DxD 3: Turn Up!

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(Outside the city)


Issei: *sigh* My school life is so bleak. Will my time at the academy be wasted without a single chance to get some boobs in my hands? 

?????: U-Um... You're Issei Hyoudou from Kuoh Academy, right?

Issei: Hm?

Issei lifts his head up and turns his head to see a beautiful girl with black hair wearing a different school uniform.

Issei: Yes?

Inner Issei: I've never seen that uniform before. I wonder what school she's from. She's so cute!

?????: *blushes* Um...

Issei: C-Can I help you?

?????: *blushes* Well... Hyoudou-kun, are you seeing anyone at the moment?

Issei: N-Not really.

?????: I'm glad to hear that!

Issei: Huh?

?????: *blushes* U-Um, would you mind going out with me?

(A/N: What the hell is with the "U-Um..." and "Um..." words?! Can't these characters just say something else?! Every character in every anime always say these words!)

Issei: ... W... What did you just say?

?????: *blushes* I've always seen you pass by here and... well... I knew you were my...

Inner Issei: H-Hey, is this...?

?????: *blushes* P-Please... Please go out with me!

Issei: ...

Inner Issei: A... A... Are you serious?!!!



(Next Day)

Y/N was walking down the street and walks around the corner until he sees Issei introducing to his new girlfriend, Yuuma Amano to Matsuda and Motohama.

Y/N hid behind the wall and was listening to their conversation.


Matsuda: W-What?!?!

Motohama: Why?!?!

Issei: This is Yuuma Amano-chan. *looks at Yuuma* These are my friends, Matsuda and Motohama.

 Yuuma: *smiles* Nice to meet you.

Issei leans closer to Matsuda and Motohama's ears.

Issei: And she's my... ka-no-jo (girlfriend). Well, you guys should get one too soon! 

Issei looks at Yuuma.

Issei: Let's go, Yuuma-chan.

Yuuma: *smiles* Okay!

Issei and Yuuma left and continues walking away leaving Matsuda and Motohama speechless.

Motohama: T-That traitor!!!

Matsuda: WHA?!!


Y/N: Dammit... Why won't that idiot ever listen to me? I was only trying to protect him. What kind of girl would just go out and date with someone you just met that day? That's way too suspicious.



Issei: A date?

Yuuma: Yes, this coming Sunday. Or is it a bad time?

Issei: N-Not at all! Of course, it's fine!

Yuuma: *smiles* That's great. Then I'll see you, right?

Issei: All right! See you later.

Yuuma: I'm looking forward to our date!

Issei: *smiles* Yeah, me too.

Yuuma walks away and was heading her way home.

Issei: YAHOOO!!! A date! A date! It has such a nice ring to it! YOSHAAA!!!

?/?: Whoever she is, she's really cute. But... I don't know if I should congratulate you or if you're an idiot.

Issei: ...

Issei slowly turns around and sees Y/N leaning on the railings.

Issei: You... What are you doing here?

Y/N: I asked Matsuda and Motohama earlier where you are after school. They told that you already left, so I had to follow you and we can walk home together.

Issei: *pissed* Tch. You just won't stop, would you?

Y/N: Putting that aside, who was that just now?

Issei: ... She's Yuuma Amano. She's from a different school than ours.

Y/N: If I hear it correctly, she confessed to you just now, right?

Issei: Yeah, what about it?

Y/N: Well, I suppose it's a good thing that there's one girl who confessed her feelings to you, but... you only met her just now. You don't even know her and she's doesn't know you that much. Is that even true love? Well, it's not. Don't you find it suspicious that a girl you just met wanted to go out with you?

Issei: What are you saying, Kenzaki?

Y/N: ... I'm saying that you should ignore and forget about that Amano girl. I don't trust the words she just said to you. And I find it hard to believe that she's in love with you.

Issei: *pissed* What the hell did you say...?

Issei walks up to him and grabs him by the collar.

Issei: Are you saying that you're going to take her away from me too?!

Y/N: What? No, that's not-

Issei then punched Y/N right at the face and Y/N falls to the ground.

Y/N: Ow!!! What the hell was that for?!

Issei: I'm not falling for your tricks again! 

Y/N: Huh?!

