The True Chaos Dragon Vs. The Vanishing Dragon

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Hello everyone. Last chapter Gasper was held captive by magicians to stop time. And you and Rias saved him. Now let's get into the action.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me, Rias, and Koneko ran out of the old school building and Gasper was on Koneko's shoulders. When we get to were the fight is we see Chief Micheal, Sirzechs, and Serafall holding up a barrier protecting everyone. Kiba, Xenovia, Irina and Issei were fighting off Magicians. I see a magician behind Kiba.

"Pulse" I say souring a pulse out of my hand at the magician making her go flying.

"Thanks (Y/n)" Kiba says.

"No problem. Everyone okay" I say.

Rias then brings Gasper into the barrier. While Me, Koneko, Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina in a continued to fight off Magicians

"This is to dangerous, which is why I need you to take care of Gasper for me" Rias says.

"Alright" Sirzechs says.

Rias then comes back outside the barrier with us.

"Can we start killing them now?" Koneko asks.

"Were suppose to protect this area until the gate closes so let's focus on that" I say to Koneko.

Then me and all of the others including Rias start to fight off the Magicians. As we fought of the magicians we heard Gasper yell me and Rias's names.

"RIAS, (Y/N)!!"

We all turn around and see Gasper on his knees crying "please listen to me I can fight too, I wanna be a man just like (Y/n) is. I wanna make you all proud of me and I want to be worthy of you. I will fight I just have too. I'm going to do what ever it takes to protect my friends" Gasper cries then rips of the bracelet.

"No Gasper. Please Zechs stop him. Do something" Rias yells.

Sirzechs couldn't do anything because he was keeping the barrier up with Chief Micheal.

"I can do this. I can be a man too" Gasper shouts while he stands up then a flash of bright light comes out of him.

When the light disappears all of the girl that were still frozen were unfroze from time.

"What was that?" Akeno asks.

"Any idea what just happened" Sona asks Tsubaki.

"I don't have a clue" she replies.

"Welcome back Sona" Serafall says then hugs her.

"Would you get off of me" Sona says to Serafall.

"Gasper did it, I'm not sure how but he made time go back to normal" Rias says.

"He stopped the enemy gate too" Tsubaki says.

I then loo over at Gasper and he was wobbling and unconcious then he fell and Asia caught him.

"You did it Gasper" I say.

"I don't understand" Asia says.

"We will tell you the details later. For now I need everyone's help" Rias orders then brings out her wings and floes into the air.

Everyone started to fight the remaining magicians. Rias and Akeno were doing combines with the power of destruction and lightning. Koneko were punching and kicking the magicians. Lily was shooting shards of ice and icicles. Emma was standing behind her sister since she didn't have any combat skills. Sona antld Tsubaki were working together. Kiba, Xenovia and Irina were slicing at the magicians. Issei was shooting dragon shots and stabbing. I was using my duel wield swords and was hacking and slashing at them with some pulses here and there.

I then loo up into the sky after feeling a strange power. He was in a gold scale mail like armor with purple jewels. He then used a trident of light and sliced at Katerea. Then multiple arms shot out of her two arms then wrapped it around Azazel left arm.

"I am not necessarily needed for the creation of our new world. If I can take out one of the three great powers then I welcome death" then her arms that are wrapped around Azazel's left arm starts to fuse into his armor " I will destroy my self for glory"

"Destroy your self" Azazel says then chuckles a little "I don't want to mock your hopes and dreams but it dosn't seen worth it" Azazel then cuts his arm off with his trident

"you will still die" Azazel says then throws his trident at Katerea directly at her head killing her" but I'm only willing to give up an arm for you"

Azazel then deactivated his armor and made a magic circle where he cut his arm off to stop the bleeding.

"And yet again there's still plenty of room for improvement" he said holding a purple crystal ball then kisses it "but I guess you can stay with me a little while longer my dragon king Fafnir"

"That dude is hard. He just lost his arm" Issei says.

"There are still some stragglers left" I say.

Then all of us take out the rest of the magicians that were left. Then when all of the magicians were done for a bright light knocks Azazel out of the sky creating a crater with Azazel. Azazel then crawls out of the creater.

