Chapter 3: The Godzillasaur and The Devils

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A/N: you meet more interesting people.

So after your odd date last night, you hade decided to just sleeping it off and forget about it. You thought it wasn't anything to really worry about for right now. After a long night of sleeping you woke up and stretched.

(Y/N): "Yawns" man. I had a rough night at sleeping. Must've been that one chick from last night who tried to kill me. Seriously I couldn't sleep very well.

You then heard a something as well as another yawn. You turned around and was surprised to find the crimson haired girl from school, Rias. She looked as if she was sleeping beside you last night.

(Y/N): uh?......

Rias: "Yawns" did you sleep well last night?

(Y/N): um....not are you in my bed with me right now?

Rias: well I sensed that fallen angel try to attack you last night after you date. Plus to be honest I couldn't resist seeing you again.

(Y/N): um...ok.....well I guess that's nice of you then but what exactly do you mean by fallen angel?

Rias: well what did you think she was? A human with wings.

You remembered what you said last night.

(Y/N): look just how do you even know that's she was some sort of fallen angel anyways?

Rias: that's because all Devils like me can sense that.

(Y/N): I'm sorry let me just stop you right there real quick. Did you just say devil?

Rias: yes?

(Y/N)'s mind: oh god what kind of universe did I end up in by those humans?


So after being given a shit tone of information from Rias about angels and Devils and a few other things that were a bit unusual. But now you were just walking through the halls while everything Rias said but while you were you didn't watch where you were going and accidentally bumped into someone. She feel on her butt.

???: ouch. 

You looked and saw a black haired girl in more different clothing.

(Y/N): oh uh......sorry about that.

???: it's alright.

You helped her up.

(Y/N): I got a little distracted. I'm (Y/N).

Akeno: I'm Akeno.

(Y/N): again I'm really sorry about bumping into you.

Akeno: no really it's fine. It's really nice to meet you by the way.

(Y/N): oh.....s...s.....same.

Akeno walked off while you stood there blushing a little bit. After a while you soon turned around and continued to walk through the halls. While walking you noticed two boys just hanging out in the halls. One boy had some odd pointy hair and another boy with simple going hair. They noticed you. The one with the odd pointy was named Issei and the other was named Austin.

Austin: oh it's just you new kid.

(Y/N): yep.

Austin: I heard about want happened last night between you and Raynare last night.

Issei: wait she got him too?!

Austin: tried to. But luckily the Kid's got skin more tougher than metal.

(Y/N): um....ok if you don't mind me asking just who are you two?

Austin: I'm Austin and this Issei. He also had a little run in with raynare and got killed. But thanks to Rias he's living again.

(Y/N): wait he died?

Austin: yep.

(Y/N): yikes.

Issei: tell me about it.

Austin: oh god.

(Y/N): what?

Austin: Ikara.

Issei: Rias' grumpy little wild as brother.

(Y/N): I've met him before.

He walked to you.

Ikara: I told you to stay away from my damn sister!

(Y/N): yeah no I'm gonna stop you right there. She came to my place and slept in my house without me even knowing. Maybe if you would lossen on the grumpy ass attitude then maybe you could understand.

Ikara: that's it! I'm kicking your ass right here right now.

Austin: and you really want to risk getting expelled for starting a fight?

He looked to austin.

Ikara: gggrrr!

Austin: "hisses" I can make noises too!

Ikara: fine we'll settle this later outside of town.

(Y/N): wise choice.

Ikara: that way no one can find your body once I'm done with you.

(Y/N): yeah I've heard that one before.

Austin: so have I.

Ikara: -_-

A/N: next Chapter will be a brawl.

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