Issei: You're doing it again just like the last time! This is the first time that a girl confessed her love to me. I finally have my first real girlfriend in my life. And now you're gonna take that moment away from me?!

Y/N stands up.

Y/N: You're wrong. That's not really-

Issei: Well fuck that! I'm going on a date with her on Sunday, that's final! And there's nothing you can do about it! 

Issei grabs Y/N by the collar again and moves him closer to him.

Issei: If you dare get in my way... I'll kill you.

Y/N: ... Fine, do whatever you want. I won't stop you.

Issei: ...

Issei lets go of Y/N as he grabs his bag, bumps on Y/N, and started walking away with a smile on his face.

Y/N: Why won't he ever listen to me? I was only trying to help him from getting hurt. *sigh* What's the point? Every time I tried to talk to him, my words won't reach him.

??????: Well, at least you tried.

Y/N: Hm? 

Y/N turns around and sees a girl wearing the female Kuoh Academy uniform with white short hair and was eating her strawberry ice pop.

Y/N: You're...

Koneko: Nice to meet you, Y/N Kenzaki of Class 2-B. I'm Koneko Toujou, a first-year student. 

Y/N: Y-Yeah, it's nice to meet you too... Oh yeah, I remember. A lot of students from my class were talking about you a lot about how popular you are to all the boys and girls. 

Koneko: Hey... aren't you worried about your friend over there?

Y/N: Yeah, I am. I tried to warn him about how dangerous it is to go out with a girl you just met today. I'm really worried... Even if he kept telling me that we're not friends anymore... For me... I still believe that we're still the best of friends.

Koneko: ... It's really nice to hear from you about how much you care so much and how worried you are about your best friend. So... what are you going to do about it?

Y/N: I... I don't know...

Koneko: Hmm... The only advice I can give you right now is to keep an eye on him during his date.

Y/N: Eh? You want me to watch over him on his date?

Koneko: You don't have to if you really don't want to go. But... maybe it would be best to keep an eye on him to see if he's in trouble or not. But don't get yourself caught by them.

Y/N: Well... you may be right. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for your advice, Toujou-san.

Koneko: It's no problem.

Y/N: Well, I better get going. I'll see you at school tomorrow, Toujou-san.

Koneko: Yeah. See you later, Kenzaki-sempai.

Y/N left and was walking his way home leaving Koneko alone.

Koneko: ... *smiles* Looks like the rumors are true... You two were really best friends back then.


(Old School Building)

(Occult Research Club Room)


Rias: I see.

Koneko: As expected, your intuition.

Rias: ... was right on the money, hm? I made the correct choice by having you watch him.

Akeno: President, what would you like to do?

Rias: I'll make some preliminary preparations, but in the end, it all depends on him. And also...

Akeno/Koneko: Hm?

Rias: I also want to see what Y/N Kenzaki can do later on.



Issei: She's a bit late.

Issei was out on the city waiting for Yuuma on his date. As he kept waiting, he sees a girl wearing a costume beside him.

Girl: *smiles* Please check us out.

 The girl gives him a little piece of paper with a weird logo on it. The girl then walks away.

Issei: I didn't mean to take one.

Issei reads what's on the small piece of paper.

Issei: "We grant your wish"? That sounds like a scam.

?????: Issei-kun!

Issei quickly puts the piece of paper in his pocket and sees Yuuma walking towards him.

Issei: Good morning, Yuuma-chan!

Yuuma: Sorry. Did I keep you waiting? 

Issei: Oh no, I just got here.

Inner Issei: I always wanted to say that!

Issei: Alright, let's go.

Yuuma: Okay!


Issei and Yuuma then went together to begin their date. While Issei and Yuuma were on their date, Y/N was watching them from afar where Issei couldn't see him. After all, Y/N has good eye sights from far places.

Y/N: I didn't mean to stalk on them, but this is the only way to make sure Issei is safe. Now... let's see how his date turns out.


After Y/N was following Issei in secret without getting caught, there's nothing suspicious about their date after they went to shopping malls, arcades, and restaurants. Everything seems normal for Y/N, but that doesn't stop Y/N from keeping on eye on Issei. Y/N needs to be sure until their date ended.

Currently, we now see Y/N hiding in the bushes and was watching and hearing Issei and Yuuma's conversation in the park.

