Chapter 3: Zarathos the spirit of justice

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At Kuoh academy entrance

Everyone stared at Issei and Rias as they were walking to their classes. Rony was trailing behind them trying to not catch attention. It's not like he is shy. Just is a lone wolf type guy. Doesn't like crowds. That didn't stop everyone though from gossiping.

Random guy: He had to have done her homework or something.

Random girl: I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

Random girl 2: I know right.

Rony head: It makes sense everyone is freaking out. After all the biggest perv in the school and the hottest girl in school are walking together. It's like fire and ice mixing together their status are polar opposites.

Once they finally walked inside Rias turned around to Issei and Rony was close enough to hear.

Rias: I'll send someone for you later Issei.

Issei: I uh wait huh?

Rias: That's right I'll talk to you after school.

Rias then locked eyes with Rony. When she did the skin on Rony started to burn up again.

Rony head: Damn that's annoying.

Rias: I'll see you another time Rony. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Rony: Uhhh yeah like wise. Maybe next time it can be in less revealing circumstances (referencing finding her naked with Issei).

With that Rias took her leave and walked up stair. When she did the burning on his skin simmered down.

Rony head: Whatever is happening to me has something to deal with her.

Suddenly though his brother Issei was punched in the face and into a pillar by perv 1 and perv 2.

Matsuda: YO MAN. How can you do a brother like that. Taking the freshest pair of meat sacks off the market.

Motohama: Now, now. Let Issei explain. He is our ally after all. Rony?

Rony was just straight up and honest.

Rony: Don't look at me. I just found the dude naked in bed with her.

The 2 pervs then started to kick Issei's ass and rip it to shred out of pure jealousy.

Upstairs with Rias

Rias just made it to the top of the stairs and then began to walk to class until someone called on her. It was a girl with black short cut hair and purple glasses on.

???: You seem very certain about him.

(Sona Sitri) 

Rias: Sona it's nice to see you again.

Sona: As it is to you....

Sona and Rias then looked over the railing to watch Issei getting his ass kicked by his friends and Rony laughing about it.

Sona: So, what made you pick him? You certainly picked him so impulsively. What makes him so special?

Rias: I don't know exactly. I just have a .... Feeling about him. Although I will say it feels like I've adopted a little brother.

Sona: I see...... and what of the other. The Ghost Rider.

Rias expression went from happy to serious once the rider was brought up.

Rias: It seems rather complicated.

Sona: How so?

Rias: The rider seems to be behaving differently than it has in the past.

Sona: Forgive me for my lack of research but what is its regular behavior.

Rias: The rider is a spirit of vengeance bound to a human soul. It's only purpose is to burn those who have sinned or spilled blood of innocents with the power of hell fire. However as of what Kiba has told me....... It seems to be holding back.

Sona raised an eyebrow at that statement.

Sona: What would happen if the rider was to go full out?

Rias: If the Rider was to use its full power it could very well wipe out everyone in this whole town maybe even this country and quite possibly the world.

Sona eyes went wide when hearing that?

Sona: Really? How can a human have that much power?

Rias: It's the spirit of vengeance that power's him. Though its human host is also a chain or limiter as you could say. If the spirit of vengeance was to be set free of its host.........

Sona: What could it do?

Rias: It could very well destroy heaven and hell.

Later in class

Rony was just sitting in his class with Issei. When he was spacing out though something caught his attention. It was Kiba walking in and every girl freaking out.

Girl 1: Oh my god its him.

Girl 2: Look its Kiba.

As one by one all the girls of his class started to fall head over heels for Kiba Issei just mumbled to himself how Kiba is a "pretty boy blond" or "prince golden nut".

Kiba: Hi everyone. Sorry to come in but I have something to do.

Kiba then made his way to Issei who was sitting in front of Rony.

Kiba: Issei right?

Issei: Uh yeah?

Kiba: I was sent on an errand by Rias Gremory to pick you up.

