chapter eleven

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


In the dream world third person

After the dragon roar pyrrha and sera both shot up then looked around and saw the dragons go wide eyed then one bay one the dragons landed one was completely black with red scales going along its back its chest glowed red his claws were red then it had red eyes of anger that stared into you, the second dragon was complete black it's eyes were light blue, the final dragon was completely white with black eyes the first dragon spoke in a dark tone

(???) Josh gate I am bahamut dragon of annihilation I am your sacred gear

Josh smiles and nods

(Josh) it's nice to finally meet you bahamut

Then the second dragon spoke in a loli tone that surprised the three

(???) My name is tama I am the dragon of darkness sera gate I am sera gate sacred gear now I already have met sera

Sera grew star eyes and ran towards tama and hugged her leg


Everyone laughs at this

(Josh) hello tama it is very good to meet you

(Tama) same to you as well Josh

Sera grew a wide smile and continued to hug tama leg then the last dragon spoke in a boy teen age tone of voice

(???) My name is ravish and I am the dragon god of war pryyha nikos I am your sacred gear

Pryyha nodded and bowed to ravish

(Pryyha) it's is very nice to meet you

Then bahamut looked at Josh and Josh look back at bahamut

{He looks at me and I look at him and he looks at and I look at him XD}

(Bahamut) Josh you have already unlocked my gauntlet but you will need more training if you wish to access more of my power

Josh nodded and stuck his fist up towards bahamut

(Josh) I won't let you down bahamut

Bahamut chuckled and rised his fist towards Josh and fist bumbed him

(Bahamut) of course you won't I have high expections from you but we must go train to unlock the next stage of my power ravish go train pryyha and tama hmm be good sis

Tama and ravish nodded and each took off with there respective weilders on there backs but in the far distance was a very tail tree that had a red eye up at the top

{Guess who it is}

- time skip brought to you by a chibi bahamut and Josh training -

After a couple of hours of traing Josh was able to tap into 20% of bahamuts power and learned some pretty awsome spell while also unlocking the chain mail armour but the world started to darken making bahamut sigh and look at Josh

(Bahamut) it seems you are waking up so we will continue training once you fall asleep again next time I want you to tap into 50% of my power oh and we can talk telepathically while your awake so if you have any questions just ask

Josh nodded then closed his  and reopened them to see his ceiling he then yawns and feels two things one somthing is clinging to his left arm second he feels two things laying on his chest. Josh lifts the covers to see kuroka in her cat form laying on Josh chest koneko laying next to kuroka in her cat form Josh then looks at his left arm to see gasper clinging to his arm like a lost child attaching themselves to there parents leg after they are found. Josh sighs he used to kuroka but not the other two things Josh lightly shakes gasper awake making him sit up to revel girl pj on him as gasper rubs his eye he looks at Josh

(Gasper) good morning Josh

(Josh) morning gasper mind telling me why you are in my bed?

(Gasper) well I always used to sleep with rias when I had a nightmare and last night it was raining and when I heared lighting I ran out from my cardboard box and into your bed then clinged to your arm

Josh nodded

(Josh) alright I don't mind just wake me up next time

Gasper nodded and left the room while Josh layed there a bit

(Bahamut) 'good morning josh'

(Josh) 'good morning bahamut how is tama and ravish?'

(Bahamut) 'they are good I actually have something to ask you

(Josh) 'what is it bahamut?'

(Bahamut) 'do you know the user of the nine tailed fox?'

(Josh) 'yes why?'

(Bahamut) 'oh no reason just asking'

Josh nodded and picked up both koneko and kuroka softly then out of bed placing both of them down on his bed Josh then started to get ready for school while doing his daily routine after he was done josh grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder

(Josh) alright the stuff I ordered and inheritance should be coming today after school.

Josh then walked to the front door and was about to leave until

(Ruby) Josh! Wait for us!

Josh turned around to see koneko, hinata, asia and teams RWBY and JNRP all in highschool kuoh academy uniforms making Josh chuckle while everyone looked at him

(Josh) did shebas roll all of you into school?

(Weiss) yes he was very insistent that we go to school

(Ruby) yay he even packed me cookies for lunch!

