Chapter 16: (Y/N)'s new pet

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A/N: raynare receives her punishment by becoming your pet.

It was the middle of the night as Raynare was fleeing for her life. She was disowned by the rest of the fallen angels after her failure to kill you. This resulted in being sentenced to death but luckily for her, she escaped but the other fallen angels were still after her. She needed a place to hide so they wouldn't find her. But that would be hard since she knew the first place they would find her would be at her place and the Devils would kill her if she tried going to them.

Raynare: damn it! I can't running from them for much longer. I need to find a place to hide now.

She then thought of you since your probably the only person for her to turn to.

Raynare: damn it. Looks like I have not choice.

She flew to the direction of your house with the other fallen angels still chasing behind her. Once she landed there the fallen angels threw their spears at her. She dodged them but the spears hit your house which resulted in waking you up.

(Y/N): oh god damn it what the hell is it this time?

You got up and headed to the door. Once you opened it you saw raynare.

(Y/N): oh it's you. Well then did you turn back on your word and come here to die?

Raynare: no please. I'm being chased by the fallen angels. If they catch me they'll kill me. Please I need your help!

(Y/N): and I do I know your not lying?

A spear of light almost hit her wing but it managed to cut the side of her wing.

Raynare: ah!

(Y/N): ok that's good enough to believe I suppose. Get in the damn house.

She gets in there and hides. You turned to the group of fallen angels who were meant to kill raynare.

(Y/N): if you with the government or the church get the fuck off my property.

Random Fallen Angel 1: give us the girl.

(Y/N): nope.😐

Random Fallen Angel 2: give her to us or die!

(Y/N): ah ah ah. You didn't say the magic word.

They all got pissed And began to attack. Once they were close to you, things didn't end well for them. Raynare should know since she was watching out of the window of your house seeing everything. The thing you did to the last one was bad.

(Y/N): ever heard of the nutcracker?

The sound of a man's nuts being crushed was heard.

Raynare: 0_0

You walked back in and faced her.

(Y/N): alright your problem is taken care of now get the hell out.

Raynare: no wait they might send more after me. Let me stay with you. I'll do anything.

You thought about it for a moment and then got an idea.

(Y/N): alright. I'll let you stay here. But on one condition.

Raynare: what is it I'll do it

(Y/N): you haft to be my pet.

Raynare: wh.......what?

(Y/N): you will be my pet as your punishment for what you did to Asia.

Raynare: f...fine.

You patted her head.

(Y/N): good girl. You can sleep in the spair room I have.

Raynare: th...thank you

She goes in to lay down. Once you were in your bed, you were thinking to yourself.

(Y/N)'s mind: well then I can't imagine tomorrow getting any weirder.


Turns out you were wrong, after the others saw you with raynare they almost flipped their shit until this one kid with black and red wings and three yellow horns on his head showed up and to which lead into an odd fight between him, Austin and ikara.

Battra: Fear Battra!

Austin: bitch not even a moth would fear you.😐

Battra: 🔥_🔥 

Ikara: oh good grief. -_-

(Y/N): perhaps maybe I was wrong.

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