Issei: Oh, uh I guess she sent you to fetch me.

Rony head: What does she want with Issei?

Kiba then walked over to Kiba.

Kiba: I was also sent for you? I also want to thank you for yesterday.

Rony just looked at him with a raised eye brow.

Rony: Thank you? I haven't even met you.

Kiba just looked a bit confused at Rony.

Kiba's head: Oh, I see. He doesn't even remember what happens when he turns into the rider.

Kiba: Oh um. Sorry my bad then. Anyways I was sent to get you as well.

Rony head: What does Rias want with me?

In the Occult Research Club building

Issei and Rony were both standing in a room that was lit by some candles. There were 2 couches facing each other along with a desk at the end of the room. On one of the couches a slim short girl with white hair was sitting eating a piece of chocolate.

Issei: What's happening, where are we?

Rony: I didn't even know this place existed.

Issei: Wait I think I know her?

Kiba: Oh?

Rony: Your Koneko right?


Koneko stopped eating her chocolate and looked at Rony.

Koneko: Right you are. Nice to meet you rider.

Rony head: Rider?

Issei: Woah dude you know her?

Rony: I uh not really. It's more of acquaintances.

Kiba: Koneko is a very valued member of the ORC club and a 3rd year student.

Rony was about to say something until he saw "that look" on Issei's face when looking at Koneko. He then elbowed Issei in the gut.

Issei: OW what was that for.

Rony: I know that look dude. Stop thinking about girls for just 5 minutes.

Then suddenly they noticed the sound of a shower in the room.

Rony: Does this place have a shower.

Then Akeno came out of a room where steam was coming out of the doors cracks as well.

Akeno: Indeed, it does.


Akeno: Hi my name is Akeno Himejima. It's a pleasure to meet both of you. I'm the vice president of this club.

Issei just blushed a little and rubbed his neck.

Issei: Oh, uh hey it's nice to meet you as well. I'm Issei Hyoudou

Rony: Uh hey.... Nice to meet you I guess.

Rony didn't know why but every instinct in his body was yelling at him to get out of there. His skin was also beginning to burn up.

Akeno: The president will be out in just a minute to meet all of you.

A few minutes later

Rias Gremory was then seen coming out of the bathroom in her school clothes drying her hair.

Rias: Sorry for showering and being so rude. I never got a chance to rinse off after leaving your guy's house.

Issei: *smiling like an idiot* It's no problem at all.

Rony: Uhhhh... its whatever.

His skin then started to burn up even more now. After Rias finished drying her hair she took a seat at her desk and Akeno stood by her and Kiba and Koneko were also standing at the front/side of her desk. While Issei and Rony sat across each other on 2 different couches.

Rias: First we all would like to officially welcome you both (more so Issei) to the Occult Research club.

Issei: Oh, really thank you?

Rony: Uhhh thanks but no thanks.

Rias: I haven't even told you what the club is and your already so quick to decline.

Rony: Sorry but quite frankly....... I think I don't like you. So anything involving you I should just stay out of.

The others in the room grew serious. Koneko even took a step back...... like she was scared. Issei though was more confused.

Issei: Dude what the hell? You haven't even given them a chance.

Rony: I thought you would be on board with me dude?

Issei: What do you mean?

Rony: *completely dumbfounded* DUDE You literally died not even a week ago.

Issei was completely surprised by this.

Issei: WAIT YOU KNEW I DIED. Then does that mean you remember Yumma as well?

Rony: OK YES, I do remember Yumma.

Issei: Why would you lie to me bro. I thought I was going crazy.

Rony then stood and slammed his fist on the table between the 2 couches. Which took the breath out of Issei from shock and surprise.

Rony: BECAUSE I was trying to figure out some of my own shit.

Rias: I think we all need to calm down.

Rony then regain himself but didn't sit back down.

Rony: Now I don't know what the hell you are Rias but ever since that day when Issei got killed my gut and skin had been burning around you ever since. Its honestly getting annoying.

