1. Those Wacky Gods

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Here's the thing about gods: they don't like to die. Sure, you can chop them into pieces or seal them in a cursed piece of pottery, but you can't kill them. It's just nature.

Now, humans on the other hand, they really like to die. They die all the time. Apparently, its estimated that a human only lives about eighty years. That's, like, not even a century. Or even a millennium! It's wildly debated whether humans are even suited to be considered an advanced species when an individual doesn't even live for at least a couple millennia.

But back to gods. They're much more important, obviously.

Gods are fickle creatures. Sure, they're immortal holders of the very concepts of the universe and welders of near unlimited power, but they're just like you and me (assuming that you're not a god yourself, which would be a little strange). Gods can make mistakes. In fact, they've made many mistakes through the history of the universe. This includes, but is not limited to, the existence of the planet Pluto, the internet, and bad hair days.

There are a lot of gods, which means many, many mistakes are made every millennia.

One of these mistakes is a young man by the name of Grimslay.

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