Chapter 14

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


third person

As everyone at the red gauntlet in aww and shock that josh was able to give ruby a power up when suddenly ddrags voice was heard making some people jump back

(ddrag) so this is my new wielder josh may i think you for saving me from that perverted idiot

(josh) your welcome ddrag now ruby well begin training with your sacred gear tomorrow right now i need to go do something

josh said heading for the front door as everyone looked at each other then at josh

(blake) were are you going josh?

(josh) to get something that gonna take me a day to get 

before anyone could question josh more he left while putting a bag over his shoulder as the door softly shut yang was the first one to move as she went towards the front door and put on a jacket and a pair of yellow sunglasses as she went to open the door Weiss voice stopped her

(Weiss) what are you doing yang?

yang turned around and stood as if she was caught in the act of stealing a cookie

(yang) nothing ice queen i was just gonna go to town and browes the shop nothing much......

(Blake) you were going to spy on josh and his friend weren't you?

yang hung her head down and nodded as she heard a swift and a stop she looked up to see Blake, ruby, Weiss, pryyha, koneko, Kuroka, jack,hinata and saber all dressed in disguise of some sort yang smiled and opened the door as they started to follow josh through the city everyone seems to wonder off as ruby nora ren and Weiss head off to karaoke station, pryyha Jack hinata and saber head off to the shopping district leaving only yang and Blake watching Josh as he waits at the train station while on his phone Blake looked at yang who was watching Josh intentenly

(Blake) yang why did you really wanna follow Josh?

Yang sighed and took her eyes off Josh and looked at Blake rubbing her arm

(Yang) I don't know Blake every time I'm near him my heart races I mean I had boyfriends before but the only thing that they cared for was my body not me in general but I spoke with Josh the very first time i was expecting to see lust in his eyes but what i saw was not lust it was someone that wanted to gt to know me the real me 

yang said ash sit down on a nearby bench and looked at blake who sat down next to yang and sighed   

(blake) i know what you mean yang 

yang looked forward to see a girl that was 5,7 with golden eyes long orange hair she was wearing a yellow jacket that had a black jaws t shirt underneath she was wearing skinny jeans with holes in them along the legs. as yang looked at the girl she smiled and made a follow me motion with her finger and started to walk off as yang got up suddenly she started to follow the girl while blake had gotten up and started to follow the blonde brawler the girl had turned a corner into the alley way yang turned into the alley way but was meant with a strange sight she saw no one down the alley way as Blake finally caught up with her friend she looked down the alley way yang was looking down to also see nothing as blake gently put her hand on her friend shoulder she started to speak 

(blake) yang? whats wrong you just got up and started to walk 

yang looked at blake 

(yang) i dont know why but i saw a female that looked familiar to me and as if a instint of mine was telling me to follow the girl 

blake nodded a little confused but understood but what the two friends didnt see was that the girl was looking down at them from ontop of the building with a smile hearing the two converstation 

(???) soon we shall we meet my little sun dragon 

The girl said moving her head to see Josh stepping into a train as a smile adorned her face getting up

(???) I shall soon see you again my lover

With that the orenge turned around and walked away disappearing into thin air

With Josh pov

After I had stepped onto a train i took a seat near the door as I layed my head back to the train window I began to speak with bahamut and yami both

(Josh) 'bahamut what is this weapon you are talking about?'

(Yami) 'yes bahamut what is this weapon you speak of I am curious myself'

(Bahamut) 'Well this 'weapon' is the most powerfull holy sword in exsitence Excalibur during the great war god had gave me this weapon for protection but to mislead the devils he created a less powerful version of Excalibur that was spilt into eight swords only two of my other weilders have been able to weild Excalibur Josh I believe you meant the requirement for Excalibur'

(Josh) 'thank you bahamut'

(Yami) 'Josh I believe it's time for you to unlock some new justu so come and train'

(Josh) 'alright yami while I'm at it I'm gonna create some new magic spells'

With that I drifted off into my traing mind scape

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Josh training with a chibi bahamut and yami

It's been a few hours now since I've been traing with bahamut and yami I've learned a couple new justu called Kirin, planetary devastation, almighty push and almighty pull I've also created five new magic spells one called planetary recovery this heals any area I destroyed and can boost any earth magic attacks, the second magic spell is called aura of lighting this increases my speed by eighty percent along with boosting my hand to hand and coats any weapon I use with lighting, the next spell is called dimension travel this allows me to travel into other dimensions with little to no power and I can also bring anyone I want along with me back and forth, the fourth spell is called ultimate barrier  this can put a barrier that can canceal any sacred gear effect, magic attack, physical attack, and it can form a armour around my body, the last spell is called auto aim this is a spell for gates of Babylon for when I shot a projectile at a enemy I have option to make the weapon follow it's target. As I opened my eyes I have to blink a couple of times to reajust my eyes to the train cart as I look around I see I'm the only one on I then strich hearing a couple of pops from my back then I get up looking out of the train window to see we are in the country side of Japan the train then stops at the station I was waiting for i stand infront of the sliding doors

(Josh) bahamut what should I expect when retrieving Excalibur?