Everyone sweatdropped at ruby statement and while josh smiles

(Josh) alright let's go

With that everyone started making there way to school and along the way teams rwby and jnrp looked at kuoh with amazed eyes they even stopped by a phone store and Josh got everyone phones and taught them how to use it. Once everyone got to school Josh lead them to the student council room while Josh sent glares to all the guys looking at the girls making rwbyph and koneko blush

{Can you guess who the last two are?}

Once they reached the student council office Josh was about to knock but the door suddenly opened and rias with akeno walked out and looks at Josh with a smile

(Rias) good morning Josh

Josh smiles back

(Josh) good morning rias

(Rias) what brings you here Josh?

(Josh) well ifyou must know rias I was just helping my friends here get to the student council room

Rias looks behind Josh and at everyone stopping for a second at pryyha and asia gives and gives them a smile

(Rias) hello my name is rias gremory it's a pleasure to meet you two miss?

Pryyha and asia smile

(Pryyha) hello my name is pryyha nikos it's very nice to meet you

(Asia) hello my name is Asia aregnto nice to meet you

Rias nodded then continues to analyze everyone else going wide eyed seeing yang noticed rias eyes and gives her a smile

(Yang) names yang and well I never swing that why I already have someone in my sights so please don't  go fainting now

Rias looks confused but looks away and back at Josh

(Rias) well I'll be on my way so if you excuse me

Rias said and started to walk away with akeno after a little walk rias speaks to akeno

(Rias) akeno I want you to figure out what classroom is yang asia and pryyha I sense that pryyha and asia has a unlocked sacred gear while yang is locked

Akeno nodded and both of them walked into there class and sat down while the teacher walked in

(Teach) alright everyone settle down we have three new students today I want you to show them love and support them like you do everyone else today without further to do you may come in

Then jaune, Weiss, and Blake walked into the classroom making rias analyze them again

{Ok so rias and akeno in the first season I believe are in third year and I know they are in there second year of beacon in rwby but here we're everyone will be real quick Weiss jaune and Blake are third years in rias and akeno class, ruby nora and ren in issei and Josh class first years, pryyha asia and yang are in koneko and kiba class second years}

(Blake) hello my name is Blake belladonna I like reading

Blake says pulling a book from inside her bag and starts reading

(Weiss) hello my name is Weiss schnee my hobbies are signing dinceing and reading

Weiss said a bit ignorant making everyone sweatdrop then jaune stepped forward

(Jaune) hello my name is jaune arc hmm my hobbies are reading comics playing video games and playing war I also grew up with eight sisters

{Is it eight or more I can't remember?}

Everyone smiles

(Teach) alright know that's out of the way please sit anywhere you like

All three sits next to each other two rowls away from rias and akeno

With yang and pryyha

After the teacher called in pryyha asia and yang the boys in the class went a uproar at such cute girls joining there class room while koneko smiles and waves to all of them anf kiba looks at pryyha then yang step forward

(Yang) hello everyone my name is yang nice to meet ya! I hope we can 'yang' off a good friendship

Yang smiles while pryyha smiles and shakes her head stepping next to yang

(Pryyha) hello i am pryyha nikos it is very nice to meet all of you

Pryyha smile and closes her eyes making all the boys blush and look away. Last but not least asia stepped behind pryyha in a shy manner

(Asia) hello *shy* my name is asia aregento i am from italy

All the girls looked at asia in the classroom except koneko


The teacher did the same thing and asked them polity to sit down witch they did next to koneko as class started kiba got a magic call from akeno

(Akeno) :kiba boucho wants you to bring yang and pryhha to the clubroom:

(Kiba) :right:

Then the magic circle disapered what kiba didnt see was akeno familiar in the vent watching both pryyha

With ruby nora and ren

The class is holding suspense since The teacher has just informed them of three new students joing there class as the door slid open and stepped in ruby nora and ren the girls squealed over a cute boy while the guys Horade over to cute girls joining there classroom oh whats josh doing he putting his head down doing his six daily spins first up was ruby

(Ruby) hello my name is ruby rose! I like cookies and strawberries playing video games

Then three boys rised there hands which ruby answered the first ones questions

(Glasses boy) are your seeing anyone?

