S.T.E.M. With An Enderman Lover

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Jesse's POV:

Finally! My first two periods are over, meaning that I can keep a closer eye on Jess and

that boy, Lukas. I'm not sure I trust him around my sister, but if I tell her, she'll get

upset. I started walking to the class when, yet again, she was walking out of class with

him, and... laughing? I do not trust this boy whatsoever! I hid myself behind a locker and

watched her and Lukas getting their stuff. "So, you're still coming on Friday, right?" He

asked Jess. "Yeah, of course watermelon brain!" She replied. "Cool, cool," He told her

while laughing. "Cool beans," Jess replied. She was going somewhere with Lukas, and

didn't tell me? "Jess!" I called to her, trying to pretend that I had just walked out of class.

"Oh hey Jesse, what's up?" She asked. "Can I speak to you for a minute? Alone?" I asked

her. "Oh, um... sure," She said looking at Lukas, "I'll catch up with you in STEM class, ok?"

"Yeah, ok." He told her before walking off to class. "So, what's up?" She asked me.

"You have some explaining to do," I told her, "A lot of explaining to do."

Jess's POV:

"You have some explaining to do. A lot of explaining to do." My brother told me.

I was confused. What did I do? "Um, what exactly did I do?" I asked him. "You know what

you did, Jess," He replied. "Actually, uh, no I don't," I told him still completely confused.

"Where are you going with Lukas?!" He practically yelled at me. I was so shocked. Had

he been eavesdropping on us? "Yeah, I'm going to a party." I blurted out, and immediately

regretted saying what I did. "You can't go to a party with him!" He yelled. "You can't

choose who and who I don't hang out with, Jesse!" I snapped. He looked shocked but

quickly replaced his face with a calm face. "Fine, but if anything bad happens then I'm

not responsible," He said. "Nothing bad is going to happen!" I told him, walking towards

STEM, and luckily I was on time.

Lukas's POV:

I saw her walk in, her brother following behind her. She looked upset, and Jesse looked

mad. "What was that about?" I asked her. "Nothing, really," She answered, not looking me

in the eye. "C'mon Jess, I know there's something wrong!" I told her. She looked up at me

and said, "It's just my brother, he doesn't trust me going to your party and he's all upset

about it," She paused, "and I'm not sure that he trusts me anymore, I mean, I'm 16 years

old, he should be able to trust me by now!" I looked at her for a few seconds and said,

"Listen Jess, if he doesn't trust you, show him that he can, why don't you let him come

along?" She nodded at me and told me, "Thanks!" It was good not to see her miserable.

"No proble-" I started until I was cut off by Aiden. "So, who's your new girlfriend, Lukas?"

He asked. "Um... that's just my friend," I said, feeling my face heat up. "Um, I'm Jess," She

said, her face turning red with embarrassment. Have you ever heard that saying "saved

by the bell"? Well, the bell rang at the perfect time and saved us from even more

embarrassment. "ATTENTION!" Mr. Soren shouted at the class. They all shut up

immediately. "Today we'll be working on the computers. Since its your first day, I thought
that it would be nice to start out easy," He told us, "you're free to do whatever on the

computers while I call my girlfriend!" Somebody shouted,"How did you manage to get a

girlfriend?" He looked in her direction and said, "I'm a very lucky man to have Sally,"

while showing the students a picture of him and an enderman. The class went silent

and continued to go on with their games. What a weird class...

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