"Ahh, you got me. Must be losing my edge. Bad Vali"

"Sorry Azazel, things look more interesting on this side" Vali says.

"Vali, your the one who betrayed us" I shout.

Azazel dusts him self off then flies to the hight that Vali is at in the sky with his 10 black wings "I can understand. But here's something I would like to ask you. You know Shemhazai my vice governor general, he has recently informed me about a faction that has been gathering the dangerous elements and members of the three great powers. What were they called, oh yes the Khaos Brigade"

"Chaos sounds accurate" Sirzechs says.

"Who ever is in charge must be strong, but why would anyone gather such dangerous people together?" Serafall questions.

"So I bet I can guess whose leading you, Ophis The Uroboros Dragon right" Azazel guesses.

"Ophis, it can't be" Rias says.

"Is that another dragon?" Issei asks.

"The infinite dragon god, a dragon so strong even God was afraid of him" Rias explains.

"Actually Ophis is a girl" I tell them.

"Yes it is true that I have sided with Ophis, but believe me neither one of us have the slightest interest in world domination. We're just a group formed to use our power and that's all" Vali states to Azazel.

"That makes more sense, conspiracy with Katerea seemed a little beneath yoy and even so both of you had devil titles stolen so I wasn't sure" Azazel says.

"He's a maou decendent too"

"What are you saying?"

Serafall and Rias say.

"My name is Vali Lucifer" everyone then becomes shocked "I am a direct decendent of one of the dead maou. My mother was a human so I'm a half blood. My father was the grand some of the former maou Lucifer"

"Of course half human. There's no way we could of known" Sirzechs says.

"While you have the of a real Maou, since your also a human you just happened to be possessed by The Vanishing Dragon. So your very existence is a joke" Azazel says.

"I would say miracle peronaly" Vali says then shows his devil wings for a bit before making them disappear.

"I have a feeling this one will be the best white dragon emperor the world has ever known past, present, and future"

"(Y/n) (L/n), fate can be crul wouldn't you agree" Vali says to me.

"I guess" I reply.

"I am the strongest dragon, and I carry the blood of the Devil King. But you were just a lowly human. Before you became a devil you had no friends except the pervert. Aside from your Chaos Gauntlets you are nothing. It's disappointing, it's so disappointing it's funny. Even though we are rival sacred gears we are as far apart as the sky to the earth, no more than that"

"You got a point there Vali" I grunt.

"Yes I do, I think you should try harder. Maybe you should become a avenger. I could kill your parents if that would help, wait there dead so I'll kill all of your friends and the people you love"

After he ring that I just stood there seeing images of all the ones I love and care about dead. All I could see is everyone dead because of his selfishness. I then feel my balance breaker armor envelope me. The imiges start scrolling in my mind faster and faster.


POV: Rias

After what Vali says to (Y/n) he becomes silent, with his hanging down. He was shaking all over. Then his balance breaker armor activated.

[Chaos Dragon Balance Breaker]

"Vali said something that he shouldn't have didn't he?" Serafall asks me.

"Yes, yes he did. He just said the wrong thing to the wrong guy " I reply

Then he starts to say something over and over getting louder and louder.

"!!!!!!" (Y/n) yells.

Then a powerful wave of energy shoots out of him.


"Look Albion, the boys power went up expenetually"

[The sacred gear uses strong feelings to sustain it's power. Your facing pure rage of him right now. We'll done that's one of the most appropriate ways of drawing out the dragon] Albion says.

"A DRAGON YOU WISH YOU DIDN'T CALL FOR!!!" (Y/n) shouts then charges at Vali.

Then when Albion sees The Holy Swords of Chaos and he hesitated.

[Dragon slaying swords. I won't be able to deflect even one cut from this]

"Then I won't let him cut me" Vali says then they both charge at eachother.

"(Y/n)!" I cried out and started to run but someone grabbed my arm. I look and see that Sirzechs was holding arm" let me go he needs me"

"At this point both of there auras are past there limits, if you get close to either of them you will burn and die" he tells me.

