Chapter 2 and 3 Escaping The School

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New opening and title at the end:

The sun was slowly setting for Y/n, Takashi and Rei for them to sit up against the wall, to see Hisashi's dead body on the ground, still covered by the towel. Y/n was flipping his pocket knife in the air for him to catch it, every time it landed in his hand. Y/n stopped messing around with the knife for him to look at Hisashi's body on the ground to remember what just happened to him, Y/n barely knew Hisashi, but he was still a good person in the end. Rei noticed Y/n was staring at Hisahi's body.

Rei: What's wrong?

Y/n: Nothing. (gets up from the ground)

Rei looked at Takashi as well.

Rei: What's the matter?

Takashi: I was thinking what the hell is really going on.

Rei: That's a straightforward answer.

Takashi: What's the point of lying about it?

Y/n: Not to mention it just happened out of the blue or something, hell, I can't even describe what's going on anymore.

Rei gets up from the ground.

Rei: I think I should let my dad know that I'm alright. Let me use your cell?

Takashi hands his phone to Rei to call her father again.

Takashi: I understand that he's a police officer, but we can't even connect to 1-1-0.

Rei dials in a few numbers on the phone.

Rei: I know this secret number he told me not to call unless it's an emergency.

The phone was ringing for Y/n to go to Rei and Takashi to listen to the phone call. The call got through.

Rei: It got through! Dad?!

Tadashi: (phone) Hello? Takashi? Is that you?

Rei: Dad listen! Daddy we're in school and there's be-

Tadashi: (phone) Hello, Takashi? You must have got this number from Rei. Is Rei okay? (static) Is she with you? Are you both alright?!

Rei: Daddy?! What's the matter?! Can't you hear me?!

Tasashi: (phone) Listen carefully, the entire city is in panic mode right now.

Rei: Daddy! Dad-

A gunshot was heard from the phone at high volume.

Tadashi: (phone) You need to get out of there! You understand?! The city is already in panic mode, you need to evacu-

The line cut off for Rei to see the screen that says no service.

Rei: No service?! But I just called him!

Rei quickly dials in the number again, but to no avail that still has no signal.

Rei: I don't understand!

Takashi: Rei...

Rei looks at Takashi and Y/n with tears in her eyes.

Rei: Takashi... Y/n... My dad... he didn't know that it was me at all... He didn't even know me...!

Y/n went to Rei and hugs her for her to cry on his shoulder, Y/n felt so bad that he witnessed his friend that her father didn't listen to her or he didn't hear her.

Y/n: Rei. (breaks hug, but still holds on to Rei) We're going to find him, I promise you.

Rei: What if he's not alive... What if he's already dead, or worse... What if he's already one of those Walkers...!

Y/n: Rei, look at me...

Rei: (looks at Y/n)

Y/n: Do not say that. Don't you ever say that. He's not going to die or become one of the Walkers. Don't lose hope, I'm sure we're gonna find him.

Rei went silent that she heard Y/n's voice, which calmed her down.

Rei: Yeah, you're right. Thanks.

Y/n: You're welcome.

Y/n and Rei lets go for him to see the sun going down slowly.

Y/n: We're losing daylight. We need to get outta here.

Takashi: How? There are too many Walkers at the barricade. There's no way we can take on that many.

Y/n: There has to be something we can use around here. Let's look around and see what we can find.

Rei: Yeah, we can do that.

The group split up to find an alternate exit to get out of the school. Y/n then sees a door for him to turn the knob that it was open to see a fire hose on the wall, with a smile on his face.

Y/n: Takashi! Rei! I found something!

Takashi and Rei went to Y/n to see what he found that the door was open for them to see a fire hose on the wall.

Y/n: Which one of you two want to be a firefighter?

Takashi and Rei smiled at Y/n's idea.

Y/n helped Takashi pull out the fire hose for Rei to be on the valve.

Takashi: Are you ready?

Rei: Yeah!

Takashi: Then turn it!

Rei turns the water valve. The water goes surging out of the hose for Takashi to lose control of it.

Takashi: Shit!

Rei: Takashi!

Y/n: I got 'em!

Y/n went to help Takashi grabbing onto the hose.

Takashi: Thanks, man... (looks at the Walkers) I didn't like most you fucks then... and I sure as hell don't like you now!

Y/n: Waste 'em!

Takshi: Take this!

Y/n and Takashi pointed the hose at the Walkers and broke through the barricade as they fell down the stairs bashing their heads in.

