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"just something for you," Sharpay said to miss Darbus handing her a small gift before heading to her seat I see Troy look back and smile at me "well, I expect we all learned our homeroom manners yesterday, people correct? If not we have some dressing rooms that need painting" Miss Darbus said to the class me and Troy giggled at each other "Now, a few announcements. this morning during free period will be your chance for the musicale auditions, both singles, and pairs" Miss Darbus said making Sharpay clap of excitement "I will be in the theater until noon for those of you bold enough to extend the wingspan of your creative spirit" Miss Darbus continued "what time is she due back on the mothership?" Chad said to Troy making them snicker "now today, we are going to discuss the importance of Shakespeare..." Miss Darbus said started class 


Chad walks up to Troy has Troy closed his locker "Yo! what's up, man?" Chad said to Troy "what's up?" Troy asked "Hey, so um the whole team's hitting the gym during free period. what do you want to have us run?" Chad asked Troy "uh, dude, you know what, I can't make it. I gotta catch up on some homework." Troy told him "What? hello, it's only the second day back I'm not even behind on homework since preschool" Chad told him Troy forces a chuckle "that's hilarious. I'll catch you later" Troy told Chad walking away "Homework? there's no way" Chad said following Troy to a classroom Chad say troy talking to some kid "how's it going man?" a student came up to chad giving troy a distraction to leave Chad searches the room for troy who took a different way out of the classroom and walks right past Chad who is still looking for him Chad eventually follows Troy to a stairwell where he loses Troy completely. Troy Makes his way across an outdoor area as his father spots him, but Troy manages to give Coach Bolton the slip. Troy walks though into the garage and hides briefly to be seen by a mechanic "Short-cut" Troy told him "I'm late for class" Troy explained before walking into the auditorium 


"This is where the true expression of the artist is realized. where inner truth is revealed through the actor's journey..." Miss Darbus says to the group of students than the bell ring "was that a cell phone" Miss Darbus asked angerly making everyone check their phones "no, ma'am that was the warning bell" Kelsi explained to the theater teacher "Ah! those wishing to audition must understand that time is of the essence we have many roles to cast and final callbacks will be next week" Miss Darbus told them Troy has made his way to the back of the auditorium and is observing the proceedings from behind the janitor's cart as Miss Darbus continues "first, you will sing a few bars and I will give you a sense of whether or not the theater is your calling better to hear it from me now than from your friends later. Our composer, Kelsi Nielson, will accompany you and be available for rehearsals prior to callbacks. Shall we?" Miss Darbus explained the first singer went up but they were every off-key "uh-huh yes, thank you. next" Miss Darbus said. the next singer named Alan who was singing very off-key and reading the lyrics of his hand "Alan, I admire your pluck. as to your singing... That's a wonderful tie you're wearing Next!" Miss Darbus said to Alan the third singer was off-key as well but kept winking and Miss Darbus "uh... stop" Miss Darbus told her. then a girl named Cindra who sang very high pitched "ah... Cindra. what courage to pursue a note that has not been accessed in the natural world bravo! brava! perhaps the spring musicale" Miss Darbus told her the next was a pair of singers who did a very disturbed pair "well, that was just... very disturbing. go see a counselor. uhh, Next!" miss Darbus told them "hey! so you decided to sign up for something? " I said sneaking up on Troy "uh... No. you?" Troy asked me "No. um... why are you hiding behind a mop? your friends don't know you're here, right?" I asked him "right," he told me, Kelsi played the song for the next singer and she froze "thank you next," Miss Darbus said to her "um... Miss Darbus is a little... harsh" Troy said to me "the wildcat superstar's afraid?" I asked him "No! No, I'm not afraid, I... I'm just... scared" he told me "Me too... usually" I explained to him "and for the lead roles of Arnold and Minnie we only have one couple signed up (Troy and I both hide behind the cart) Sharpay and Ryan. I think it might be useful for you to give us a sense of why we gather in this hallowed hall" Miss Darbus said to Sharpay and Ryan me and Troy take seats in the back "what key?" Kelsi asked the twins "oh, we had our rehearsal pianist do an arrangement" Ryan told the girl "oh" Kelsi said defeated while Sharpay and Ryan did their audition I thought it was ok but I think that the song would be better slower "well... (Me and Troy hide) are there any last-minute sign-ups?" Miss Darbus said "don't be discouraged the theater club needs more than just singers It needs fans too. Buy tickets!" Ryan said to the people that auditioned "oh, actually, if you do the part with that particular song, I imagined it much slower..." Kelsi said to Sharpay "if we do the part? Kelsi, my sawed-off Sondheim, I've been in 17 school productions and how many times have your compositions been selected?" Sharpay asked Kelsi "this would be the first" Kelsi answered, "Which tells us what?" Sharpay asked, "that I need to write you more solos?" Kelsi said "No. It tells us that you do not offer direction, suggestion, or commentary. and you should be thankful that me and Ryan are here to lift your music out of its current obscurity are we clear?" Sharpay telling her "yes ma'am I mean, Sharpay." Kelsi said "nice talking to you," Sharpay told her "any last-minute sign-up?" Miss Darbus asked for anyone "we should go" Troy said to me quietly

 "no? good, done" Miss Darbus said then I decided to do it "I'd like to audition, Miss Darbus" I yell out Troy is shocked over what I did "timeliness means something in the world of theater, young lady. The individual auditions are long, long over and there are simply no other pairs." she explained to me "I'll sing with her" Troy said getting out of his hiding spot "Troy Bolton? Where is your sports posse or whatever it's called?" MissDarbus asked him "team," he told her "ah," she said to him "um, but I'm here alone. Actually I came to sing with her" he explained to her "yes, well, we take these shows very seriously here at east high. I called the pairs audition, and you didn't respond free period is now over" she explained to us "she has an amazing voice" Troy tried to say on my behave "perhaps the next musicale" she told us before walking out then Kelsi falls throwing her papers and me and Troy run to help her "so, you're a composer?" Troy ask her well we help her pick up her papers "you wrote the song Ryan and Sharpay just sang? and the entire show?" Troy asked her she gives a weak nod "well, that's really cool. I, uh can't wait to hear the rest of the show" he tells her offering his hand and she takes it  "so why are you so afraid of Ryan and Sharpay? I mean it is your show" Troy asked the shy and terrified girl "it is?" she asked him "isn't the composer of a show kinda like the playmaker in basketball?" he asked her "playmaker?" she asked I looked at him confused "you know, the one who makes everyone else look good. I mean, without you there is no show you're the playmaker here Kelsi" he told her I understand what he means "I am?" she asked Troy nods and I gave her a smile "Do you wanna hear how the duet's supposed to sound" she asked us 

It's hard to believe
That I couldn't see
You were always there beside meThought I was alone
With no one to holdBut you were always right beside me
This feeling's like no other
I want you to knowI've never had someone that knows me like you do
The way you do
I've never had someone as good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking for

"wow. that's nice" Troy told Kelsi "Bolton, Roberson you have a callback. Kelsi, give them the duet from the second act. work on it with them " Miss Darbus called out to us out of nowhere "all right If you guys wanna rehearse, I'm usually here during free period and after school, and even sometimes during biology class. you can come and rehearse anytime. or you can come to my house for breakfast I have a piano, we can rehearse there. after school, before school, whatever works after basketball class" Kelsi said being very excited I was happy to listen "what?" Troy said Questioning what just happened

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