Chapter 12- A Trip to the Park

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Nightmare's POV

"Alright kids, time for bed." Our dad says, he just got home from visting his side of the family, they live far away from here. "Okay, goodnight everyone!" I say running into my room, I jump onto my bed and lay down. "At least it's the start of the  weekend." I say, before drifting off to sleep.

(Time Skip)

"Wake up, wake up!" I narrow my eyes at the triplets as they jump around on my bed. "But it's Saturday..." I say sadly. "We get to go to the park!" I groan and roll over, then pull the blanket over my head. "Five more minutes." I hear some giggles and smile. "Aw come on! It's the park and we get to play an-" I push the covers away and scare them, they scream and start laughing.

"I like that you four are having fun, but Nightmare needs to get dressed." Dad says coming in smiling at us. "Okay! Hurry up Nightmare!" Benny says jumping off the bed, then they run out giggling. Dad goes as well, I grab random clothes from my dresser and put them on, I walk out and go down the stairs and into the living room. "Okay, are you all ready?" The triplets nod and I give a thumbs up. "Okay, to my car!" Dad says marching to the door, once we get in we buckle up and he drives to the park.

Once we get to it the triplets start jumping around. "We're here, we're here!" Bernard cheers, dad laughs and pulls into the parking lot, then we unbuckle and get out. The three run to the play equipment and start playing. "They have been waiting a long time for you to take them." I tell dad, he nods, smiling. "Yeah, It's just hard when I have to go back and forth." We walk over to the benches and sit down. "So, how's grandma doing?" I ask, looking at the triplets play. "The doctors say she'll be out soon, if her cancer will let her."

I 'Oh' and he nods his head. "Look, they want you to go play." Dad says pointing to the triplets, their waving and doing hand motions to me. I wave and smile, getting up I go over to them. "Yay! Do you want to play tag with us?" Bob asks with pleading eyes. "Well yeah, it's what I came over for, to play with you guys!" I say laughing a little. "Okay, your it!" Before I could say anything they run off, I sigh and run after them.

We run around until I finally gave up, seeing that they are faster than me. "Aw come on Nightmare! You don't slack off in tag!" Bernard yells from the distance. "I'm... fat... okay?" I say between breaths, they give me the 'Shame on you' look and run over to me. "Your not fat! Your beautiful!" Benny says throwinghis hands up. I chuckle at them, then something in the corner if my eye catches my attention.

I look over to the left and see a familiar yellow green bunny, with another who's half his size, I walk over there. "Hey Springtrap!" He jumps and looks at me, then I see bruises and cuts all over him. "What happened?" I ask concerned, he looks away, while the little bunny looks at me. "Daddy's mean." I look at him and get what he's saying. "Your dad did this?" I ask him, he nods and hugs Springtrap's leg.

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