Takashi: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Y/n: Alright! Shut it off!

Rei turned off the water for Y/n and Takashi looked at each other.

Y/n: That's what I'm talkin' about!

Y/n and Takshi high-five each other and they walked down the stairs for Rei to follow.

Takashi: Fire hose... not too shabby.

Rei: I figured the water pressure would be strong enough. Don't you remember? The fire drill in Junior High, Hisashi and you got...

Takashi went silent for Rei to do the same.

Y/n: Uh, now's not the best time to mention that.

Takashi: Yeah, I remember.

Rei: I think it should be okay now.

Takashi: How I admire your optimism. You sure about this?

Rei handed over Takashi his bat to take it from her.

Takashi: Let's go.

Rei: (nods head)

Y/n: Right behind you two.

Y/n, Takashi and Rei went down the stairs and ran past a few Walkers for Takashi to swing at one of the Walkers on their head, for Rei to stab her spear in another Walker's head, for Y/n to stab another Walker in the head with his knife. Another Walker almost grabbed Y/n for him to flip over the Walker on the ground stomped on its head.

The trio made it inside the school walking down the stairs.

Rei: Where do we run to?

Takashi: (looks to Rei) To my house. Go there and get supplies we need, and meet up with other people who haven't turned yet. Work together and get someplace safe. Sounds like a plan to me.

Rei: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Now that I know my dad's okay. Oh, we should probably call your house to make sure they're alright too.

Takashi: Waste of time, nobody's home. My dad won't be back till next week... and my mom's a school teacher, so she won't be back home until after five. Besides, they get on my nerves.

Rei: (giggles) Well, they're parents. That kinda comes with a job.

Y/n and Rei followed Takashi down the stairs.

Rei: What about you, Y/n? You have any families around here?

Y/n: Well, I came from the States, and I wanted to start my new life here, in Japan. I don't have parents anymore.

Takashi: What? You don't?

Y/n: No. It's just me and my two brothers.

Rei: You have brothers?

Y/n: Two older brothers. My first brother is Daryl, he taught me how to survive out in the wild, fired a few guns and taught me how to hunt. He's the best brother I have.

Takashi: What's your other brother's name?

Y/n: My other brother is Merle. He's an asshole sometimes. He always causes trouble anywhere we go. He ended up in jail afterwards. I don't see him more often. I bet he learned his lesson, right about now.

Takashi: Sounds like he is an asshole.

Y/n: He still is to this day.

As the trio went down the stairs, they made it to one of the hallways in the school to see a Walker, with its back turned against them. The Walker was growling while it was alone. Rei and Takashi were about to kill it for Y/n to notice and stops them to speak to them quietly.

Y/n: (whisper) What the hell are you two doing?

Takashi: (whisper) It's only one of them. There aren't more of them around.

Y/n: (whisper) We don't know that. They can hear us when you swing at them hard enough. Let me handle this.

Y/n went forward as Takashi and Rei watched. Y/n walks quietly to the lone Walker to sneak up on it. Y/n equips his knife and readies it to get closer to the Walker. Y/n then grabs the Walker by the shoulder and stabs it in the back of its head and brings its body down gently on the ground, to not make any noise to take his knife out of the Walker's head. Y/n then returned to Takashi and Rei.

Takshi: Damn, nice one.

Rei: It didn't hear you going at it.

Y/n: I was quiet. As long as they have their backs turned around and you are not making a sound, you quietly go up behind it and stab it on the back of the head, just like what you both saw me do.

Takashi: Silent and deadly.

Rei: Good advise, Y/n.

All of a sudden, the trios heard the sound of a girl screaming that it echoed in the halls. The three of them ran to the sound the scream came from. They all made it to the location where the scream came from, for other survivors arrived to see Saya Takagi with a drill on the Walkers head, where there was a lot of blood coming out of the head ans platting all over the wall.


Y/n, Rei, Takashi and Saeko saw a few Walkers on different sides.

Saeko: I'll take the right side.

Takashi: Rei!

Rei: I'll hold the left!

Y/n: I'll take the middle!

The squad then got to battle for Y/n to see three Walkers in front of him to see that they could pin him down easily. Y/n got his knife out and kicked the first Walker in the knee for it to fall on the ground, leaving with the two Walkers. Y/n stabbed the second Walker in the head with his knife and got the blade out to kick the third Walker on the knee for it to fall down, for Y/n to stomp in its head for blood spew out. The last Walker got up for Y/n to see a lead pipe on the ground for him to run to it and picked up to smash the last Walker in the head to kill it.