Issei: Dude what are you talking abo-

Rias: That is to be expected. After all. You are The rider.

Issei was confused when she said that. Rony was as well but more so angry.

Rony: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Rias raised an eyebrow

Rias: Do you really not know of the power you hold Rony Blaze?

Rony: What power? What are you talking about?

Kiba then cut in.

Kiba: You have the spirit of vengeance tethered to your soul. You have been killing demons and other people as the Ghost Rider for the past 2 days.

Rony was completely shocked by this?

Rony: W-What? Is that what happens every time I black out.

Akeno: This is very strange...... There hasn't been a rider in almost 200 years. Then you come along, and it seems like you know nothing of the deal you made?

Rony spine shook with anger hearing about a deal?

Rony: Deal? What deal?

Rias: The deal you made with a devil. If you carry the Rider you will be given something in exchange.



Rony: So that's how all of this has happened. Because of him. It all makes sense now.

Koneko: Because of who?

Rony could only look at the ground. Feeling nothing but guilt and shame. He didn't really want anyone to know what he did. However, he needs answers and they can give him them.

Rony: When I was little my parents and I were happy. We didn't have money sure, but we were happy. Mom got sick though and soon she died. Later on, my dad got sick. When he got sick, I prayed for someone or anyone to help him. Instead of an angle though...... I guess I got a devil.

Rias head: So that's why he doesn't remember the deal or know what it is. He was too little to remember it.

Rony: He said if I accepted the deal. My dad would be as healthy as a horse. In exchange he said he wanted my soul.

Issei was completely shocked at what he was hearing. For as long as he known him he thought he knew the full story.

Rony: I honestly thought he was joking. So, I did it. I sold my soul to the devil. When I did I woke up seeing my dad as healthy as a horse. I thought it was a miracle....... It didn't last long though. Not even a day later my dad got in a "mysterious" car wreck that killed him.

Everyone felt pity for Rony. Issei though felt the worse. He has known Rony almost his whole life. Yet he never knew about the weight he carried since a kid.

Issei: Rony I...... I don't know what to say.

Rony: ......... there's not a whole lot to say.

Rias then stood up from her desk and walked to a book shelf while talking.

Rias: Well since it seems you know nothing of the deal you made it seems I must familiarize you with it.

Rias then pulled a book out of her shelf. It was big old and dusty. She started to flip the pages until it landed on a picture. It was a beautiful angle with blue/white holy light surrounding it. She then placed it on the table between the 2 couches and sat next to Issei.  

Rias: Long ago when man first started to walk the earth a holy warrior named Zarathos lived in the heavens. He was one of Gods most pure hearted and honest angels. He was by Gods side through it all. The angle was a divine beacon of justice and power. So, God sent the angle to earth to protect and watch over man.

Rony: So, what happened to this Zara guy?

Rias: Zarathos.... Accepted the task believing he alone could protect all of mankind from any threat. What he did not know though is that man kinds greatest threat...... was itself.

Rias then turned the page to another. It showed the angel known as Zarathos being grabbed and touched by man's hands.

Rias: Due to Zarathos foolishness and what he believes now naiveness he was tricked by man's greed and obsession with power. Instead men turned from God to the devil to make a deal.

Rony: What kind of deal?

Rias: The deal was if men bring forth the most powerful holy and divine angel known in the 3 realms (heaven, earth, hell) then the devil would give men a soldier and warrior so powerful it could challenge God.

Rony along with everyone else went tense. Akeno and Koneko especially. They seemed scared of the rider........ Of Rony.

Rony: How can someone make something as powerful as God?

Rias: To this day we still do not know fully. We do know of the devil who made the spirit of vengeance............... Mephisto.

Rony eyes went wide at that name.

Rony: That's the devil I made the deal with.

Rias and Akeno looked at each other concerned. Rony knew that this was going to have to be another discussion for later. Rias then flipped the page again to another picture of the angel being dragged by hands down to hell.  

