~ Chapter 1 ~

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A/N There will most likely be many inaccuracies in this story such as the estimation of the length of time. I apologize if I have butchered any speech or culture in the story. 

         After riding for nearly three hours without looking back I spot a creek. Jumping off my black Andalusian stallion I lead him to the water to drink. Sitting at the base of a large tree I bury my face in my knees and finally release the tears I had been holding back. Suddenly I feel something hit the top of my head and I quickly stand up now on guard. Looking around I see no one so I look up into the tree I had just been sitting against. In the tree is a little girl that cannot be no more than five years old with a gasp I say "Oh my. You should not be up there sweeting you could fall and get hurt." Making her way down with a giggle the girl replies "I will nae fall. I do wan' tae see if ye are as Bonnie up close as ye are froom afar. Wha's yer name?" "My name is Belina and what might your name be?"

Dropping the last couple of feet to the ground the girl looks at me and exclaims "Och! Ye are more bonnie up close. Ma name is Ariana." Running up to us a little boy that looks to be about seven looks at Ariana and says "Ari ye know yer no' tae be runnin' off. It be makin' Clair crabbit when ye dae." Rolling her eyes Ariana replies "Garret dinnae be such a scunner." Gesturing to me she continues "This is Belina. I was aboot tae ask her why she was greetin'." Turning to look at me the boy says "Ye are a wee pale lass. Tis nice tae meet ye Belina. A'm Garret. So how come ye wis greetin'?" "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Garret. But I'm afraid I can't answer your question because I do not know what you mean by greetin'." I reply. Smiling Garret retorts "Well if ye dinnae know whit greetin' means then it be safe tae say ye'r no' a Scot." Chuckling I reply with "No I'm not Scottish. I'm something else entirely. Though my uncle was." Turning to Ariana Garret asks "Ari whit's that word mum uses whin she tells us no' tae greet?"

Looking thoughtful Ariana replies "I dinnae 'member. Mum will know. Let's take her wi' us tae see mum." Grabbing my hand Ariana starts to walk in the direction Garret came from. Keeping my feet planted I say "Wait I can't just leave Diablo here." Garret who had been walking back the way he came turns and looks at me confused. Glancing at the creek I notice my horse had wandered out of sight. So flashing a smile at Garret and Ariana I put the thumb and middle finger of my left hand in my mouth and give a whistle. At a brisk walk, my horse emerges from the thick brush and comes right up to me. Looking at the two children I had just met I smile and say "Ariana, Garret this is Diablo. He was a gift from my Father a bit over two years ago. He's from Spain." Smiling Garret says "Well whit are ye waitin' fer bring 'im wit' us." With a small smile, I grab Diablo's reins and follow Garret and Ariana.