I look and see blue and green streaks fighting each other. Vali was dominating over (Y/n) but I didn't under stand why. He feels stronger than Vali unless rage and anger has consumed him and he isn't thinking properly. Vali then takes half of (Y/n)'s power making him fall to the ground.

"Are you alright?" I ask him.

"Fine, it's pain I can deal with" he says to me then faces Vali who is in the sky.

POV: You

I was looking up at Vali. Rage had consumed me and I wasn't thinking strait.

"Damn it (Y/n) think strait. Being consumed by rage won't help me you" I tell my self.

"What did he just do?" I ask Rex.

[He just took the power he got from you and is pouring it out through his wings a lowing him to be at max power with out overworking the sacred gear]

"Then let's overwork his system"

I desummon my duel wield swords can call out Echo. I then charge at Vali. I power up then transfer my power to echo and stab it into Vali.




With every punch chucks of armor falls off of Vali along with me transferring power and amplifying it.

[The mechanisms are going into over drive. We must restart our systems]

"Feel the power of a dragon slayer" I tell Vali then punch one more time.

With the last punch all of his armor beaks and he falls to the ground and I fly to the ground in front of him with chunks of his armor laying around him.

"I knew you could do it. You blew away all of my armor" Vali says then creates a new set armor.

"This is how dragons fight, till one can't fight no more. So let's do this" I say then I look over on the ground and see a blue crystal ball.

I then make a small grin under my helmet. I then pick it up with my left hand.

[What are you thinking (Y/n)]

"About doing something very stupid"

[Before you do anything rash are you sure you are ready to die]

"I'm all ways prepared for death. I would do anything to protect my girls" I say then raise the crystal in my hand into the sky.

[Haha, then let me show you my determination. I am the massive power known as the Green Dragon Emperor. We will survive this together as true partners. (Y/n) (L/n) are you ready?]

"Yeah" I say then crush the jewel in my hand absorbing it's power.

"(Y/n) Noo" Rias shouts at me.

I could feel the pain running through my entire body. My whole body was enveloped in pain, more than when I was tortured.

"Damn this fucking hurts" I yell out.

"Are you trying to take my power" Vali says as feel the pain.

[Rather wrecklesss, we are conflicting existences. To fuse our powers would be suicide]

[So you know Albion, possessing this specific master has taught me something important. Anyone can make the impossible posible as long as they never gives up]

"I just did something stupid but fuck it"

[Vanishing Dragon power is taken]

[Impossible, this is impossible. You have definitely taken years of your life, devil live for eternity but you won't be one of them]

"I never planned on living a long time any way but there's still shit I want to do though" I say "So how do you want to play this Vali?"

"This is fun,Now it's my time to play serious" Vali says.

He then flies up into the air and extents his blue wings and the seem to become bigger.

[Half Dimesion] Vali's jewel says.

He then extends his hand out and motions like he is crushing something. The surrounding area behind me started to become smaller.

POV: Rias

Vali was in the air and started to making everything behind us become smaller.

"What is he doing?" I heard (Y/n) say.

"Vali is warping the dimensions, it's a very dangerous action" Chief Micheal states.

"Wait how is that fair?" I say.

"It isn't fair at all" Azazel says as he lands by my side "Ohh what are we going to do with our two dragon fighting love birds. He will have to want it more to win. Let's try adding another element that isn't fair of our own"

"What could he mean?" I asked my self.

"Hey Green Dragon Emperor, (Y/n)" He calls put to (Y/n).

"What do you want?" (Y/n) says as he looks back at me and Azazel with his helmet's eye sockets filled with black.

"Let me tell you a little secret (Y/n)" Azazel says. He gets (Y/n)'s full attention with him turning around to face us "If your mother was alive Vali would of do more to your mother then just torture her, he would do things beyond what Raynare could do or would even do to her if you get my drift" Azael say with a cheeky grin.

There was silence from (Y/n) and nothing else. Then green eyes emerged from the darkness in his helmet's eye sockets.

It started to scare me a little because I knew that he was angery in a diffrent way.

{Flash Back}

It was the night of the day of open house. Akeno and (Y/n) were asleep but I couldn't fall asleep, I was thinking to much about releasing Gasper. As I laied awake looking at the ceiling I see a faint green light. I look over to (Y/n) left hand and it was glowimg.