(Bahamut) 'expect to be challenged'

(Josh) got it

The train doors open as I step out onto the cement platform and breath in the freash air as I look around to see no one else on the platform as I look into the forest line to see a trail covered by nature then I begin to walk towards it making sure to keep up my guard in case of an attack

Back at home with yang pov

After I lost the girl I went back home with Blake we see a oddly sight first we see a old man about 5,9 wearing a robe with a long white beard that reaches down his entire robe he also has a gold white monical next to him is a women that's looks in her mid twenty with long sliver hair with aqua blue eyes she is wearing a tuxedo with tennis shoes, then there is a man with long blonde hair with green eyes he is wearing a yellow cloak around his body with golden shoulder pads and under the cloak is a red robe next to him is a girl that has long curley blonde hair with also green eyes she is wearing a white tuxedo next to them is two people covered in cloaks as I was about to speak the old man disapered  as I was confused until I feel somone groping I instantly kicked the person off me turning around with my semblance actived I see the old man chuckling

(???) A great rack for such a beautiful lady such as yourself

{Bear with me it's important to the plot}

I was about to launch my fist straight into this old man but felt Blake hand on my shoulder I looked at her to see her shaking her head

(Blake) yang don't attack him looks do you feel his magic energy

I calmed down a bit and looked at the old man to feel him hiding his magic energy

(???) My what a beautiful girl you are with such a mind and body what man wound crave you

Just then the sliverd haired lady appeared behind the old man and karated chopped his head for the old man to rub his head in pain as he looked up at the women

(???) Rosseweiss what was that for?!

The girl now identified as rosseweiss sighed and rubbed her nose

(Rosseweiss) Lord Odin I would please ask you to keep your perverted antics down we don't want to cause a war with the weilder of bahamut remember?

Odin was about to retort but looked down and nodded as rosseweiss looked at me and Blake and smiles

(Rosseweiss) I'm very sorry my Lord odins behavior towards you

(Yang) it's.... *sighs* fine just please don't let him do that again

(Rosseweiss) I will now I think introductions are in order my name is rosseweiss valkayrie personal bodyguard to Lord Odin ruler for asgard and this *gesture to odin* is Odin ruler of asgard

Me and Blake mouth dropped to the floor we had heard of gods but to actually meet one that is a one and a million life time chance! I then turned my attention towards the four

(Yang) then who are these people!

(???) I'm Michael ruler of heaven the girl next to me is my sister gaberial whom is a protecter of heaven also known as a seraph <---- {is that spelled right?} Then the two in the cloaks are two exorcist that have been sent here on a very important mission regarding certain swords is Josh home?

I shook my head no and looked at Michael

(Yang) sorry Josh went out of town to collect something he didn't tell me what I could give him a call to see we're he is at if you want?

(Michael) that's alright I can wait for Josh

I nodded and walked over to the front door getting out my key I unlock both the top and bottom locks then push the door open to see a funny sight.  Weiss was crouched down on the floor naked covering herself the best she can while ruby had ddrag gauntlet on her left hand freaking out and saying sorry a lot as everyone else was face plamimg then pryyha put a blanket over Weiss

(Yang) so what happened?

Everyone looked at me and ruby was about to speak until Weiss beat her to it with a huge blush on her face

(Weiss) your sister is a pervet  I asked if I could see some spells from her as she puts a red magic circle on my shoulder next thing I know all my cloths are ripped off leaving me naked!!

(Ruby) I'm sorry Weiss I didn't know it would do that

Ruby said with teary eyes as I laughed a little then i remembered about our guests

(Yang) hey girls we have company over

I said stepping to the side allowing everyone to see Michael, gaberial, two strangers, Odin and rosseweiss as Weiss turns and leaves to get cloths on I then turn to the group of people

(Yang) come on in I'll go give a call to Josh and see we're he is at ruby can you show everyone to the living room without breaking all there clothes


I smiled and walked to the kitchen pulling out my phone from my short pocket then I open it to see my back screen a picture of Josh without his shirt on that I might have tooken a picture of while he was in the bathroom one morning..... don't judge readers you were expecting me to act a little perverted right?