Just as we are walking through the gate into the courtyard of the keep we hear the sound of horses behind us. Turning to look I see three men on horseback riding up towards where we were. As the men slow, I hear a squeal from behind me and see Ariana rush past me and run straight towards the men. However before she gets to them the oldest of the three dismounts, hands reins of his horse to the man on his right, and quickly strides to Ariana scooping her up in his arms saying "Ari mah princess ha'e ye bin a good lassie or ha'e ye bin a wee scunner tae yer maw 'n' auld Clair?" Giggling Ariana replies "Granda ye know I'm a'ways good." Chuckling the man responds with "Aye lassie ye'r a'ways good th' way it ne'er rains." Ariana giggles at that then exclaims "Och! Granda, I found a bonnie lass in th' wood by th' creek an' she wis greetin'. Can I keep her?" Looking at me the man opens his mouth to speak when I feel something against my legs. Looking down I see Garret hugging them while looking at the man holding Ariana. He then speaks "Nae Granda dinnae let Ari ha'e her I wan' 'er an' I'm aulder I should git 'er." Quickly looking back at the man with a concerned look on my face I see him place Ariana back on the ground and whisper something to her. Standing straight the man says "Garret be a good lad 'n' go wit' Ari 'n' find yer, Maw." Turning his eyes to me he continues "As fer ye lass ye will come wit'me 'n' I will blether wit' ye in private." Giving a short nod I follow the man into the courtyard where he yells to a stable boy "Jaik! Laddie yer tae take th' lass's horse tae th' stables 'n' gi'e it a good brushin'." Nodding the boy rushes over and says "Aye m' Laird." With a worried look, I speak up "Sir I do not think to have this boy attempt to brush Diablo is very smart. You see Diablo is very..... spirited and only allows certain people to touch him." The man looks at me with a straight face and says "Jus' gi'e th' reins tae th' lad." Turning back to the boy he continues "Ye best ha'e Ty hulp ye lad." Taking Diablo's reins from my hand the boy Jaik replies with "Aye m' Laid." and walks off with Diablo towards the stables. Motioning for me to follow him the man walks into the keep and leads me up some stairs to a study. Opening the door he tells me to take a seat, says something to someone in the corridor, takes a seat behind the desk, and watches me for a moment before asking "Dae ye ken 'oo I am lass?" I reply with "Honestly sir I did not quite understand everything you said. However, I am guessing that you asked if I know who you are to which my answer would have to be no sir I do not know who you are." Just then the door behind me opens and I hear what sounds to be two people enter closing the door behind them.Smiling the man motions for whoever entered to come to the desk then begins speaking. "I am Laird Douglas MacGeuin. This is mah son Andra 'n' 'is wife Juliana. Noo tell me lass Whit is yer name? 'n' whit are ye daein' on MacGeuin land?" Taking a deep breath I answer with "My name is Belina Levi and I did not know where I was by the time I thought it safe to stop riding. I had come to Scotland with my twin brother and about six guards to visit my uncle who I had not seen since I was seven. Upon reaching his keep I discovered that he was killed nine years ago and since his widow never liked any of his family my brother and I was told to leave. That we were no longer welcome on Gark land. We had made it to the edge of Gark land when our party was attacked. To keep me safe my brother Loukiss told me to quickly get to the cover of the forest before I was noticed. For once I did as I was told and once I was far enough to where I could not be seen but still see what was happening I turned to watch the battle. Not even an hour later Loukiss and all six guards were dead.Upon seeing that I turned Diablo and rode hard without looking back because the last of my family was killed before my eyes." "Ye say yer uncle wis Laird Gark? Tha' means ye'r 'is sister's daughter 'n' th' princess o' Lavandria. Whit happened tae yer maw 'n' da lass?" "Yes, I am indeed the Lavandrian princess. As for what happened to my mom and dad... they are dead. My mom died ten years ago of an ailment in her chest. And my dad died just over a year ago when his horse threw him. He had hit his head on a large stone and the force of the blow broke his neck." "Ye kin stay 'ere fer as long as ye wan' lass. Yer uncle wis a friend o' mine. I'm sorry fer a'' th' loss ye ha'e suffered." "Thank you Laird MacGeuin. And if it is alright with you I would rather nobody outside the four of us in this room knows that I am a princess." Suddenly the woman Juliana grasps my hand and says "Of course dear. We completely understand. If you are more comfortable without the use of your title then we shall not use it. We shall simply tell everyone that you are the late Laird Gark's niece Lady Belina. After all he had only told those closest to him that he trusted about your mum being a queen." "Thank you so very much. This really means a lot to me." Smiling Juliana stands from her seat on the edge of the desk and says. Come we shall get you something to eat while a maid prepares a room for you. You can meet Ian and the children as well. Andrew my love could you fetch Clair and the children to the great hall?" After receiving a nod from her husband Juliana leads me to a table in the great hall where she bids me to sit across from her. Signaling a maid over Juliana smiles and says "I am certain you will adore the children. Before I was called to the study Garret was telling me that him and Ariana had found the most beautiful fairy in the woods." After Juliana stopped talking the maid speaks "Aye me Lady?" "Aileen this is Lady Belina she will be Staying here for some time so have Catriona and Fiona prepare the chamber across from Ian's for her. And then I would like you to bring something for Lady Belina to eat. Oh and before I forget tell Clair to send the children here." "Aye me Lady." Aileen replies with a bow of her head before leaving to do as she was bid. With a smile Juliana turns back to me and says "I'm assuming that you are the fairy Ariana and Garret found in the woods. Would that assumption be correct?" Giving a slight chuckle I respond "I'm no fairy but yes they did find me in the woods. And when I was crying no less. Ariana had said she was going to ask me why I was greetin' but I didn't understand what she had meant." "Oh greetin' just means crying. If you would like I could help you to understand the thick brogue and Scottish language around here so you needn't feel lost." "Oh thank you so very much Lady Juliana I would truly like that. Though I do remember a bit from when I had been here with my uncle." "It is not a problem and please call me Juli." "Of course and you may call me Belina or Bel." At that moment Aileen returned with a tray of cheese and sweetmeats. "MiLady. The weans ar' aboot 'ere." "Thank you Aileen that will be all you may go." "Aye me Lady."