Y/N: *yawn*... Just a little more... Just a little more until their date ended.

(At the park)


Yuuma: Say, Issei-kun. Do you mind doing me a favor to commemorate our first date?

Inner Issei: C-Could she be asking for a kiss...?

Issei: W-What kind of favor?

Yuuma: ... Could you die, please?

Issei: ... What? Wait, you... Huh? Sorry, Yuuma-chan. Can you repeat that? I think there's something wrong with my ears.

Yuuma walks over to Issei and leans closer to his ear.

Yuuma: Could you die, please?

Yuuma steps back as her clothes were started to rip off, she had black wings growing from her back and a change of black clothes.

Inner Issei: I see them! I definitely saw them! It was only for an instant, but I saw real boobs! I've seen my first real-life boobs! And such a cute girl's, too! Isn't this what people call an exhibition?! No, not that! This isn't the time for that!... Wings...?


Y/N: *mumbles* What the hell?! Who the hell is she?! And why does she have wings?!


Yuuma(?): Although short-lived, playing innocent lovey-dovey with you was fun. I'll take good care of this gift from you.

Yuuma(?) says as she looks at the gift from her wrist she got from Issei.

Yuuma(?): So...

Yuuma(?) reached out to her hand and a dark red energy light spear appeared from her hand.

Issei: Yuuma-chan-?

Yuuma(?): Please die.

Yuuma(?) dashed towards Issei with her speed and stabs him right through his stomach and then the spear disappeared as Issei was starting to cough out blood and spilling so much blood coming out from his stomach.


Y/N: Oh no! Shit!!!

Y/N quickly comes out of the bushes.


Yuuma(?): Sorry, your existence poses a threat to us. So we took the initiative and moved in for the kill. Blame God for planting a Sacred Gear inside your body.

Inner Issei: Sa... What...?

Yuuma(?): *smiles* Thanks for the wonderful memories.

?/?: HOLD UP!!!

Yuuma(?) turns around and sees a boy with H/C hair and E/C eyes running towards her direction, and that man... was Y/N Kenzaki. Y/N kneels down beside Issei who was lying down grunting in pain and Y/N tries to hold on to his wound.

Yuuma: You're...

Y/N: Hey, Issei! Get a hold of yourself! Just hang in there!

Issei: Y... Y/N...

Y/N: Unforgivable...!

Y/N stands up and slowly turns to Yuuma(?).

Y/N: Why...?!

Yuuma(?): Huh?

Y/N: I knew you look suspicious from the start... BUT WHY DID YOU TRY TO KILL HIM?!!! HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU!!!

Yuuma(?): Isn't it obvious? Why don't you blame God for putting a Sacred Gear in that boy's body? His existence and his Sacred Gear are a threat to us.

Y/N: Sacred Gear...?

Yuuma(?): We, Fallen Angels are out to kill those who have not summoned their Sacred Gears yet. But now that you're here... *smirks* you're my next target.

Y/N: Me...?

Yuuma(?): That's right. You also have a Sacred Gear inside your body. And now... you will die along with your friend.

Y/N: ... I won't let that happen.

Yuuma(?): Huh? What are you talking about?

Y/N: Issei is really looking forward to this date with you... You don't know how much he brags to me about it and how excited he is to look forward to your date... And now... you're saying that you'll kill him just because of this so-called 'Sacred Gear' is inside him...?

Yuuma(?): Of course. So what?

Y/N: I knew I was wrong about you. What you did... is unforgivable...! Playing with other people's feelings... THAT IS ABSOLUTELY UNFORGIVABLE!!! And now... I WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!

Y/N pulls out the Blay Buckle.

Yuuma(?) was shocked at what Y/N was holding.

Yuuma(?): *shocked* That's...!

Y/N then pulls out a transformation card from his pocket.

Y/N inserts the transformation card into the Blay Buckle and attached Buckle around his waist.

Y/N slowly performs his transformation pose and then...

Yuuma(?): That card... That device... There's no doubt... No, it can't be...! You bastard! Don't tell me you're-!

Y/N: Henshin!

Y/N pulls the lever and the front part of the Buckle flipped up showing the symbol of the spade.