Ruby thought for a moment and shook her head

(Ruby) nope

Then she picked the saved head guy hand

(Saved head) do you have a sister?

(Ruby) yep her name yang

Ruby then picked issei hand......

{Cover your eyes and ears if you don't wanna hear issei question}

(Issei) will you join my harem?!

Everybody looked at issei with eyes of disgust while nora and ren we're about to yell at issei Josh appeared behind issei and slammed his head on the desk

(Josh) you pervert!

Ruby looked at Josh blushes and smiles then nora steps forward

(Nora) Hello! My name is nora valkayrie and these are my friends ren ruby and *points to josh* he is also my friend

Everyone looks at Josh who is currently holding issei head down on the table while having his arms twisted

(Josh) hi nora

(Nora) Hi josh! Can you and ren make pancakes when we get home?!

Josh chuckles and looks at ren who nods

(Josh) sure nora

Nora jumps around excited then ren steps forward

(Ren) hello my name is lie ren but my friends call me ren it's a pleasure to meet you

All the girls blush in the class making nora stop and cling to ren arm

(Nora) MINE!!

Josh and ruby laughed at this then preceded to sit down next to josh seat and thus finally start the day

- time skip brought to you by a chibi josh and ren making pancakes while a chibi nora sits at the table with syrup -

Yamg pov

Its finally the end of the day and we can go home I look over to see Asia and pryyha packing up then I look over two rows to see a blonde boy kiba i believe his name was walk over to us with a smile but s omthing feels off about him he stops when a desk in front of mine

(Kiba) hello yang pryyha and asia my name is kiba it's a pleasure to meet you

I smile and nod I heard from the other girls at lunch time that kiba is known as the Prince of kuoh while Josh the knighted king why I don't know I'll have to ask

(Yang) hello it's nice to meet you as well

(Kiba) my club president would like to meet all of you she runs the occult research club or the orc for sort

Asia and pryyha think for a moment and nod grabbing there bags while I nod and pull out my phone and grabbed my bag

(Yang) sure let's go but we gotta get home our friend is gonna make dinner

(Kiba) it will only take a couple of minutes

Kiba started to lead me pryyha and asia to the orc while walking I sent a text to josh

(Yang) [Josh me pryyha and asia are following this kiba kid to his club and I'm getting a weird vibe from him]

Josh texted back quickly

(Josh) [kiba is a devil that was the one that knocked you out I want you to play dumb and tell pryyha to act dumb as well if rias kiba president ask about the night you got here ok?]

(Yang) [got it]

I put my phone away to see we are a nearing a old abandon building that looks ready to fall out and collapse I quickly tap pryyha on the shoulder and whispered in her ear

(Yamg) if kiba president ask about the night we came here Josh said to act dumb ok?

Pryyha nodded and we followed kiba inside the orc building then leads us to a pair a doors before kiba could knock I hear a girl shout that makes my blood boil a bit


kiba opens the door to see a couple of people from what I recognize from the descriptions of other students the red head sitting on the blonde hair lap is rias gremory the girl next to them is akeno then the guy behind the opposite couch i believe his name is issei one of the perverted trio then the guy that rias is sitting on I have no idea who he is but I'm getting a weird vibe from him

Third person

After kiba opened the door which made rias akeno and riser look at the door rias then smiles seeing pryyha Asia and yang behind kiba rias then got off riser lap and walked over to the trio and smiles

(Rias) hello pryyha Asia and yang it's nice to see all of you again

Pryyha and asia smiles while yang looks around to see grafiya in the corner of the room then the trio enter the room and take a seat on the opposite couch while rias takes a seat at her chair

(Rias) I'll keep this breath I know all of you have knowledge of the supernatural so I want you three to join my peerage

Pryyha asia and yang look at rias with smiles then polity say

(P+A+Y) No thank you

(Rias) great I think....huh!? What do you mean no?

(Pryyha) well it's just Josh has told us all about the peerage system and I believe it's a cover up for slavery

(Rias) well I treat my servants like family

(Yang) then why do you still call them servants?

