chapter three

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


Third person

It is now the next day we see Josh getting dressed in the kuoh academy high school after he is done getting dressed he walks into the dinning area to see erza tohru shebas kanna and sera sitting and eating French toast for breakfast with strawberries. Josh sits down in one of the empty seat with French toast in front of it and starts eating

With rias gremory still third person

We see rias gremory sitting in her chair behind her desk in the orc thinking about the boy that bumped into her yesterday because when she looked into his eyes she saw power behind them but she didn't feel any enormous amount of magic coming from him nor any devil angle or fallen angle magic within him. Rias was lost deep in thought that she didn't notice the rest of the orc come in. Rias was finally pulled out of deep thinking when her queen akeno waved her hand in front of her making her look up seeing koneko kibaand issei all looking at her.

(Akeno) rias is everything Alright?

(Rias) yes just thinking about a boy that bumped into me yesterday

Everyone in the room had different reactions akeno and koneko was kinda shocked a boy grabbed rias attention like this, kiba was curios on whom this boy was, issei was a little mad that he wasn't the boy on rias mind.

(Kiba) why does this boy got your attention boucho?

(Rias) well yesterday when I looked into his eyes I saw a lot of power behind them but I didn't feel any enormous amount of magic from him nor any devil fallen or angle energy from him.

Now the rest of the orc we're curios about whom this boy was until akeno looked at the time

(Akeno) rias it's almost for first period

Everyone looked at the time and left to be early for first period. We know follow issei as he is thinking about the boy that rias had getting more mad and annoyed that rias was thinking of another boy instead of him when issei finally reach class everyone was hanging with there friends. Issei then walks over to his two best friends matsuda and motohama

{Matsuda = mat while motohama = mot}

(Issei) hey guys what's up any new Porn lately?

(Mat) no new Porn but I heard that we are getting a transfer student and it's a boy

(Mot) ya and apparently he a rich boy as well!

Issei groaned in annoyance and sat down at his desk

(Issei) the last thing this school needs is more pretty boys who is gonna steal all of our girls

Before matsuda and motohama could retort the teacher had walked in which made class representative get everyone in there seats

(Teach) alright everyone I know all of you heard about the new student and yes it is a boy from the city so treat him right alright you may come in

Them Josh walked in making all the girls aww at him while the boys are shooting daggers with there eyes. Josh the wrote his name on the chalkboard and turned to the class

(Josh) hello everyone my name is Josh gate I am seventeen years old and I will happily answer any question that you have

Then two girls and boys rised there hands Josh picked a girl first

{ random girl = RG and random guy = RB}

(RG) are you single?

(Josh) yes

Then Josh picked a boy

(RB) how many fights have you been in?

(Josh) 4 and they were perverted idiots so I hate perverts

Then Josh picked the last girl

(Rg) do you have any siblings?

(Josh) yep my little sister sera who is enrolled into kouh academy elementary school with her friend kanna

Then josh pickèd the last guy

(Rb) do you play videogames

(Josh) somtimes

(Teach) alright everyone thats enough questions for mr.gate now you may sit anywere you want oh abd fair warning since you look like a badass dont sit bext to those three

The teacher pointed to the perverted trio to which josh nodded and took the far window seat while the teacher started to teach the class josh got an idea and opened his skill and item creation skill then created a couple of skills

New skills unlocked

Infinity - boost all stats to infinity along with any skill learned

Sheild - creates a invisable sheild around the user making him or her immune to magic attacks

Shop - connects to the gamer shop

After josh was done the lunch bell ring so josh takes out his bento from his bag that his little sister cooked for him with the help of sanji. As josh was eating his food he pretend not to notice issei staring at him. After Josh was done eating he open up his skill and browsed his skills looking at the devil fruit creator then the bell rings signalling the end of lunch.

- timeskip brought to you chibi kanna and sera playing outside -

After school Josh was packing up his things while issei was answering a call vial magic circle and nods standing up and walking over to Josh.

(Issei) excuse me Josh

Josh looked over at issei with a smile

(Josh) hello how may I help you today mr....?

(Issei) issei and my club president would like to meet you

Josh does a nod while doing a observe on issei

Name - issei hyodou

Race - resurrected devil

Title - red dragon emperor

Sacred gear - boosted gear

Level - 3

Josh follows issei to the orc building then knocks on a pair of doors only for someone to respond muffled

(Rias) come in

Issei opened the door and walked in with Josh following him rias eyes landed emideitly on Josh with a smile. Present in the room is rias sitting behind her desk akeno standing next to rias with a smile kiba sitting on a sofa looking at issei and Josh while koneko is sitting on the opposite sofa eating a chocolate bar.

(Rias) Josh it's good to see you again

(Josh) it's good to see you as well rias

Rias looks into Josh eyes and sees more power than before issei sits next to kiba looking at rias chest while Josh takes a seat next to koneko and to everyone's shock not scoot away from him.

(Josh) rias I was told you wanted to speak to me?

Rias nodded

(Rias) yes actually I want to ask if you know anything about the supernatural?

(Josh) hmmm not really

(Rias) hmm that's alright we can teach you my main question us would you like to join my club?

Josh was silent making everyone look at him then Josh gets up and heads for the door

(Josh) no thank you I wanna get settled in before I join any clubs

Rias was about to respond but Josh had already left making rias sigh

(Akeno) I see What you mean rias I didn't feel anything from him but his eyes hold back so much power

(Rias) I know akeno but let's figure out that power later because we got a stray devil tonight

With Josh

While Josh was walking home because tohru will pick up kanna and sera from school Josh opened the shop and then the fortune wheel first spin landed on magic then a purple screen opened up saying

New skill unlocked

dragon slayer lighting - tap here to see all skills that come with it

Josh decided to wait and spin again landing it on money then the purple screen adding 50 million to it to which Josh spun his last time abilitie then for the last thing to be add

Spin rewards

Lighting dragon slayer magic
Grants the user the magic of lighting to slay dragons

50 million dollars

Demon mark
The mark of the demon clan boosting your magic endurence and strenth by 100x while Transforming the user into a demon allowing acces to demon darkness magic.

Josh was a little shocked and decided to check his stats

Name - Josh gate

Race - tremor demon

Class - spell sword

Titles - none

Heath - infinity

Magic - infinity

Level - infinity

Points - infinity

Exp - infinity

HP - infinity

MP - infinity

ED - infinity

STR - infinity

WIS - infinity

Luck - infinity


Observe - max

Gamers mind - max

Gamers body - max

Infinity stats and skills - max

Shield - max

Shop - max

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