A Plan Put In Action

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Cece's POV:

Please don't mess up. Please don't mess up. I thought to myself as I was walking towards

Holly in band. Just go up to her and ask her to convince Gil... I took a deep breath and

slowly approached her. "Hey Holly!" I said a bit too cheerfully. Crap... Jess turned around

and looked at me. "Please..." she mouthed. I sighed again. You can do this... "Listen... I

heard that you've been stressed out about Gil recently..." She glared at me. "Please don't

bring this up Cece... he's better off without me. After all, I made Maya break up with him,"

she said. "No, listen. That wasn't your fault. Maya was a jerk. She wasn't right for him."

I insisted. "She quit the ocelots because of me." Holly replied sadly, looking at her feet.

"She did leave the ocelots... and now," I paused, preparing myself for the next line, "now

Gil is leaving too." Her mouth dropped. "What?" I sadly nodded. "He's leaving because he

didn't want to make you feel bad about Maya leaving... He thought that maybe if he left

it would make you feel fine. He likes you Holly." Crap Cece... that made no sense at all.

"This is all my fault! How...?" She said, obviously upset. "If you talked some sense into

him... maybe he'd stay. He likes you, and if you convinced him to stay, he might."

She sat there silent for what seemed like forever. Please say yes, I thought to myself.

"I can't stand for Gil to quit because of me..." she said, "You're right. The only way for him

to stay is if I convince him, and if he really likes me, then hopefully he will..." I internally

screamed in success. I shot Jess a small smile, which got a thumbs up in return. "I'll do it

after school," Holly finished, "and hopefully he'll stay." I nodded. "Good luck Holly, I

believe in you," I told her, giving her a small pat on the back.

Holly's POV:

I can't believe I'm going to do this... I thought to myself, grabbing my backpack and

swinging it on my shoulder. I saw Gil leaving the building and ran up to him. "Gil, wait!" I

yelled and ran up to him, "can we talk?" He looked confused but nodded anyways.

"What's up?" He asked once we were finally alone. I sighed. "I heard you were leaving the

ocelots, and I just wanted to tell you... please don't." He shook his head. "I'm sorry Holly,

but I have to. Unless you can convince me," he looked down and checked his watch, "in

the next 20 seconds, I have to go." I did something incredibly stupid next... I wrapped my

arms around his neck and placed my lips onto his. "Please Gil," I said, breaking the kiss,

"do it for me..." I sighed and walked away. "Wait, Holly!" He ran up to me and gave me a

hug. "Thank you," He whispered. I felt my face turn red, and thankfully I don't think he

could see it as I was hugging him. I just saved the ocelots from breaking up even more, I

thought to myself. As he walked away, I squealed and skipped happily out the door. Cece

would he proud.

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