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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Josh and Arthur hanging out with sky mia and sora.

Third person

In the year 2019 we see people walking along the sidewalk as cars zoom past. But our attention averts to a man 6,2 with short white hair and red eyes walking with a bag of groceries in his left hand and stops at a no crossing sign. The man then pulls out his phone seeing he gots a text message from his little sister ires

(Ires) |one-chan when are you gonna get home I'm waiting for the popcorn?!|

The man chuckled and texted back with a smile on his face.

(???) | Don't worry ires I'm five minutes away from our apartment so keep the movie on hold for a little longer ok?|

Ires texted back with a pouty emoji back to which the man smile and continue to walk after the walk light turned white.

In the distance is a speeding truck heading towards the man. The man looks over by the time the truck hit him sending him flying into the street. The man then slowly started to bleed out while people rushed to his aid after all sound was gone from his ear he slowly closed his eyes and drawn his last breath.

(???) You shall not die today for you have a destiny elsewhere Josh gate.

The man know known as josh opened his eyes seeing a light blue screen saying

You died
Would you like to be reincarnated?

Josh clicked yes but his fingers passed right through it Until it hit Josh

(Josh) yes

Then the blue screen disappeared and out popped another screen

What anime would you like to
Be reincarnated into?
[ Type here ]

Josh pounder for a moment sure some anime he would love to be in but he didn't want to die again. Then Josh hit his fist against the palm of his hand.

(Josh) highschool dxd

Then the same thing happened the screen disappeared and out popped two screen one had his information on it then the other had a question.

First one

Name - josh gate

Race - human

Age - 17

Level - 20

Exp - 560

HP - 175

MP - 56

ED - 165

STR - 190

WIS - 124

LUK - 12

Then the question

Would you like to create your own skills items and weapons

(Josh) yes

Then both screens disappeared and out popped a red one

Please insert the following skill name and abilities in the box below
[Type here please]

Time skip brought to you by chibi Josh writing typing skills.

After a little typing Josh was done and looked at all his skills and items


Full counter - can counter any type of magic in front of the wilder

Magic copy - copies any type of magic the user sees

Double points - gains x10 points for every level

Skills and items creation - can create skills and items any time

Hidden magic - can hide magic presence to that of a low level monster

Gate - can teleport the user anywhere the user has been before

Elalameant magic - can use any type of element like fire, water, dark, light, earth

Regeneration boost - boost Heath stamina and magic Regeneration by 750%

Area scan - can scan the area around you to serach for enemy, items etc.

Magic creation - can create any type of magic

Resistance - complete resistance over magic damage, stun, poison, and diese


Experience ring - a pure sliver ring that boost experience by 865%

Spell book - copies any type of spell the book touches and turns it into a spell book

Ring of reflection - a pure black steel ring with a ruby on it. This ring can reflect any magical attack but the user must have it equipped to his or her finger.

Ring of flight - the wearer of this ring will gain the power of flight light a dragon.

After Josh was finished making his skills and item he clicked done and the screen disappeared. Then another screen popped up

Would you like to make your own weapons?

Yes or No

Josh smiles

(Josh) yes

The the same screen appears infront of josh from making his skills and items

Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur planning the next chapter for his other book

Divine terror - A double sided black blade with a golden hilt and middled.


Rank - divine class


God magic - can coat the blade in dark or light magic allowing the weilder to have access to new type of skills

Reds sheild - a sheild with a sliver outline with a red inner plate that has a sliver design on it.


Rank - legendary


Kinetic - stores energy from blows to the sheild and when released can create a shockwave sending enemy flying back.

Dark emperor katana - this katana is made from an unknown carbon black material. This katana is ranked legendary class.

Rank - legendary



Dark magic - coats the katana in dark magic which allows to access more moves then before


The dragon god Slayer armour

Despriction - armour worn by a slayer long forgotten. The knight was said to be evil and twisted but very powerful enough to kill both gods and Dragons.

Rank - divine



Magic resistance - can resist any type of magic attack

Boost Regeneration - boost magic Heath and stamina Regeneration by 1000%

Increase speed - this increase both swing speed and regular speed

Highten senses - highten the wearers sense to that if a dragon

Skill boost - boost skills like sword play, marksmanship, etc

Magic boost - boost magic spells

After Josh was done with everything he laid his back against the ground and looked up towards the sky.

(Josh) I wonder if I can see ires again now that I'm dead

Josh then chuckle lightly and closed his feeling himself teleport away.

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