[Rias Gremory] Rex says but not loud enough to wake up (Y/n) and Akeno.

"Yes Rex, what do you need?" I ask him.

[I need to talk to you]

"What do you need to talk to me about?"

[(Y/n)'s emotions when using the sacred gear]

"What do you mean?"

[(Y/n) can become filled with anger not just because of protecting the ones he cares for but selfish anger, anger that is from his own emotions. Weather it's a memory or a thought that shakes him to the core, he will kill weather it's for you, the ones he cares about or himself]

"That is intresting to know. Why are you tilling me this?"

[Nevermind that. And one more thing there is a visual change that you will see when he becomes enraged from selfish rage or emotional rage. When that rage hits a limit his eyes will become green. If that happens those around him could become in danger ans who ever that anger is focused on that person should try to get as far away from him as possible]

"I will keep that in mind Rex. Thank you for telling me"

[Your welcome. Now good night] Rex says then (Y/n)'s left hand stops glowing.

I then went to sleep thinking of what Rex said.

{End of Flash Back}

The Green eyes that were in the darkness of the helmet's eye sockets looked past me to look at Lily. I remember (Y/n) saying that Lily reminded him of his mother on more than one occasion. (Y/n) turns around to face Vali again but this time with green eyes.

"You are one sick sudistic prick Vali!" (Y/n) yells at Vali " I won't let you lay your grimy hands on my anyone like that you understand me!"

"Wait what?" Vali says confused.

Then all of the black jewels on his scale mail armor started to glow brightly. More than you would expect black to glow.



Copper colored bolts of light and Copper colored sparks started zap around his scale mail armor. Then a dark green aura surrounded (Y/n).



A crater formed from the power that (Y/n) was emitting.. Some of the peices of the ground started to float up and the bolts of light zapped between the pieces of the ground and his armor.


[Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify Amplify]

Then waves if dark green aura and power blasted of (Y/n)'s body in every direction. Sirzechs, Serafall, Chief Micheal and Azazel held up barriers to protect everyone from the overflowing power.

"today has been full of surprises bit at least it isn't boring" Vali says nonchontly.


(Y/n) then charges at Vali at speed faster than I've ever seen him go before. There were Green and White streek of light racing across the sky. At every chance he got he punched Vali with full power.

With every punch a new thing was being said from (Y/n)'s jewels.


"He unlocked a sealed ability by taking some if Vali's power, Drain. The ability to drain someone's power and taking it for him self" Chief Micheal says to him self.

(Y/n) broke off Vali's helmet than gave him a few more punches before punching him to the ground and landing behind him.

POV: You

I land on the ground behind Vali near the others. Vali then stands up like nothing happened.

"Interesting, this is fascinating" Vali says as he faces away from me. He then turns to me "Alright, you think you can handle something stronger, it's the Juggernaut"

[Forget it Vali, that isn't the best choice for this situation] Albion tells Vali.

Vali ignores what Albion says ans starts to say the incantsrion.

[Vali are you asking me to adapt to this power]

Vali then gets stopped mid chant because a guy wearing Chinese armor and holding a staff falls out of the sky and lands next to Vali.

"Bikou what are you doing here?" Vali asks the guy.

"Were finally going to fight with the northern earth gods, so I was sent to find you and bring you back" the guy named bikou says.

"I see, it's about time" Vali replies.

"And you are?" I ask.

Azazel then walks up to my side " That's Bikou, a desendent of the victories fighting Buddha, Sin Gouku" he then turns to Vali and Bikou " I have to say Bikou I never expected you to become a member of the Khaos Brigade, Hell must of frozen over. On the other hand The White Dragon and Son Gouku do look good togeather"

Bikou laughs a bit then reaponds "well charm and beauty do run in my family so I look good with just about anybody. Until next time Green Dragon Emperor"

Bikou then spins his staff then hits one end on the ground creating a dark purple magic circle.

"When the battle continues we should make the fight more intense. Make sure your ready (Y/n)" Vali says as he and Bikou decend into the magic cirlce.

"I will let you slip away this time Vali" I say to my self.