Y/n looked around to see the others that they took out the rest of the Walkers for the last one that was taken down by Saya for it to fall to the ground.

Rei: Y/n, behind you!

Y/n quickly turned around to see one more Walker for him to get grabbed by it for him to keep it back with his hand. The Walker almost bit him, but Y/n stabbed it with his knife on the right side of its head, hitting the brain for Y/n to get his knife out for the Walker to fall on the ground.

Y/n: Sneaky bastard!

Takashi: You okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine.

Y/n looks to see Rei and Shizuka checking up on Saya, to see if she's okay.

Sakeo: You both already knew the school doctor, Marikawa right, and I'm Sakeo Busujima from class 3A.

Takashi: I'm Takashi Komuro from class 2B.

Y/n: I'm Y/n Dixon, from the same class.

Rei: Miss Busujima, I remember won the championship last year. I'm Rei Miyamoto, from the Spear's Martial Arts Club?

Kohta: Oh, and I'm- I'm Kohta Hirano, from Class B, just FYI.

Saeko: Nice to meet you. All of you.

Saya then looked at the group.

Saya: (gets up) Why are you guys being all warm and fussy?! Why are you being so polite to me, Miyamoto?! You flunked last year, you're the same age. she's not your elder!

Takashi: Come on, what are you talking about, Takagi?!


Y/n: Is that some way of saying thank you to us for saving your ass?!


Saeko puts her hand on Saya's shoulders to calm her down. She then looks in the mirror to see her school uniform was covered in blood stains.

Saya: Look at me... All of these blood stains... Now mom will have to take it to the cleaners.

Takashi walks to Saya behind her to support her, as well. Saya then turns back around at Saeko and leans in into her to let out her tears and cries loudly. The group looked at Saya including Y/n with sympathy as she let all of her emotions out.

After some time had passed, the group made it into the faculty room for Y/n, Takashi and Kohta to barricade the entrance to the room where the Walkers can't get in.

Takashi: What do you think?

Kohta: Yeah.

Y/n: Looks good to me.

Sakeo: I think that's enough right now. Let's take a quick break.

Y/n: Yeah, good call.

Y/n went to go sit in one of the chairs in the room to see Saya with her glasses on, which he din't know about.

Y/n: I didn't know you wear glasses.

Saya: My contact lenses keep on moving around, so yeah, I do now.

Y/n: Yeah. So, uh, you doin' alright, after that whole fiasco?

Saya: Yeah, I am. I never said thanks to all of you for saving me, so... Thanks.

Y/n: Don't mention it. We gotta do what we gotta do to survive, now, in a world like this.

Saya: I kinda saw you dealing with those things that almost killed me, you know how to find them well.

Y/n: Well, smashin' and stabbin' those Walkers in the head is my speciality.

Saya: You named them?

Y/n: Yeah. Since they are slow and walk all the time, we call them Walkers.

Saya: Not a bad name.

Rei hands over Takashi a bottle of water.

Rei: Here you go.

Takashi: Oh, thanks. (takes water bottle) Doctor Marikawa, where's the car key?

Shizuka: Oh, it's in my purse somewhere.

Saeko: Are you sure your car's big enough to fit all of us?

Shizuka: Well, now that I think about it...

Saeko: What about the microbus we use for the club's away games? Looks like the keys are on the wall hook.

Kohta: (looks out the window to see the bus) Hey, guys, I see the bus.

Shizuka: That's fine, but where are we going?

Takashi: We're going to make sure that our families are okay. We'll start with the family that lives closest from here. If you're worried about your family, we'll bring them with us. After that, we'll look for a safe place and...

Saya: What's wrong?

Everyone looked at Rei to see that she was looking at the TV that was on, looking at the news.

Rei: What is this...?

Sakeo grabbed the remote to turn the volume up to hear what is going on outside around the world.

Newscaster: The government has begun to consider emergency measures against the outbreaks that have been occurring all over the city. However, all the political parties have been expressing their uncertainty about the Self-Defense Forces security operations.

Takashi: Outbreaks? What do they mean outbreaks?!

Saeko changes the channel to see a different perspective where there was a news reporter who was reporting live. Behind her were a group of police officers. Some were carrying people in stretchers and some were putting the deceased in body bags.

News Reporter: It's been feared that more than 10,000 have been victimized in Saitama area so far. The governor has already called a-

A gunshot was heard where the camera man was showing the view where the dead corpses from the body bags are starting to sit up from the stretchers.

