chapter 15

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


Third person

As everyone had a look of surprise shock and disablef at yang and Josh Helios started talking

(Helios) Josh yang if you have any questions about the whole thing we will answer then but we need to go in a separate room

Yang looked at Josh who was already leaving to a separate room she sighed and followed Josh to josh weapon room and summoned bahamut gauntlet

(Josh) now you what do you two mean?

Bahamut - it's exactly as Helios said our weilders are destined to be together my weilders are not always male in case some of the readers of wondering

{Godamit bahamut first yang now you?! My paycheck can't handle this ;-;}

Bahamut and yang snickered as Josh looked confused then he looked at yang

(Josh) bahamut is what Helios said true?

(Bahamut) yes it is since me and Helios we're lovers during our time as dragons and since we had a friendly relationship with God when he created the sacred gear system we asked him if me and Helios weilders could be bounded to love each other no matter what even if it's a Romeo x Joliet story we're one dies at the end

(Josh) and you couldn't have mentioned this why?

(Bahamut) because you never asked

(josh) bahamut I am going to strangle you when I see you tonight

Bahamut let out a laugh as Helios began to speak again

(Helios) now now Josh I'm sure if bahamut would have told you about that you wouldn't have had focused on training

(Josh) ya your right anyway Helios how we're you able to go into human form without revealing yourself to yang?

(Helios) that's simple yang awakened me the first time she used her semblance why do you think her hair turns on fire?

Yang blushed at the comment Helios made and turned around then started to talk in a whisper about something

(Yang) wait you mean you've seen me do everything since the age of 7?!

(Helios) yep I've also seen your dreams about him~

Yang blushed as Helios giggled making yang turn back around with a very blushed face

In the living room

Ruby had summoned ddrag gauntlet on her arm as Weiss Blake pryyha kuroka Asia saber erza Jack and hinata all surrounded her asking ddrag questions

(Weiss) ddrag did you know of this?!

Weiss says angrily at the gauntlet

(Ddrag) yes about bahamut and Helios love and double yes at the love bond

(Blake) why didn't you say this before hand?!

(Ddrag) well one it's not my place to tell others secrets expressly if said person or dragon can kill you just with a glance second I don't wanna die!

(Pryyha) what's the story behind Helios and bahamut anyways?

(Ddrag) well that's simple bahamut was said to have no equeal not even great red or ophis can beat him all dragons thought he was just a cold killing machine since he liked to annihilate his enemy's until one day a young dragon named tama a dragon who was bullied for not being able to inheritance there magic but her parents loved her regardless of that but one day dragons came after there families magic killing tama parents in front of her mother told her to run and she ran away across and stumbled onto bahamut as he was sleeping in a cave tama had heard of bahamut strength and the stories about him she was terrified of him at first but even more terrified of going back she was about to leave until the people chasing her along with some other dragons found her and started to yell at her to get away from him but in doing so they had woken bahamut up as bahamut let put a terrifying roar scaring all the dragons into silence as bahamut growled looking around he asked what was going on then all the dragons started to tell lies to bahamut at the same time in hopes to persuade him but he let out another roar silencing them once again he looked down towards tama and asked the same question tama began to explain everything the other dragons have done to her he listens as bahamut sat there collecting his thoughts he turned his head towards the group of dragons and started to charge up his own style of dragon shot and killed all the dragons after he was done he looked at tama who was terrified of being killed as bahamut rised his claw over her head but bahamut didn't kill her he instead used some of his magic to awaken tama family magic within tama after that bahamut told her that she could explore around the dragon world or she could stay with him and explore around with him as bahamut went back into the cave and slept tama chose option two after that day tama and bahamut developed a brother and sister relationship after a while other dragons had heard rumors about bahamut recusing a dragon young lin we didn't believe it until helios the dragon sun goddess know throughout the dragon kind as the most beautiful and kindest dragon hared of the stories of bahamut and tama adventure she went to investigate these stories despite our protest for her safety she ignored us and set off to hear there side of the story it was only later that we heard of bahamuts and helios relationship that i came to the realization that don't fuck with bahamut

(ruby) swear jar!