Rias grits her teeth then riser laughs a little and stands up

(Riser) riser has found you three very attractive but mostly you

Riser points yang which made yang look at rias smirk a plan just came into her head

(Rias) well riser if like these three better then I guess we could add them to the marriage there just mortals

(Riser) riser agrees with that plan then riser will have four hot wives

Riser then went over to yang and was about to touch her hair but before he could the wall to the orc wall behimd issei was destroyed everyone looked over tosee Josh with a pissed off look

(Josh) rias gremory you fucking dare try to sell off my friends for your gain!

In the back ground we see ruby jaune Blake Weiss ren and nora waiting by the gym then ruby yells over to josh


Josh sighed and turned back to ruby


(Ruby) DEAL!!

Josh smiles and turns back to be greeted with with riser throwing a fire ball at Josh face and igniting Josh in flames Asia pryyha and yang were about to run and try to put out the fire but riser summoned his peerage and they held them back Riser smirked and started to laugh

(Riser) A mere human that could damage the great Lucifer was so easily beaten by a low ranking fire ball!

As riser was about to turn around riser saw his flames increasing making riser rise an eyebrow but then the flames shot toward the air and out stepped Josh with a very pissed off look. Josh was about to launch himself at riser with a tremor fist ready but dodged an explosion from riser queen.

(Yubelluna) ahh I see so you can only counter magic attacks that you can see in front of you and with a emmaited object such as a stick or sword

Yubelluna then created a couple of magic circle in front of her and riser using her magic wand. She then launched a couple of fireballs towards Josh to which Josh summoned lost vayne and was about to counter them but yubelluna quickly snapped her fingers causing a chain of explosions around Josh after the dust dyed down everyone saw Josh standing there but he quickly turned into a puff of smoke confusing everyone

(Josh) UP HERE!!

Everyone looked up to see Josh holding a small ball of purple flames in the plan of his left hand then he chucks it towards riser and yubelluna making riser smirk

(Riser) fire cannot hurt a Phoenix!!!

As the flames touched riser and yubelluna both riser and yubelluna stuck there hands put towards Josh creating a large double red magic circle

(Riser + yubelluna) GREAT BOMB FIRE!!

a bunch of fire balls started to shot towards Josh as he smiles and puts up his right pointer finger

(Josh) great magic canceal

All the fire balls and the magic circle disappeared making everyone's eyes widen then Josh chuckles and stuck his hand towards riser

(Josh) lighting god slayer secret move holy lighting roar

A black and white thunder bolt hit riser making him scream in pain making everyone go wide eyed never has riser screamed in pain like this after a minute the magic attack stops making riser fall onto his chest as riser peerage goes and grabs there king then teleport away while josh landed on the ground and took off his ring but that's when ruby speed hugged him from behind.


Josh thought about it for a moment then lightly tapped ruby nose

(Josh) maybe

Ruby smiles brightly and hugs Josh closer with a small blush then Josh looks and sees yang pryyha and asia all with a little pouty face until Josh opens his arms

(Josh) I didn't say you coudnt join the hug

The trio blushed and walked over to josh and gave him a hug making issei fall onto his knees while crying

(Issei) who does he get all the girls!!

Josh sighed and got out of the hug then saw grafiya in the corner of the orc

(Josh) grafiya Lucifer can you tell sirzech that I wanna cash in on that favors he owes me from our battle

Everyone was shocked at this then grafiya nodded and turned to rias

(Grafiya) rias you will have ten days to train for the rating game I suggest you start tommorow

Rias nodded and grafiya teleported away after grafiya was gone rias turned to josh and the group but was shocked to see they had all walked away making rias pout

Rewards from today's spin

Create peerage set - can create any type of peerage set piece will have the same effects as a devil peerage but whatever the host is what the peerage member will become

{I need help I want to add teams RWBY and JNRP into the peerage but I can't decide on what piece I should give them} 

Gates of Babylon - allows the user to call upon gates to summon any weapon from either a selected place or the user inventory then can either weild them or launch them at a target

The seven sins - this gives the user to host each one of the seven sins and give one to a specific person

500 trillion

Familiar forest - allows the user to teleport inside the familiar forest any time

Full counter - do not let this fool you this is full counter that let's the user counter any physical attack 

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