Rias: Another time to discuss that. Let's get back to this... Men was true to their word and brought Zarathos to the devil. The devil then tortured and corrupted the holy angel. Showing the angel worst mankind has to offer. War, Greed, Lust, Anger, Pride, Jealously, Laziness along with every other sin there is. Zarathos went insane from seeing so much of the worst. Leaving the devil known as Mephisto to do as he please with the angel. So, he gave Zarathos the power of hell fire along with his own strength.

Issei: And? What happened?

Rias: The holy warrior turned from a spirit of justice-

She then turned the page again showing an angel with skeleton wings and fire along with a skeleton.  

Rias: -to a spirit of vengeance.

Kiba: So, what happened next. After Zarathos was turned into the spirit of vengeance what happened next?

Rias: Mephisto kept true to his deal and gave man the most powerful warrior. However, the spirit of vengeance saw mankind only for its sins and nothing else. It then attacked and burned the souls of the very people it was supposed to protect. Not only that but feeding and eating off of the burnt remains of their souls-

Rony though than cut in.

Rony: -Wait you said that this Zara guy was once a spirit of justice, right? Is there any way it's still inside me?

Rias: I don't know to be honest. The rider is older than my own brother and possibly even my father.

Issei: If this rider guy is so powerful than how come we aren't all you know dead yet.

Rias: I'm getting to that....... Once the spirit of vengeance was set free all hell broke loose. All Devil's, Fallen Angels, and even man fell to the Spirit of vengeance. So, God finally stepped in.

Rony: And?

Rias: God shamed Zarathos for being corrupted and bringing forth the hell and destruction he had done. Zarathos felt ashamed and promised to try and fix his mistakes. To do anything to redeem himself. So, God asked Zarathos to work with man again and to never come back to heaven until it can see the good in humanity. Zarathos agreed. So he turned to Mephisto believing the deivil that cursed him could fix him. Once again though he was tricked by Mephisto. Mephisto trapped the devil in another deal. Where the Spirit of Vengeance can only come out through a human host. Forever trapping the Spirit of Vengeance with multiple human souls. Ever since then Mephisto has used the Rider deal to pass the mantle of the Ghost Rider. Making the Rider one of his greatest and most powerful weapons.

Rony: Then what? What happened after that?

Rias: That's it. The rider hasn't been seen or heard of for over 200 years. We honestly thought the Rider finally saw the best in man and found peace in heaven again or was finally defeated or even retired.

Rony then went to look at Issei. Issei was just pissing himself.

Issei: So, your telling me my step bro who made a deal with the devil as a kid has a crazy corrupted angel who can possibly kill everyone?

Kiba: Basically?

Koneko: Pretty much.

Akeno: That sums it up.

Rias then stood up from the couch.

Rias: Now I think it's time we all properly introduce ourselves.

Rias, Kiba, Koneko, Akeno and Issei all sprouted devil wings from their back. Issei was more surprised by his wings though. Rony eyes went wide when seeing Issei with wings.

Rias: My name is Rias Gremory. This is my peerage of the Gremory devil house hold. We all are devils.

Rony then looked at Issei.

Rony: So, uh.... you're a devil?

Issei: *rubs neck* Uh yeah...... Is it a bad thing?

Rony: I don't think I have room to talk. So, I can't really uh well say.

Kiba: for the Ghost Rider you seem to be taking us being devils pretty well.

Rony: I don't really feel anything around any of you guys. However-

He then pointed at Rias.

Rony: Every time I'm even near you my skin burns up and body goes crazy.

Rias: Hmmm it seems the rider inside you does not like full blown devils. Though at least it can tolerate my half breed devils in my peerage.

Rony: Half breed?

Akeno: It's what we all are. Only devils who were born as a devil are full on devils and can take the family name. However, to keep the population up devils can make other humans into devils.

Rony then stood up and looked straight at Rias.

Rony: I still have some question though.

