Chapter 4

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The Salamander vs The Elder Phoenix

Inside the O.R.C clubroom were the two brothers Natsu and Carmaile. They were currently watching their friends decimate Riser's peerage. Carmaile was rather focused on one screen specifically the screen which had his wife Wendy Marvell's fight on it. He was brought out of his thoughts by his brother.

Natsu: Carmaile we're heading out

Carmaile: ...Fine

He stood up and they walked out heading to the student council room where Riser should be waiting for them. As they walked they heard walked they walked they heard their friends decimating Riser's peerage.

Grayfia: Riser's Bishop and Pawns

They reached the main school building and headed up the stairs to the Student Council room only to see that Riser isn't there in the room. They head back out when the ground begins to shake and an explosion happens in the room they were just in. They get up and look outside to see Riser floating with wings made out of Fire.

Riser: Hmm it seems I have missed

Carmaile: No Shit Sherlock

Riser: So shall we battle

Carmaile: Need help bro

Natsu: Nah I got this

He leaps out the hole in the Building before landing on the ground and sucking lots of air.

Natsu: Fire Dragon: Roar

A cyclone stream of Fire streaks towards Riser who puts his hand out and launches a huge amount of fire at the beam completely obliterating it. Natsu then uses his Fire to launch himself at Riser before reeling his fist back.

Natsu: Fire Dragon: Iron Fist

He punches Riser which sends him flying into the forest. Natsu lands back in the school house waiting for Riser to show up.

Carmaile: You all good bro

Natsu: Yeah don't worry

Carmaile then leaves as Riser flies lut the forest and hits Natsu deeper into the school building before launching a stream of Fire into it which damages the school even further. Riser then flies into the building looking for Natsu as he is then launched through the floor and down into the gym. He slowly stands up as Natsu rushes him, hitting him with a barrage of attacks before slamming him into the ground and dragging him towards a wall before throwing him through it. Natsu tries to hit Riser but he grabs his arm before punching Natsu in the face and blasting him away with an Fireball. Riser then rushes Natsu before grabbing his leg and slamming him into the ground, walls, and ceiling.

Riser: You are nothing but a phony Dragon trying to face the might of a Phoenix

He tosses Natsu into the air and holds his hands out.

Riser: Get out of my Sight

He launches a large stream of Fire at him but Natsu eats the fire causing Riser to stare in confusion.

Riser: WHAT

Natsu spins in the air before scales cover his body, his turn to slits and wings form on his back, he lands on the ground and stares at Riser.

Natsu: If I'm a fake Dragon then your a disgrace to the word Phoenix

He rushes forward to Riser as Fire starts to surround his hands.

Natsu: The Flames of my right hand, and the flames of my left

Natsu slams his hands as he is surrounded in a ball of Flames.

Natsu: The combination of these two

He holds his hands in the air as the ball of Fire condenses to fit in his hands.

Natsu: Take this, Fire Dragon: Dazzling Blaze

He tosses the ball as Riser tries to hold it back but it explodes launching him back into the ground floor of the school. He lays on the ground as Natsu walks up to him before he looks down at Riser. Riser clenches his fist as he launches his flames outwards which knocks Natsu into the air as Riser uses his wings and launches himself at Natsu before grabbing him and slamming him through the floors until he reaches the roof. He let's go as he blasts Natsu back into the school.

Riser: No, I cannot afford to lose here, If I lose to you how can I marry Rias

He starts to create a large magic circle as a huge Fireball starts to form. Natsu starts to stand as he looks back up at Riser.

Natsu: How do you think she feels, after spending time with her I can firmly tell you

Natsu launches himself at Riser.

Natsu: That she doesn't love you

Riser launches the huge ball of fire as Natsu sucks in air as streaks of Lightning begin to mix in with his fire as ot surrounds him.

Natsu: Lightning Flame Dragon: Roar

A huge beam of Lightning and Fire launches at the Fireball as it starts to be pushed back we Riser stares in shock.

Riser: W-WHAT

The Fireball explodes as the beam travels through it before it hits Riser knocking him even higher into the air. Natsu flies towards him as his body starts to get cloaked in Fire. He starts to become a streak of Fire streaming towards Riser.

Narsu: Fire Dragon: Sword Horn

He headbutts Riser in his stomach which launches him upwards before flying behind him. He holds his hands together as Flames begin to form a Phoenix around him.

Natsu: Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus Exploding Flame Edge

He launches a spiral beam of Fire which destroys the school as it slams into it along with Riser. As the smoke clears Riser disappears in blue particles as Grayfia's voice comes on over the speakers.

Grayfia: Riser Phenex has fallen, Natsu Dragneel has won the Rating game

Natsu laughs abit before he starts to fall, as he's about to hit the ground Carmaile catches him as he floats back to the ground with the guild around him.

Carmaile: He's okay

Everyone starts to cheer as they're teleported back into the waiting room.

(In the stands)

The Devils appear shocked while Zeref and Mavis stand smirking at the results of the fight.

Rias: They...Won

Sirzechs: Unbelievable, he beat Riser

Zeref: What do you expect he was a Phenex going against a Dragon

Akeno: And he certainly isn't that bad looking

Rias: Hey that's my Fiance

Zeref: Well if the match is over then we will be going

Sirzechs: Hang on we still need to talk about these Etherious, how many are there

Zeref: Currently there are 100, most on my Kingdom and Peerage and some in my Brothers Peerage

Sirzechs: How do you make them

Zeref: I told you, that is none of your concern

Sirzechs: It Damn well is since you 'Creations' could wipe out the Entire Devil race if they rebelled, so as your Devil King I command you to tell me

The group suddenly felt overwhelming Magic Power start to crush them as Zeref started to glare at Sirzechs.

Zeref: You may be a Devil King but you are not the King of my Race sonce we are no longer of the three factions

Sirzechs: Then what are you

Zeref: You'll find out soon

With that Zeref and Mavis teleported out of the viewing area, leaving a lot of shocked Devils and an angry Devil King.

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