News Reporter: Already declared a state of emergency and requested an emergency disaster relief.

The police fired their guns to shoot the Walkers that were in the body bags in their heads to fall back down.

News Reporter: It's a gunshot. It looks like the police are finally using firearms! From what I can see-

The reporter stopped speaking for a second for a group of Walkers going to her and the cameraman, she screamed in horror that the camera fell on the ground for the screen to cut off. The screen showed back in the studio to show the newscaster.

Newscaster: There appears to be a problem with our remote. From now on, we'll be bring the story from inside the studio. The condition outside seems extremely chaotic, so stay home unless it's absolutely necessary to go outside. We'll bring you more stories as soon as it's safe to cover the current situation from the site.

Takashi: (slams fist on table) Is that all? Why didn't they tell us anything else?!

Saya: They're afraid of causing a panic.

Rei: A panic?

Saya: Yeah, you idiot. First panic then chaos. And chaos causes a disruption of order, and then, when order is disrupted...Well you should hand it all over to the walking corpses.

Newscaster: This unusual and unprecedented and biological phenomenon that spread throughout North America has yet to be put under control. Government authorities have evacuated the White House and will re-locate to a command center onboard the aircraft carrier George Washington. There are reports that the transfer of power is in preparation for the use of tactical warheads to combat the infestation. We've currently lost contact with Moscow. Beijing has been set ablaze. London has maintained order, while in Paris and Rome there are reports of looting. The government officials have declared a state of Martial Law. Currently-

The TV went into static as it cut off and Saeko turns it off.

Y/n: Piece of shit TV.

Takashi: So they're everywhere...

Kohta: That's crazy... Everything was normal when I checked the internet this morning.

Rei: I can't believe this... This happened all over the world in the matter of a few hours... but they'll stop it, right? I mean, they have to stop it from spreading, I mean... Everything is going back to normal soon.

Saya: That's not gonna happen.

Takashi looks at Saya.

Takashi: Why do you have to be so blunt?

Saya: Because this is a pandemic. There's nothing we can do.

Y/n: What we gotta do is kill every last one of 'em.

Saya: That's not a good idea. You'd be dead in a matter of seconds.

Shizuka: A pandemic...?

Saya: It's the outbreak of infectious disease. The entire world is experiencing the same outbreak.

Takashi: So, what, it's some kind of epidemic?

Saya: This is exactly like the Spanish Flu in 1918. More than 600 million people got infected and 50 million people died from it. Remember how much a panic swine flu caused? Well, square that.

Shizuka: Not to be disagreeable, but I think this is more like the Black Death from the 14th century.

Shizuka: One third of the European population died, you're smarter than you look.

Takashi: So how did the outbreak finally end?

Shizuka: Well, there are many theories. It usually stops when too many humans die. There wouldn't be enough people to spread the disease.

Kohta: But now, all the dead people still move and start attacking you.

Saeko: Are you saying that there's no reason for this outbreak to stop?

Shizuka: The weather is going to be hot! They might not be able to move their flesh decompose and they become skeletons.

Saeko: How long does it take for that to happen?

Shizuka: In summer, some parts of the body can become skeletal in about 20 days, but it takes considerably longer during winter. A couple months. That's not too terribly long.

Saeko: You're kidding.

Saya: She's not smarter than she looks.

Y/n: Ain't that the truth.

Takashi: So what are you saying?

Saya: Medical logic doesn't apply to those dead corpses that move around and attack humans. Worst case scenario, they might be able to decompose.

Saeko: First thing we find out is that our families are okay, then we need to find a safe place that we can hold up for a while. But no matter where we go, we're going to need a plan. Teams, we need to team up.

Y/n: Right back atcha.

Everyone in the group got prepared for Y/n to have his knife and the lead pipe he found to dual wield them, while Takashi, Saeko, Kohta and Rei prepared with their weapons.

Saeko: Let's try to pick up survivors whenever we can.

Takashi: Let's do it.

Rei: What's the best way outta here?

Saya: Sorry to break it to you, stupid, but we're just gonna have to go out the front.

Y/n: That's the only option I guess.

Takashi: Let's go.

The door slid open for a few Walkers to spot the group. Kohta aims his nail gun and fires two nails straight to the two Walker's heads. Takashi smacks a Walker out of the way on its head for Y/n to finish it off with a stab in the head with his knife. Y/n catches up with the group and goes down the stairs to get a good view of the school on a different floor.