Rias: And they are?

Rony: What is it you want with me? Why the hell are you so interested in my brother? And not to mention what the hell happened to Yumma and why can't no one remember her?

Rias: Yumma is a fallen angel?

Rony: What the hell is that.

Kiba: Angels as you know serve God and try to kill devils. Fallen angels are angels who fell from their divine righteous path but still try and serve God by killing any devils.

Rias: Yumma was assigned to kill Issei because they believed he was a threat.

Rony: *looks at Issei looking at Akeno boobs* Really? Are you sure were talking about the same guy here?

Rias: Once we took care of Yumma and saved Issei we erased everyone's memories of Yumma.

Issei: SO that's why nobody can remember her.

Rias: Yep...... Now as for your brother Issei he has peaked my interests and I have taken a liking to him.

Rony: I find that hard to believe. My brother is a gigantic perv who only interests and hobbies are to look at girls all day and go about it in the most disgusting and pathetic way possible so you better give me the real reason for why you were so eager to make him a devil.

Issei right now was just hanging his head low feeling the low blows his step bro just threw at him.

Issei head: Damn man why don't you just kick me in the nuts while you're at it.

Rias: I'm afraid those other reasons are going to have to wait for another time. As for your other question...... You're a huge threat to everyone...... The very fact that you possess the spirit of vengeance puts not only my peerage at risk but every human being in this school and town. Not only that but the fact that Mephisto has decided to let the rider come out after all these years makes me believe there is something he wants. Which is NEVER a good thing.

Rony then got in a fighting stance and gripped his fist tight narrowing his eyes.

Rony: So, where does that leave me huh? You're going to try and kill me now because of something I can't even control.

Rias: No of course not. In all honesty I don't want to be the enemy of The Rider. Especially of the fact that since you have no control over the spirit there would be no stopping it from doing whatever it wanted.

Rony: Meaning?

Rias: Meaning I want to help you Rony. If you can get control over that thing then there will be a lot less violence shed.

Rony had to think about this for a minute. He doesn't have many options. He doesn't trust Rias one bit. He doesn't know anything about her or anything about this whole devils and angels krap. But SHE does though and the only way he is going to be able to stop Mephsito or control whatever the hell is inside of him then he has no choice but to trust her. First though he needs more answers.

Rony: Ok SOOO say if I were to "join" you. What then?

Rias: Then you would serve under my peerage.

Rony: Meaning whatever you said goes right?

Rias: Correct.

Rony: Then no.

Rias: ...... Uhhhh I'm sorry what?

Rony: *sigh* Look if this spirit of vengeance is as powerful as you say then I don't think anybody should have it or be able to control it. So right now the safest hands for it are my own.

Rias just held her chin thinking for a minute trying to find other solutions........... Then it clicked.

Rias: Then how about a deal.

Rony: Your kidding, right? LAST TIME I made a deal with a devil I lost my soul.

Rias: I know you have had past problems with deals, but this is a good way for devils to be bound to their word. As you know once a deal is made it can never be broken by both parties.

Rony: So, what is this deal?

Rias: If you agree to not attack me or my peerage, I will never harm you or the rider. This deal will also apply to the rider. Meaning if it ever tries to attack my peerage it will be forced to back off.

Rony: Oh, I get it then. Your so scared of me that your willing to do anything to protect your peerage...... including Issei.

Rias: Is there a problem with that.

Rias then stuck her hand out for a hand shake as a red aura surrounded it.

Rony: No.......... not at all. It means you're willing to protect Issei. So as long as you do what's best for him-

Rony then grabbed Rias's arm and made the deal as flames erupted from his hand not hurting either of them.

Rony: I'll try to play nice.

Hey everyone, I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. Things are just weird in my life right now so sorry if Wattpad isn't my number 1 priority like it used to be. Anyways if you liked this please say so and vote and if you have a thought or comment leave it. As always, I hope you enjoy....................OK BYE.

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