling me and skipping club activities. Your going to get a 1000 spankings" Rias told him and he did the following giving up.

"Ok then" Issei then bends over and Rias gives him the spankings of a life time.

{Time Skip}

A thousand spankings later and Issei and Saji could barely stand. I gave them some of my Pheinox tear pills for their pain. We then when our separate ways and Akeno teleported us back to the house.

"Didn't you think a thousand was a little over board?" I asked Rias.

"No not at all. That's why you don't skip club activities without a good reason and tell me about it" she said to me as all of us got into bed.

Lily came home shortly after we got home.

"Good night girls" I said to them as I laid down.

"Good night (Y/n)" The four of them said as they got into their place in bed.

"Why do I have a really bad feeling about tomorrow? Huuh I hope it's just a feeling and won't be reality" I thought to my self before falling asleep.


Hello guys. It's the end of the chapter and there was alot of action. Today I want you to meet my new partner in crime for my books ThatGuyAlpha. He will be helping me create my chapters and do the revising before a chapter is finished.

rg808guy: Alpha come say hi to the readers

Alpha: I didn't want to but I'll still do it since you're the boss here.

Also, fun fact, did you know that there was a line that was supposed to be "You didn't die did you? I don't want my punching bag to die on me." But 808 changed it and I won't complain.

Now till next time, we will see you later good bye!

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