A large blue energy panel with the symbol of the Hercules beetle on it appeared coming out from the belt. Y/N walk towards it and went through the blue energy panel and then transformed... into the Warrior of the Lightning Spade... Blade. Y/N calls himself... Kamen Rider Blade.


Yuuma(?): Y-You bastard! You're Blade?! That's impossible! How do you have that Sacred Gear?!

Issei: S... So cool...

Blade pulls out his BlayRouzer from his left side.

Blade: I don't know who you are or what you are, but what I know is that you almost tried to kill my friend. And now you're gonna pay! I will never forgive you!!!

Blade rushes towards Yuuma(?) as Yuuma(?) starts flying in the air. Yuuma(?) summons her light spear and throws it towards Blade. Blade evades the light spear's attack and kicks the spear back to Yuuma(?) and it hit her.

Yuuma(?): Argh!!

Yuuma(?) crashes down to the ground after she got hit. Yuuma(?) gets up and summons her holy spear again and got into her battle stance. Blade then prepares his BlayRouzer.

Yuuma(?) dash towards Blade for an encounter attack, but Blade jumps and kicks Yuuma(?) at the gut as she coughs out blood from her mouth and takes a step back.

Yuuma(?): You fool! Do you have any idea what kind of power you are holding right now?!

Blade: I don't really know... but whatever kind of power I'm using right now... I'm going to use this power to protect and save those who can't save themselves!

Yuuma(?): You bastard! Just who do you think you are?!

Blade: ... Just a passing-through Kamen Rider. And also... Kamen Rider Blade. Remember that.

Blade expands the tray in a fan shape full of cards from his BlayRouzer and pulls out two cards from the tray.

Blade slides the Slash and Thunder Cards on the slide of the BlayRouzer.



Blade's BlayRouzer was starting to power up with blue lightning from the power of the cards. Blade swings his BlayRouzer down and a wave of blue lightning hit Yuuma(?).

Yuuma(?): GAAHHH!!!

Yuuma(?) screams in pain as she was sent flying towards the fountain. 

Yuuma(?): *cough* What power... *cough2x* As expected of your Sacred Gear... You can really handle the power of the Undead...

Blade: Undead...?

Yuuma(?) slowly tries to get up in pain.

Yuuma(?): You're going to regret this, Blade! I will kill you and take your Sacred Gear with me! I'll get you for this!!!

Yuuma(?) spreads her black wings and flies away from Blade.

Blade quickly turns around and sees Issei grunting in pain as Blade quickly ran towards him and kneels beside him.

Blade: Hey, Issei! Wake up! Get a hold of yourself!

Issei: Sorry, Kenzaki... I should've listened to you from the start... You were right... I am an idiot...

Blade: Don't try to speak, dammit!

Issei: You know... I didn't really see this coming... Am I going to die in this tiny, little park because of the bizarre thing that just happened...? If she's really going to kill me... she could've at least let me squeeze her boobs... I could only catch a glance... but Yuuma-chan has great boobs...

Blade: Idiot! I told you to stop talking!!!

Issei: What am I saying...? I'm going to die... 

Blade: Issei! Please don't die!

Issei: The truth is... I was actually jealous of you... how much you got a lot of attention to all of the girls... I'm really angry about that... But... I guess this is what I deserve for not listening to you...

Blade: No...

Issei: If I could be reborn again... I... I... Rias-sempai... Her alluring red hair... If I'm going to die... I want to die in the blossom of a beautiful girl like her...

Blade: Issei...

Blade then sees a red light glowing from Issei's pocket and a piece of paper from before came out from his pocket, flies up in the air, and a red magic circle appeared.

 Blade: What is that...?

As the red magic circle appeared, Rias Gremory appeared from the magic circle.

Blade: You're... Rias Gremory!

Rias: You called me, didn't you?

Blade: Just what is going on...? P-Please, I'm begging you! Please help me save my friend!

Rias: ... If your friend is dying anyway, then I'll just take him.

Blade: What?

Rias spreads her black devil wings from her back.

Blade: Those wings...!

Blade gets up and quickly stays on his battle stance.

Blade: Are you one of them, too?!

Rias: Please calm down. I'm not your enemy.

Blade: ...

Rias: I will help your friend... But in only one condition.

Blade: And what's that?

Rias: You two... will devote your life to me.

Blade: Nani...?

Issei: ...

To be continued



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