Saeko: Let me make something clear. There's no need for you to engage in a fight unless it's necessary. Do whatever you can to avoid a fight, you got it?

Y/n: Noted.

Saya: Remember, they're sensitive to sound, so keep it quiet, and they're strong enough to break through regular doors and once they've got a hold on you, they're gonna tear you to shreds. So be careful.

The group heard a scream from another staircase. Y/n spotted a group of students, trying to fight off the Walkers.

Female Student 1: Takuzo!

Takuzo: Oh shit. Stay back!

One of the Walkers was about to attack them, but Kohta fired his nail gun at it. Saeko jumps off and smacked the Walker away. Takashi and Y/n rushes down the stairs for Takashi whacks the Walker in the head with his bat. Rei stabs the Walker in the head and kicks it off the staircase. Y/n went down the stairs and smashed the first Walker in the head with his lead pipe and stabbed the second Walker in the head with his knife to get it out, for the Walker to fall down.

The staircase was clear and the students were relieved that they were safe... For now.

Female Student 2: Thank you.

Saeko: Keep it down. Has anyone bitten yet?

Female Student 1: What? No, no one.

Rei: It looks okay. We'll be alright?

Y/n: Any of y'all wanna come with us? We're gettin' the hell outta dodge.

Female Student 1: What does that mean?

Y/n: It means we're gettin' outta this school. You comin' or not?

Female Student 1: Oh, yes.

As the group and the survivors of the school head down the stairs, they saw a few Walkers at the front entrance of the school building.

Takashi: Man, they're a bunch of them.

Saya: From what I can tell, they can see us if we get in front of their sights. They're not blind, but they can smell and hear us.

Takashi: Why don't you go down there and prove that theory.

Saeko: But even if we keep going through inside the school, once we get attacked, we're going to be stuck.

Rei: We have to go through the gate, we don't have any choice.

Saeko: Someone needs to go and confirm Takagi's theory. Don't suppose you want to volunteer.

Everyone looked at each other, but none of them to seemed willing to do it.

Y/n: I'll go.

Takashi: (looks to Y/n) What? Are you nuts?

Rei: No, you stay. I'll go.

Takashi: I'll go too.

Saeko: I think I should go ahead first.

Y/n: Y'all should stay here just in case. Besides, I can sneak up on them and finish them off in a blink of an eye.

Rei: (gets up from spot) Y/n, why?

Y/n: (walks down a few steps) I don't know.

Rei: You don't know?

Y/n: (stops and looks at Rei) Actually, I did make a promise to look after you and Takashi. So I'm doing it, whether you like it or not.

Y/n continues to go down the stairs.

Rei: (tries to go after Y/n) Y/n!

Saeko: (stops Rei) Don't. I understand, but you can't interfere with him. This was his decision.

As Y/n walked down the stairs, he saw a few Walkers that were at the front entrance, growling in different directions for most of their backs were turned around, that they were looking at the sunlight. Y/n readies his knife and starts to sneak up on one of the Walkers. Y/n stabbed the first Walker in its head to drop the body quiet and pulls the blade out. Y/n moved up to the second Walker, but it turned around to spot Y/n, but he quickly stabbed the Walker in the eye to hit the brain and got his blade out of the Walker's eye to drop the body carefully again.

Y/n: (thoughts) This is taking too long.

Y/n sees a shoe on the ground to pick it up and throws it near the lockers, to create a noise to distract the Walkers. They all went to the noise to go to the locker. Y/n then kills every single one of them to the stab in the back of the head to take out the entire hallway of the Walkers. Y/n took out the last Walker to knife in the eye, hitting the brain to get his blade out of its eye.

Y/n looked around the area that it was all clear.

Y/n: (quietly) Alright, come on down.

The group heard Y/n and went down the stairs, for the other students to follow as well. Y/n opened the front doors quietly and looked back that Takashi and the others were catching up. One of the students was going down the stairs with their weapon in hand, but it hit the railing, creating a loud metal noise that echoed throughout the entire school. Every Walker from miles heard the noise and growled to go to the survivors location.

Takashi: RUN!!!

Everyone rushed forward to exit through the front door.

Saya: Why did you open your big mouth?! We could've made it here just by taking care of the ones close by if you hadn't said anything!

A Walker sneaks up behind Saya, but Saeko manages to whack it on the head to get it away from her.

Rei: The noise would've echoed anyway! Just start swinging!

