The School Nurse Smells Like... Peanut Butter?

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Lukas's POV:

When the round of dodgeball started, I saw a kid on the other team shove something

through one of the dodgeballs and hand it to Jesse. Jesse closed his eyes and threw it

hard. I could tell he had aimed it at my head, and I ducked out of the way just in time.

Unfortunately, Jess was directly behind me when I ducked. She let out a loud scream and

dropped to the floor. "Jess!" I screamed. I ran over to her and saw that she had her hands

covering a gash on her forehead, and she was softly crying. Jesse ran over and stared at

her. "I didn't mean for this to happen," He mumbled. I felt tears in my eyes, but I didn't

care. Suddenly without warning, another dodgeball whizzed through the air, directly

at the back of my head. My head was throbbing and I fell down next to Jess. The last

thing I saw was darkness.

Jess's POV:

I saw Lukas rush over, tears forming in his sky blue eyes. Don't cry, I wanted to tell him,

but I was to weak to say anything. My hands were getting sticky from all of the blood

oozing out of the gash on my head. I started crying softly, and thought I was going to die.

I looked over at the kid that gave my brother that ball, and saw he was making another

one. I stared in his direction, trying to warn everyone, when he threw the ball.

It rushed through the air and hit directly on the back of his head. No! I tried to shout, but

I couldn't. He fell down next to me, and passed out. Soon later, I did too.

Jesse's POV:

I saw Lukas and Jess be taken away by the school nurses. I hoped Jess would be ok, but

I really don't care what happens to Lukas. I glanced over at the boy who threw the ball

and saw Mr. Gabriel yelling at him, and he pointed to the door. The boy stormed out and

probably wouldn't return the next day. I looked at Olivia, who shook her head and walked

away. "What was that for man?!" Axel asked me, his voice full of many things like anger,

fear, and hatred. "I-I-I was aiming for Lukas," I stuttered. "WHY WOULD YOU THROW A

DAGGER AT HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" He yelled. Mt thoughts flashed back to that kid,

how he gave me the ball in the first place. "It was Mr. Gabriel's son," I said, trying to keep

my voice from shaking, "He handed me the ball and told me to aim for his head."

Axel stared at me in disbelief. "Well, I'm going to go see your sister," He muttered, and

walked away. I watched him leave, and sat down on the floor. Why did everyone hate me?

I heard a voice from behind me, "It's not your fault," the voice told me. I looked over my

shoulder to see Petra standing above me. "If it weren't for John, this would've never

happened." She sat down next to me and gave me a small smile. I managed to smile back.

"Is that the name of the kid who handed me the ball?" I managed to ask her. "Yeah, he's

the son of Mr. Gabriel. He owns like, thousands of swords, so it must've been easy to

sneak a few out." She replied. "Yeah..." I responded. I really felt awful. As if Petra read

my mind, she said, "don't feel bad Jesse, it was an accident." She got up and held her hand

out to help me up. "Thanks Petra," I told her. "No problem Jesse, I know you'd never do

something like that on purpose," She responded, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"See you in band Jesse," She said, and walked out. I stood there like an idiot with my eyes

wide open. She kissed me! Me! I suddenly felt a whole lot better, and went off to band.

Lukas's POV:

I looked over at Jess, and saw that she was still unconscious, so I closed my eyes and tried

going back to sleep. A few moments later, I was awoken by a cough, and saw that Jess

woke up. "Hey Jess," I said, still feeling sleepy. "Hi Lukas," She replied weakly.

"You two finally awake, huh?" Axel asked us. "Axel!" Jess said happily. "Yeah, it's me."

He replied. "Where are we?" I asked, "and why does it smell like peanut butter?"

Jess giggled. "Perhaps we've been kidnapped by the evil peanut king," She joked.

I laughed, "Oh no! He's coming to get us!" All three of of us started cracking up and

Axel said, "Nah, we're in the school nurse's office." I assumed that we were, but I just

wanted to make sure. "Alright," He said, "is there anything that I can do for you guys?"

"Well," Jess started, "You could ask Mr. Ivor to make us a potion that will get rid of scars."

"Alright Jess," Axel responded, as he left the room.

"Well Jess, if you excuse me, I'm going back to sleep," I told her. "Way ahead of you,"

She replied. It didn't take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.

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