Third person in a office room

A loud crack sound was beard as yang was teleported to a chair sitting in front of a office desk behind the desk sat the Arthur behind him was a brick wall with some cracks in it

(Arthur) why and how are you breaking this fourth wall yang I don't have the money to replace it!

Yang snickered and shrugged

(Yang) just pointing out the truth Arthur-chin now if you excuse me I need to get back in the story before your readers get bored of this and how I did it comes naturally

(Arthur) ya ya get out gonna need to order duck tape

Back in the story yang pov

I clicked on the calling app feature scrolling to Josh number I press the call button and bring the phone to my ear as I lean back onto the counter as I hear the phone answer hearing Josh voice speaking

(Josh) :hey yang what's up?:

I smile and begin to speak softly into the phone

(Yang) :nothing much just calling you and telling you that some people are here not devil's but well a god, angles, excorsist, and a valkayrie:

(Josh) :I didn't know that nora mom came to this world:

I laugh getting up from the counter walking over to the sink and begin to blush having something cross my mind

(Yang) :jeezs Josh I thought I had jokes but with all that aside can I ask you something josh?:

(Josh) :sure go ahead you know I'll listen to you and everyone else any day of the week no matter what:

I smiled as my blush grew bigger

(Yang) :could

Josh was silent for a minute which had me worried until I felt somone wrap me into a hug from behind

(Josh) sure yang I would love that how does tommorow even sound?

I blush and nod my head unable to speak from all the embaresmet as I feel Josh on hug me I turn around with a good sized blush on my face to see Josh blushing we both then hear a cough as me and Josh look over to the kitchen entrance we see pryyha and ruby

(Pryyha) Josh I believe that there is a god here to see you in the living room please dont keep him waiting

Josh nodded and walked out of the kitchen a little scard as pryyhahad a dark aura around her with a innocent smile with her eyes closed

Third person with Josh

After Josh leftbthe kitchen he walked into the living room to see gaberial chatting with Weiss and ren, nora and jaune talking with rosseweiss while Michael is chatting with hinata Asia erza and torhu Josh smiles but noticed one of the cloaked excorsist stand up and look at Asia

(???) Are you Asia aregnto?

Asia nodded with a smile

(Asia) yes I am Asia who might you be?

(???) My name is xeniova member of the church you are the same Asia that was pinned a heretic for healing a devil?

Everyone went silent as Asia eyes widen looking down towards her lap she nodded

(Xeniova) then is a witch like yourself still believing in God even tho you are a heretic?

Asia nodded again as xeniova pulled down her cloak hood revealing her blue hair with a green stripe along with her brown eyes she grabs the handle of her clothed sword on her back drawing it to reveal a blue broad sword that has a golden outline to it as she rises it towards Asia

(Xeniova) then allow one of the blade of god repent for your sins and die

Michael was about to step in as xeniova did a downwards swing towards as but as Asia was about to be cut in half xeniova was launched outside breaking a wall in the process as everyone looked to see Josh holding the blade with the palm of his hand seeing blood trickle down his hand and the blade Josh then began to walk towards xeniova as he dragged the blue blade along the ground as everyone got up and followed him making his way towards xeniova once Josh reached xeniova he lofted the sword high in the air and brought the blade down making everyone eyes widen as Josh stuck the blade two inches away from her head

(Josh) god would not want you to strike down her god is a forgiving man who kindness s unmatched he would forgiven Asia don't let your beliefs blind you xeniova

Josh said turning around and walking eight feet from xeniova summoning his dark emperor katana Turing around to see xeniova getting up grabbing her sword handle and liftimg it towards Josh everyone stared in disbaleaf at the scene xeniova was about to attack two light spears were thrown in front of xeniova and Josh everyone turned to see michael with his halo out flying in mid air with twelve golden wings out

(Michael) xeniova that is enough we did not come here to make enemy's we came here for two reasons

Xeniova nodded putting cloth around her blade again and rejoining her partner on the side line as Josh looked at Michael

(Josh) what are the reasons

Michael flown down onto the ground his wings and halo disappearing as he looked at Josh with a kind smile

(Michael) we came to ask for your help and to make a alliance between us

(Josh) I'm assuming that's why Odin is here as Well?

(Odin) correct young one and quite observant of you

(Josh) thank you now I'll make an alliance with both of you for two reasons one is because I don't have anything against angles or gods second I'm curious to see what comes out of this alliance now shall we sign a contract or something?