Rei swings her spear at the Walkers knee for it to get knocked down for Y/n to finish it off with his lead pipe to swing it down to its head, killing it, for blood spew of its head.

Kohta aimed his nail gun at a few Walkers, but they were too many in front of him.

Kohta: They're too many.

Y/n and Takashi rushed forward for Y/n to swing the lead pipe on one of the Walkers knee to knock it down, and kills it with a stomp on the head. Takashi swings his bat at the Walker to smack it on the head for it to fall on the ground. Takashi then flicks his bat off to remove the blood.

Takashi: Forget talking. Just run! Run!

Everyone else ran ahead to get to the bus to get out of the school. They whacked and stabbed the Walkers on the heads to keep on going to the bus. Takuzo swings his bat one of the Walkers on the head, but then he gets grabbed by a few of them and they bit his arm and shoulder. He screamed in pain as he was slowly getting killed.

The female student stopped and looked back at Takuzo, to see him getting eaten by the Walkers.

Female Student 1: Takuzo!

Takuzo: Naomi! Run!

Naomi: Takuzo!

Saya holds Naomi back to stop her from getting to Takuzo that was being feasted by the Walkers.

Saya: Just forget it. Once you get bitten it's pointless!

Naomi releases herself from Saya's grip and shook her head as tears fell from her eyes and ran away.

Saya: Wait a minute!

Naomi ran to Takuzo for Y/n to notice her after killing some of the Walkers to stop her from going to Takuzo, after what he saw what happened to him.

Y/n: What in the hell do you think you're doin', huh?!

Namoi: I'm going back to get Takuzo, I'm not leaving him!

Y/n: Forget him! He's already gone!

Naomi: But-

Y/n: He's gone! There's no way you can save him now! Sometimes it's too late to save someone that's already dying! You're just gettin' yourself killed at this point! You wanna end up like Takuzo?! Become one of the dead that's walking alongside him?!

Naomi: No...

Y/n: Then get your ass to the bus and don't look back! Go!

Naomi runs back and goes to the bus, for Y/n to catch up to the group by taking down one of the Walkers along the way. Y/n saw one of the Walkers that were going to get Shizuka, but he ran to the Walker and smacked the Walker on the head with the lead pipe, to get it away from her.

Y/n: You alright?

Shizuka: Y-Yes, thank you.

Takashi: Miss Shizuka, the key!

Shizuka went inside the bus for the others to follow for Y/n, Takashi and Saeko to stay outside to defend the bus away from the Walkers.

Saeko: Let's go, everybody's inside.

Takashi: You go, ladies first!

Y/n took out a few more Walkers with his knife and lead pipe to defend the bus more to keep on killing the Walkers by smashing and stabbing their heads. He then saw a few more survivors running from a distance.

Y/n: Hey, hold up, we got a few more survivors comin' in!

Y/n saw the teacher from leading the group that was running to the bus.

Takashi: Who's that?

Seako: That's mister Shido, from class 3-A.

Rei: (gasps and furrows eybrows) Shido...

Y/n: Who?!

Takashi: Just wait until they get here!

Y/n then did as Takashi said and keeps on defending the bus from the Walkers to keep on killing them. He smacks and stabs every Walker that he sees coming to him and keeps on going. Y/n then sees Shido kicked a student with glasses in the face that was begging for help while he was on the ground.

Y/n: (to himself) What the hell...?

Y/n saw as Shido as he was leaving that student for dead as Walkers started to the student and started to feast on him, while he screamed in agony. Y/n glared at Shido for him to look back at Y/n with a smirk on his face for Shido to enter the bus. Y/n knew he didn't like this guy already. Shido just left that student for dead and he didn't care...

Takashi: Y/n, come on!

Y/n went inside the bus for Takashi to close the door behind him.

Takashi: Okay, go!

Shizuka: Hang on!

Shizuka pressed the gas and the bus started to move to the front gate.

Saya: To the gate!

Shizuka: I know!

Shizuka keeps on driving to the gate as she saw Walkers blocking the road ahead near the gate.

Shizuka: They're not humans anymore... They're not people anymore... They're not alive anymore!

Shizuka full speed ahead to run over the Walkers to get through them and bust through the front gate and kept in driving down the road to get to the city.

Takashi: Can't believe we did it.

Kohta: Yeah...

Shido: Thank god we did.

Y/n: (glares at Shido in his seat)

Shido: (walks to Saeko) I take it you have been appointed leader?

