Chapter 38: finale

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A/N: the final chapter.

You stood over Bagan's injured body as everyone waited for you to finish her off.

Austin: finish her off (Y/N), do it now!

You didn't do much but only looked down at her and her damaged body.

Issei: come on man do it! Take her down.

That's when you simply helped her up and get on her feet.

Ikara: the fuck?!

Bagan: why? After all I tried to do, why would you spare me?

Super (Y/N): because bagan, I'm not some simple creature like how you see most of the creatures on this world.


Super (Y/N): and I can prove to you that not all humans are evil like you think they are.

Bagan: how?

Super (Y/N): I'll show you.

You grabbed her and the two of you teleported away.

Raynare: (Y/N)?

Anguirus: what the?! Where did they go?!

Rodan: they teleported or something!


You and bagan were near a city where you were showing her what humans do there.

Bagan: why have you brought me to this human infested city?

Super (Y/N): I'm showing you an example of why all humans aren't as evil as you say they are.

Bagan sees a few things like crimes going on but they were all being stopped by the police.

(Not the asshole kind of police).

Bagan: humans damage this planet with what they do.

Super (Y/N): yes, but not all of then want to do harm to this world. There are humans out there who are trying to save this world from that. They're doing everything to make sure that no more harm will ever come to this planet.

Bagan: I've seen humans hunt animals for sport. Most of them are extinct because of that.

Super (Y/N): that's why there are humans who are doing everything that they can to help protect those creature all from dieing.


Super (Y/N): bagan, humans have compassion for the world they live on. You just need to give them a chance to show it to you.

Bagan:........very well.......I'll give humans a chance.

Super (Y/N): thank you.

You both teleported back to everyone else.

Austin: ?!

Ikara: why is she still alive?!

Super (Y/N): because I'm showing Bagan that killing humans isn't going to solve anything.

Bagan: I've decided to give the Humans a chance.

Zilla jr's mind: wow maybe there was a way to get her to Listen to reason.

Bagan: now I will go and return to my slumber. I will reawaken every now and then to see how the humans have been going.

Austin's mind: not exactly what I call a wise thing but whatever.

Bagan soon started to walk off but first she turned and faced you.

Bagan: I want to thank you (Y/N). You've shown me a new perspective.

You smiled. Bagan the turned away and started to walk away back to the himalayas. It would be a long walk for her but she would get there eventually. You turned back to your normal form and faced the others.

Zilla jr: well I haft to admit. I was wrong, perhaps there was some pursuaiding her after all.

Austin: yeah and that new form was incredible.

(Y/N): yeah it was. It was certainly something new.

Suddenly you were tackled in a hug by raynare.

(Y/N): oh there you are.

Then you noticed the rest of the girls coming at you.

(Y/N): uh oh.

They all tackle you.

Austin: oh my.

Ikara: seriously sis?

Space(Y/N) and Destroyah were still there.

Destroyah: so should you take you chance.

Space(Y/N): nah, where's there fun in fighting him after a long battle like that. I'll give him time.

The two of them fly off leaving you all with the others.

Raynare: you were incredible.

Akeno: the best thing I've ever seen from you.

(Y/N): thanks, but I feel to be in a bit of pain.

Rias: oh? We might have something to take care of that~

Ikara: ahhh! I'm getting the hell out of here before I throw up!

Austin & Issei: XD

This was your life. Being with people who you loved and cared for and it was just the kind of life you would want. The humans in the other dimension feared you, but the ones in this dimension thank you.

(And don't worry about Battra, he's okay).

(Meanwhile in the other dimension).

A fully grow  godzilla jr was attacking Japan after destroying the dimension tide.

The end........

A/N: another great story comes to an end. I'll have a page up for votes for the next story soon.

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