I then deactivate my armor and I fall strait to the ground feeling all of the power I gained leave my body. I felt fatigued to the point were I just laied on my back while breathing hevily. Rias and my other girlfriends run to my side. The six of them started to ask me questions about how I feel.

"I'm alright girls, you can stop with the questions. I'll be fine, just give a min-" I get cut off by Rias pulling my head into her breasts.

"Thank goodness your alright (Y/n)" Rias says.

I then get pulled out of Rias breasts by Akeno then she pulls me into her breasts. She was still in her shrine maidens outfit that she fights in.

"I can comfort him not Rias with my breasts" Akeno teases Rias.

"Your on sister, just wait until tonight" Rias says back.

"What's happening tonight" I say still breathing hevily.

"It's a suprise" Akeno whispers in my ear after pulling me out of her chest.

"Okay" I say back "can you girls help me to my feet"

Rias and Akeno then lift me to my feet. We then look in amazement as the army's of the three great powers repaired what has been destroyed on the school grounds together.

"Finally a joint effort between all of us" Rias says.

"It really looks lime we achieved piece this time doesn't it" Akeno says.

We then hear Sirzechs talking " Apologies Azazel, Katerea was one of out internal issues"

"Vali from our side caused problems as well, and it was my mistake for to not nip that in the butt along time ago" Azazel says as he walks away.

"Everything is truly starting a new" Chief Micheal says.

I then walk up to Chief Micheal "Excuse me Chief Micheal, I wanted to know if you could do me a favor"

"As long as it's within my power I will do anything" he replies.

"I was hoping that you could allow Asia and Xenovia to start praying again. I know it would mean a lot to them" I say.

I turn to them and they are looking at me shocked. I then turn back to Chief Micheal.

"Well ladies is that the truth?" He questions Asia and Xenovia.

"Yes" they answer back.

"Then let me ask you this, would you still pray even though you know that God isn't here any more?" He asks them.

"Yes, even if there is no God I would love to be able to prey, it gives me comfort" Asia says.

"It's the same for me, I would appreciate the chance to give thanks to God and as well as to you Chief Micheal" Xenovia says.

"I will ask on their behalf. Please let them pray" Irina says.

"Irina?" Xenovia says baffled a bit.

"I didn't know the whole story, I was so deviated when I had thought that you had betrayed us. I'm so sorry" Irina says.

"Well don't be there's nothing to apologize  for. I'm happy right now" Xenovia says to Irina then looks at me.

The three of them were having a small moment to them selves with Irina saying sorry to both of them.

"How cute, a friendship between the believers of the Devil and God" Serafall says in her cute cheerful voice.

"Micheal can you do it?, perhaps granting them their wish will be a symbol of out piece" Sirzechs says.

"Yes, and besides I seriously doubt 2 devils who don't receive damage when they prey will be the end of the world" Chief Micheal says with a gentle smile.

Irina, Xenovia, and Asia that kd him then pray. Xenovia and Asia still got zapped for praying.

"Give it time ladies, I have to return to headquarters and change the system first" Chief Micheal says before him and his army teleported away.

Xenovia then walks up to me and gives me a kiss out of no were. I kiss her back and she then pulls away after a few seconds.

"Thank you for doing that (Y/n)" she says as she now hugs me.

"It's something a boyfriend is suppose to do. Give his girlfriend something she loves alot in life" I tell her as I look into her golden color eyes.

"Something a boyfriend does?" She questions me " so you did it out of love for me"

"Yes, I did it out of the love I have for you Nova" I say to her then look at everyone else including My girfirnds, Asia, Issei, Kiba, Sona, Tsubaki, Serafall, Sirzechs and Grafia "Raise your hand if hungry because I know I am" I say.Everyone raises their hands
"Looks like dinners on me, let's get to my house and fire up the girl"

"Rest of today will dust be relaxing and having fun......I hope, instead of anything chaotic. Ohh and my date with Lily is towmarrow also, I'm sure that will go as I plan it out to be"

Hello everyone you have hit the end of the chapter. So much happend I don't feel like recaping it so yeah.

Whose excited for the dates over the next how many chapter it takes to do all of the dates.

Now till next time bye bye

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