Saeko: There's no such thing. We just work together in order to live, that's all.

Shido: That's not good. In order to survive, we definitely need a leader. A leader who bears everything, with valor, with confidence.

Rei: (to Takashi) You'll regret this. I guarantee that you'll regret helping him.

Student: The city!

Everyone looked out to see the city that was still in chaos. They went by a gas station for Shizuka to run over a Walker and kept on driving on the road.

Sonoda: Shit. Like I said, it's only dangerous if we keep going! First of all, why do we have to go with Komuro and the others?! You guys are the ones who decided to go back to the city! Maybe we should have just... looked someplace safe inside the school! If you asked me, we were better off where we were.

Student: He's right. I kidnd of agree with Sonoda. We should barricade ourselves somewhere.

Shizuka stopped the bus to take off her seat belt and turns around to the other students.

Shizuka: Okay you all, that's enough! I can't focus on the driving with all this yelling!

They all went silent for a second.

Sonoda: Yeah, whatever.

Saeko: How about you tell me what YOU want to do?

Sonoda: (points at Takashi) I just can't stand this guy! I hate him!

Takashi: (gets up from his seat) Why? What the hell did I even do to you? I don't even know you.

Sonoda: You know!

Sonoda was about to punch Takashi, but Y/n stepped in to push Sonoda back.

Y/n: Stay the hell away from him, asshole!

Sonoda: Who asked you to step in?!

Y/n: Nobody, but I guarantee you don't wanna fuck with me.

Sonoda: Get out of my way, prick, this doesn't involve you!

Y/n: Let me tell you somethin', pal. If it weren't for us saving all of your sorry asses, you all would have been here in this bus! So back the fuck off, boah!

Sonoda: Why you!

Sonoda was about to punch Y/n, but he grabbed Sonoda's arm and twisted it to hear a bone crack a bit and punched him so hard in the stomach for him to spit out saliva, for Y/n to punch Sonoda in the face to send him on the ground. Sonoda thew up saliva on the ground, where he was.

Y/n: Asshole.

Shido then claps his to Y/n as he walks over Sonoda.

Shido: Bravo. Simply outstanding teamwork. I'm impressed. I command the three of you, at any rate, a conflict like that only proves my point.

Y/n: (glares at Shido)

Shido: We need a leader. We do. Surely neither of you want such difficult responsibility on your shoulders.

Saya: (adjusting glasses) So, you're gonna run the position then.

Shido: I'm a teacher, Miss Takagi, and while mature, all of you are barely in your teens. That alone makes it very clear who's more qualified to assume such a role. (turns around to students) I have experience, why just moments ago, I saved all of these brave students.

Y/n: The hell you didn't!

Shido: (turns around to Y/n)

Y/n: I saw what you did to that poor student back at the school! He was on the ground, begging for help! You kicked him in the face and left him for dead to those things! You're not a savior, you're a murderer!

Shido: Nonsense. I saved all of these students who were with me, and they were all very brave. (turns around to students again) What do you say, guys.

The student on the ground rose up from the floor and clapped his hands at Shido. The other students rose from their seats and clapped as well for Shido to bow and turns around to the others.

Shido: There, it's been decided. The majority seems to be quite clear, yes?

Y/n just glared at Shido and the other students that were listening to this sick man. Y/n hears the door open of the bus for Rei to exit the bus on foot, for Takashi to go to her.

Takashi: Rei!

Rei: (turns around) No way! I won't do it. I'm not staying here with him!

Takashi: Get back on the bus...

Shido: Well, there's nothing I can do if you don't want to act in accordance with all of us.

Takashi: (to Shido) What us?! What are you talking about?!

Y/n: You know what, I don't wanna be on this bus anymore as well! I don't want to be with this fucker for all I care!

Male Student: Hey! Don't you talk to Mister Shido like that!

Y/n: How about you shut your goddamn mouth before I shut it for you, asshole!

The student was shocked and went silent.

Y/n: (points at Shido) Rei was right about you, you crazy son of a bitch! If I ever see you again, I'll be carrying a gun with me, so I can put a bullet through your fuckin' head!

Shido: (smirks) I would like to see you try that someday, Mister Dixon.

Y/n was in more anger to him and all of the students that had followed Shido.

Y/n: (to Shido and the students) Fuck all of y'all! I'm outta here!

Y/n push through Takashi and exit the bus to follow Rei. Takashi went after Rei and Y/n to stop them.