(ddrag) ill pay later!

as everyone was about to ask questions josh and yang came back into the living room ruby hid ddrag gauntlet behind her back as everyone looked at them to see yang with a blushing face josh having a calm face as two dragons laugh could be heard from bahamut and helios 

(weiss) so? what happned? 

josh coughed into his hands and looked at everyone in the room 

(josh) me and yang have decided to get to know each other a bit more before we actually decide to date 

all the girls tisk at that but then helios made a comment that made a lot of tension in the room sky rocket

(helios) hey little dragon docent josh and yang have a date today?

(bahamut) hmm i think your right my sun flower  

as the two dragons gods started laughing all the girls in the room grew dark faces while jaune and ren hid behind the couch as sanji and sebas went into the kitchen while nora sat down on the couch eating a bowl of popcorn while josh started to slowly make his way towards the exit along with yang but was meant with a ice spike through the door as Josh slowly turned around he saw all the girls with dark auras around them as he tries to open the door the group of girls slowly walk closer to josh suddenly gets an idea 

(josh) wait! why are you girls acting like this?!

as the group of girls stopped dead in there tracks and started to blush and looking at josh as nora started to laugh her ass off while jaune and ren face palmed yang took this opportunity to leave to get ready for her date with Josh as josh did the same 

time skip brought to you by chibi yang getting ready for her date 

As josh stood by the front door in he is currently wearing a short sleeve black t shirt with a grey jacket with dark blue cargo pants and complete black under Armour shoes he is currently waiting for ynag who is getting ready as a small quest screen apered in front of josh eyes

new quest  

quest name - the first of many dates 

objective - make sure yang xiao long has a good time on the date 

rewards if succeed - bumblebee,special surprise night visit from yang 

if failed - you lose both rewards 

would you like to accept this quest yes/no

josh though for a moment and clicked yes making the quest disapers as josh hears someone coming down the stairs he looks up to spot yang in a black jacket with a yellow no sleeve shirt she is wearing ripped skinny jeans along with wearing sneakers as she smiles at josh with afint blush on her face josh smiles back with his own faint blush on his cheeks as yang stands infront of josh with a smile josh opens the door 

(josh) shall we go

yang smiles and grabs josh arm pulling him out the door as she walked out of the house and begins to walk down the street not being aware of the group of people that is stalking them from behind as josh and yang walk into the city the group of girls which consisted of ruby, weiss,blake,pryyha,asia,hinata ,erza,jack,saber, koneko, and kuroka following them each with there disguises on have a angry look on there face looking at the date unfold so far Josh first took yang through the park we're they held each other's hand while walking through the park after that Josh took yang to the mall watching a show performer do magic tricks after that Josh not yang a sliver necklace with a yellow gemstone in the center as Josh put it around yangs neck she was blushing up a storm which made everyone jealous after the mall Josh took yang to see avengers endgame

{ rest in piece Tony stark you will forever be the best avenger times 3000 }

Because Josh yang and everyone else benched watched the entire mcu in timeline order except endgame while watching endgame Josh and yang sat in the middle row josh had one arm wrapped around yang while yang had her head resting on his shoulder as the rest of the girls sat at the very top watching both the love birds and the movie after the movies Josh and yang we're walking around town looking for the next place they should visit which yang notieced the group following them she turned a corner loosing the group for a momemnt looking around she saw a underwear store and looked at Josh who looked at yang

(Yang) *smiles* joshey I need some help with somthing

(Josh) what is it Yang?

(Yang) can you help me decide on a pair of new lingerie for me~?

Josh blushed and before he could say anything yang had dragged him into the alley next to the store shoving his head into her cleavage  making the group catch up eyes widen seeing they lost the love birds ran past the alley way after the group past yang dragged Josh into store and let go of him to see Josh face was completely red from blushing

(Josh) what was that for?

Yang smiled and looked around walking over to a rack filled with different colored bras and panties she picked out a matching pair and looked at Josh

(Yang) sorry about that joshey I saw some people from school who I didn't like and wanted to avoid them but come on I wanna try on this under wear

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Josh sitting in front of a changing room blushing as a chibi yang was trying on different underwear

As Josh sat down in a chair in front of a changing room while yang was trying on a pair of underwear Josh was talking with bahamut in his head as the dragon was laughing his ass off at Josh predicament

(Bahamut) 'hahahhah!'