(Odin) no since you've agreed to it I will leave my bodyguard here to make sure the alliance is not broken

(Michael) as my sister will stay here to also make sure the alliance is not broken

Then gaberial and rossweiss walked over to josh

(Gaberial) Hello! My name is gaberial my brother is current leader of heaven 

then rossweiss spoke next 

(rossweiss) hello my name is rosswiess odin personal bodyguard  but now that we have made a alliance i am your personal bodyguard Mr.Gate   

(josh) please rossweiss no need to be formal is good to have you both here now Michael what's the second thing

Josh says turning his attention to Michael xeniova and the other excorsist as Odin leaves vial magic

(Michael) as I said before these two excorsist are here to retrieve stolen swords called Excalibur fragments

Josh nodded then looked at the two excorsist while Michael left vial magic circle

(Josh) alright ruby yang Weiss Blake jaune pryyha nora and ren come on let's go train

The girls nodded and left to go put on training uniforms as Josh turned to the four other girls

(Josh) you may do whatever you want I don't mind we just three rules living here one is always knock on the bathroom door before entering, second don't eat nora pancakes in the freezer, third there all no rules

Josh smiles and turns around and starts walking as he hears footsteps following him

Time skip brought to you by a chibi ruby using dress break on chibi Josh while chibi yang Blake Weiss pryyha kuroka and koneko take pictures

After four hours of training both teams rwby and jnrp have increased both there physical and magical potential ruby can now use ddrag boost twenty time while also being able to hold off againt Josh at five percent of his own power without bahamuts or yami, yang has increased her physical attack ,endurance, anger control and is able to with stand seven percent of Josh own power, Weiss is able to use more of her glyphs like three hundred at a time while gwtting used to the ice ice fruit Josh has given her she can also withstand five percent of Josh own power, Blake well Josh increased her swordsman ship along with her gymnastic and semblance power she can now make up to one two hundred clones withstanding five percent of Josh own power , together team rwby can take Josh on at twenty one percent now onto team jnrp jaune swordsman ship has increased along with his control over the light light fruit also unlocking his semblance which can boost other people semblance and recovery there semblance shield after, <---- {am I wrong?}, nora well she increased her endurance and strength, ren well he increased his speed along with his control over the ope ope fruit a lot able to summon a room all over kuoh and wider, pryyha has increased her hand to hand combat, swordsman ship, semblance control, endurance and like team rwby team jnrp is also able to with stand twenty one percent of Josh power together. Now we see Josh practicing with a wooden katana in a duel against jaune using a light sword he created from his light light power as pryyha was keeping ref Josh disapered from jaune sight only reapering in front of jaune with the wooden katana up to his neck

(Pyrrha) Josh wins! 30 to 5

Josh smiles and sets the wooden katana down bro fisting Jaune

(Jaune) at least I got five off you man

(Josh) ya you did keep up the good work and soon it will be six

Josh said playfully as jaune hit him in the arm in return as they both shared a laugh as the trio headed inside to meet with everyone else at the back door since they were playing tennis as everyone entered the home they see the girl from earlier sitting on the couch watching tv as everyone looking at her Josh walks in front of the tv and crosses his arms as the girl kept her smile and looked at Josh

(Josh) who are you?

(???) Names Helios dragon goddess of the sun lover to bahamut dragon god of annihilation


Everyone held confused faces until bahamut gauntlet appeared on Josh arm as bahamut gave out a chuckle

(Bahamut) hello my dear wife it is so good to see you again

(Helios) it's very nice to see you to my little lation love

Josh looked at bahamut

(Josh) wait you had a lover?

(Bahamut) yes I do now Helios would you like to explain?

(Helios) certainly my love now children listen closely you see one hundred years ago there was a great war between the three factions devil's, fallen and angles but two dragons entered the fight known as the two heavenly dragons ddrag and Albion they joined the fight for a unknown reason to the three factions but true reason is known between me bahamut yami and ddrag for you see they were fighting over a chance to go out on a date with me luckily when bahamut had heard of this bickering he flew down from our home and into the battle heavenly injured ddrag and Albion and as he was enough to kill them both god had intervened and sealed away the two dragons into sacred gears after that bahamut struck a deal with God if he could make it to we're me and bahamut sacred gear weilders we're destined bound lovers he would allow god to turn him into a sacred gear so when I heard this deal I was a little mad but accepeted it so we had god turn us into sacred gears along with yami know our weilders are destined bound lovers

Everyone was shocked to say anything all that was hard was bahamut laughing his off ass from gauntlet Weiss then looked at helios 

(weiss) wait if you and bahamut weilders are destand to be lovers an dif josh is bahamut weilder is josh who is your weilder?

helios smiled and pointed her finger towards yang who grew wide eyed

(All the girls) WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

(ruby) this is not fair!

everyone looked at ruby who grew a massive blush and used her semblance to zoom into her room as josh as about to ask helios a question she turned into a golden ball and went into yang  

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