Takashi: Rei, Y/n, wait! Get back on the bus. When we enter the city, we'll get off. I don't want you two to leave.

Rei: That's why I told you that you'd regret this!

Takashi: No, we'll both regret this!

Y/n: You don't know the hell you're talkin' about!

Taksshi: What I'm talking about is-

Y/n: You know what, I'm gonna go back in there and teach that sumbitch a lesson!

As Y/n was about to go back in the bus to beat up Shido, Takashi stopped Y/n for going back.

Takashi: Hey, hey! Stop! Stop!

Y/n: I'm gonna kill that motherfucker for what he did to that student back at the school!

Takashi: No! You're not! We're going back inside the bus, without causing a fight!

Y/n: I don't want that crazy sumbitch in that bus talking crazy while I'm tryin' to sleep! What the hell is wrong with you, man?!

Takashi: When we get to the city, we'll leave him!

Y/n: Oh, yeah?! How long til he gets you, Rei or all of us?! I ain't stayin' on that bus with that son of a bitch!

Takashi: Just shut up and get back on the bus!

Y/n: (shoves Takashi) Then you gon' have to make me get back on it!

Rei: Guys stop it! This is what Shido wants! He wants you guys to fight!

Takashi: Get back on the bus! Now!

Y/n then punches Takashi in the face for them to both fight each other, for them to be in a grapple hold for Y/n wrap his arm around Takashi's neck to have him in a choke hold. Y/n kneels down for him to choke Takashi for Rei to watch that her friends are fighting each other.

Rei: Stop it, both of you! Listen to me!

Y/n keeps on choking Takshi, for him to struggle to get loose. Takashi then sees a bus going towards them, for Takashi to speak.

Takashi: (while being choked) Y/n! Y/n!

Y/n: (looks to see bus driving fast) Oh shit! (let's go of Takashi) Get up!

Y/n offered his hand to Takashi for him to take it for Y/n to pull him up and for them and Rei started running into a tunnel for the bus to topple over and crash, blocking the tunnel.

Y/n, Rei and Takashi saw the wreckage of the bus that it was on fire, for there to be burning Walkers coming out of the bus.

Takashi: So much for getting back on the bus.

Y/n: Yeah, no shit.

Saeko went on the other side of the wreckage.

Saeko: Komuro! Are you alright?!

Takshi: I'm fine!

The burning Walkers were starting to go to the different groups.

Takashi: At the police station! Meet up at the East police station!

Sakeo: What time!

Takashi: 7 o'clock! If not today, then tomorrow at the same time!

The fire then started to spread, and for the bus about to blow.

Y/n: Let's haul ass outta here!

The trio ran to the tunnel exit to make it outside for the bus to explode for them to move aside to not get hit by the shock-wave. They both catch their breaths for a second.

Y/n: That was close...

Takashi: It was.

All of a sudden a Walker came out of nowhere for it to wear a bike helmet to tackle Takashi to the ground. Takashi struggled to get free, but then Y/n moved the Walker's helmet and stabbed in the back of the head. Y/n pulled out the knife and got the body off of Takashi.

Y/n: I got you, brother.

Y/n offers his hand to Takashi, for him to take it. Y/n pulled up Takashi off the ground, exhausted.

Takashi: Thanks.

Y/n: No problem... Sorry about what I did back there. I didn't mean it.

Takashi: It's okay. Choke is illegal, asshole. (chuckles)

Y/n: (sighs) Yes it is.

Rei: Y/n, Takashi...

The two boys looked at Rei with a smile on her face.

Rei: Let's go.

They both smiled back at Rei for her to put Takashi's arm around her shoulder for Y/n to help him as well. Y/n, Takshi and Rei were walking over the hill to travel on foot to get to the city now.

Rei: Well, are we going to walk to the city?

Takashi: If there's no other choice.

Y/n: Yeah, sounds about right.

Takashi: Oh, wait, he was wearing a helmet.

The trio saw two bikes on the grass. They eventually got the bikes out for Y/n and Takashi to be on different bikes to start the engines, reeving them up.

Rei: Do you both even have a license for those?

Takashi: Getting a ticket is the least of our problems. What are you waiting for? Get on.

Rei smiles and she gets on the back with Takashi, holding onto him.

Y/n: I'll be right behind you! Lead the way!

Takshi nods and they both started to drive into the city where it is nighttime now. The three survivors drove on the road to see what else comes next on their journey to survive the outbreak of undead corpses taking over the world.

To be continued

Chapter End Music

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