Just as I finished eating Ariana and Garret come running up to the table with an older woman not too far behind them. Garret is the first to speak. "Aye, mum? Da said ye wan'ed us." "You know very well that you are not to run in the keep children. Now I am certain the two of you have met Lady Belina. She will be living here for some time so try not to frighten her." "Aye mum." the children reply in unison. "Clair I would like you to meet Lady Belina Levi. The only niece of the late Laird Gark. As I just told the children she will be living here for some time." "It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Belina." "It is a pleasure to meet you as well Clair." Pulling on the sleeve of my gown Ariana says "Belina dae ye wan' tae play wit' us?" "Ari dear I am certain Belina would like to rest for a bit before doing anything else. I am just about to show her to her chamber." "Can I 'elp ye mum? Can I? Can I please?" "Of course you can dear. Belina if you will follow us we shall show you to your chamber."

Getting up I follow Juli and Ariana across the great hall, up a staircase to the third landing, down a corridor to the last door on the left. Entering the chamber we find only one of the two maids that had been sent up. Juli speaks up "Catriona where on earth is Fiona?" Turning the maid I now know as Catriona replies "Oh! Me Lady! Al' we 'ad lef' ter do wus prepare de bed so oi sent 'er ter de kitchens. Oi toll 'er oi wud finish in 'ere." "Oh well if you are finished you may go." "Aye me Lady." After Catriona left Juli turns to me and says "This will be your chamber for as long as you are here. Should you need anything just give that bell a pull. You didn't meet all of the children Linna is sleeping at the moment." "Thank you, Juli, I will keep that in mind about the bell. And thank you, Ariana, for showing me to my chamber. Perhaps after I rest some I can come and play." "I'm certain that both Ariana and Garret will enjoy that. I will see if I can find some nightdresses and gowns that will fit you and send them up." "Oh wait I nearly forgot my things are still on Diablo. I have clothing in the bags on Diablo's saddle. I should get them and assure him that I'm alright." "I will have someone get them and bring them to you." "Thank you, Juli. I don't know what I would do without you all." "Get some rest you have been through quite the ordeal." "I will." With that Juli and Ariana leave the room. Sighing I loosen the laces on my gown, then remove both my gown and my handcrafted boots. After stripping down to just my chemise I lay on the bed prepared to sleep for a bit.


Entering the great hall after sending Ariana off with Clair and Garret, Juliana spots her brother-in-law Ian MacGeuin entering the hall with what looked to be four bags stuffed to nearly bursting that went with a horse saddle. Juli walks up to him and says "What have you got there dear brother?" "Ah wis in th' stables whin a black 'orse wis broot in tae be brushed doon. Th' 'orse tried tae break free so ah calmed it doon 'n' grabbed these bags aff th' saddle. Ah wis aff tae see if ma Da could tell me 'oo they belong tae." "Oh, those must be Belina's bags. Do you think you could be a dear and take them to her chamber for me? I'm not sure I can make it back up those stairs just now." "Aye ah suppose ah could dae tha'." "Thank you, Ian, her chamber is the one across from yours." "Yer welcome Juliana bit a'm only daein' this fer ye ma sweet sister." After planting a kiss on Juliana's cheek Ian goes upstairs to the chamber across from his and knocks.


Just as I am about to fall asleep I hear a knock at the door to my new chamber. Rising I go to the door forgetting my state of undress at the moment. Opening the door I see a tall Scotsman who looks to be close to my age standing in the corridor.

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