(Josh) 'shut up bahamut!'

(Yami) ' *giggles* it is quite funny Josh-

(Josh) 'not you too yami!!'

Josh let out a sigh while outside the store the group of girls came back into a group looked around

(Ruby) me and weiss coudnt find him anywere!

(Blake) me and pryyha coudnt find them walking on the streets the way home

(Erza) he isn't at the market area me and hinata checked there

(Saber) well he isn't at the mall Jack and kuroka are still looking around the city as we speak

Everyone sighs as Weiss turns her head inside the store making her eyes widen seeing yang opening the curtain showing Josh a yellow lingerie she is trying on but yang eyes widen seeing the group of girls she grabbed Josh and hid back into the changing room after that Weiss stormed into into the building and straight towards the changing room with everyone else as Weiss yanked opened the changing room curtain seeing Josh and yang we're about to kiss as Josh looked towards the group of girls he started to blush like mad as yang groaned in disaprovel

(Yang) why to go ice queen you ruined the perfect kiss

Yang says angrily before anyone can say anything yang head is gently turned towards Josh as Josh plants his lips on yangs making her go wide eyed and everyone else after a couple seconds Josh pulls back looking at yang who is blushing

(Josh) that's for dragging me into a changing room

Josh said as he smiled and stepped out of the changing room closing the curtain behind him leaving a blushing yang

With rias and the orc

Rias is currently sitting behind her desk in tge orc building with a black book that has a symbol of two swords clashing togerther in the clubroom currently is issei, kiba and akeno rias was still pissed about Josh taking ddrag from issei she can't do anything towards Josh because of her brother signaling a truce with him making him allies with the devil's, angles, and norse gods the yokai and fallen are soon gonna make alliances with them as well but currently rias is looking through a book about all detailed information on all known sacred gears to see if there is such one to steal away a sacred gear as she is looking through the book she stops once she sees a doubled egded sword with a white handle and a marble at the very bottom of it rias reads the name sounga rias starts reading it's abilities as a wide smirk grows on her face making everyone look at her as she looks at issei

(Rias) issei I believe I found your new sacred gear

Everyone grow a confused look on there faces

(Kiba) boucho what do you mean we can't give issei a sacred gear not unless we have the sacred gear system ?

(Rias) your right kiba but there is one sacred gear out there that no one has been able to use since it was sealed away in hell itself

Everyone grow a surprised look at issei jumped in the air pointing his fist up

(Issei) hell yay!! Once I make that sacred gear mine I'll have Josh begging at my feet as I have his girls smother me in there boobs!!!

Rias and akeno smiled at issei while kiba sighed he missed koneko but all thoughts were averted when somone knocked on the door making everyone confused

(Rias) come in

The door opens to reveal a cloaked person with a sword along there back making rias eyes widen noticing the sword as sounga

(???) Lady gremory I have come with an offer you cannot refuse

(Rias) what is it?

(??) Simple lady gremory I have what you seek right on my back but thus comes at a price for you to have such a reward

This peeked rias interest as she looks at the cloaked man

(Rias) what's your offer?

(??) It's simple you have your pawn enter the tournament that Joseph is hosting with sounga and with this

The man reaches into his cloak and pulls out  a large, round, light purple fruit made up of many small teardrop-shaped components with swirl patterns, and green leaves sprouting from the top then he pulls out a case which has a strange symbol on it that makes rias have a look of confusing 

(???) this is for you lady gremory this will be a last resort incase the first plan falls apart it can wrap reality to your liking 

The man opened the small container to reveal a red stone which made rias gasped as she recognized the stone

(Rias) the reality stone?!

The man closed the box as he turned and started to leave the orc building but stopped mid way out of the door

(???) Be warned lady gremory I have given the tools for defeating Josh but I have not given you the steps of defeating Josh so choose wisely what you do

With that the man left as everyone in the orc stared at the three items as rias got up and walked over to the container and picked it up as she plastered a grin onto her face

(Rias) well well well Josh it seems fate has granted me a mean to kill you

Rias looked at the other two items before picking up the berry she looked at issei who was eyeing the sword

(Rias) I've made up my mind issei will have sounga along with this fruit i will ask sona if she can give us some time off school so that we can all train for the tournament

Everyone nodded as issei went up and picked up sounga and the berry he placed sounga on his back and started to eat the berry after fully consuming it issei held out his right hand and darkness coated it as rias smiles formimg a evil plan

With josh and the girls

We currently see josh and everyone walking home as josh and yang hanged back a bit talking and during this he completed the quest of making sure yang had a good time

(Josh) so your mother left your family when you were a baby to go and command a tribe?

(Yang) yep dad and uncle crow told me alot about her hell i know more about her then she knows about me

Josh looked down for a moment thinking as an idea arouse in his head as he looked at yang

(Josh) what if we go to rement and locate your mom wereabouts?

Everyone stopped and looked at josh as if he was crazy

(Weiss) josh your talking about dimension travel which is  impossible

(Josh) well yes it was almost impossible which is why i said almost you see i created a spell that allows me to travel between diminsions but i havent tried it yet but i plan on trying it soon so whould any of you like to join?

Ruby yang weiss and blake raised there hands as everyone looked at each other then hinata along with pyrrha raised there hands as Josh smiles

(Josh) alright tommorow we will leave go get some rest now and yang can you stay for a second I got somthing to show you follow me

Everyone went inside as yang followed Josh to the garage he told he to stay outside for a moment as he went into it and got bumblebee out of his inventory then opened the garage door making yang gasped in surprise she looked at Josh then her bike

(Yang) how?!?!

(Josh) I have my ways

Josh smiles as yang ran over and hugged him which he returned the hug after a moment of hugging yang looked into Josh red eyes as he looked into her violet eyes as yang softly planted her lips against Josh as josh put his hands on yang waist as yang wrapped her arms around Josh neck starting a little heated make out after ten minutes of this yang pulled back from the kiss sliva connecting hers and Josh lips

(Yang) best kiss ever

(Josh) I agree with you there

Josh and yang separate from the hug as yang walks towards the exit swaying her hips at Josh while he blushes and looks at yang who leaves as he soon leaves after

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Josh and yang under a tree watching the sun set as chibi nora takes pictures

It is currently the middle of the night in Josh house not a sound is made while in Josh room a gremory magic circle apperes in the center and out steps rias hiding her magic energy along with her is issei akeno and kiba rias is currently holding a rook chest piece in her right palm of her hand but has the reality stone invaded at the very top rias then gently places the rook piece on Josh chest as she begins to use a low tone of voice as the rook piece goes into Josh chest after which rias smirks and leaves vial magic circle as Josh door opens revealing yang in the same lingerie that she had Josh in the store she crawls into bed with Josh and cuddles her head into his chest softly smiling as she falls asleep

Chapter 15 end 3560 words

Hello everyone it's Skylab here and I wanted to say somthing I am back in school T-T that's why I haven't uploaded any chapters of late I'm very sorry about that but now I am back and try my best to write more chapters now my usual chapters consist of 4000+ words which is alot on my tablet and phone so I will be cutting chapters down to 2000+ and 3000+ words since school (fuck school) now as a extra bonus I'm giving a little tease for the skyrim remastered book prologue-

As the age of the returning dragons came to a stop prospering a new era of peace under new high king ulfirci storm cloak who brought the Empire to its knees during the civil war but now without help from the bane of dragons sky or as some will know him as the listener, arch mage of winterhold, best thief, harbingers of the companions, and  dovakiin but that was only dragons ulfric knows him as the dark general form leading a small army of fity storm cloak soldiers to concurer all of solitude but once they got there he told them to set up camp while he takes care of the city to which they did only a two hours later he came back with general tulius head in his hand after that day no one dared messing with him for after wards he slain alduin the bane of kings, harkon the king of vampires, mirak the dragon born and the ebony warrior he slain on the last vergal as he discovered all of skyrim becoming thane of every hold cleansing skyrim of all dragons but all good things must come to an end as one day the dragon born disapered from all treaces of the world not leaving behind any of his personal weapons and armour but our attention is diverted to present day kuoh academy we're a young female who has red long hair is reading the legend of the dragon born and grins because she believes she has found the final resting place of the dragon born but he wasn't dead no he was sealed away by god, Satan , the other three devil kings, ophis and great red out of fear

Let me know what everyone thinks of this new prouloge for the remastered book

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