16. It's the End of the World (And They're Not Feeling Fine)

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Over the course of his immortal lifetime, Grim had gotten himself into many, many unfortunate situations. He had been stoned (not in the fun way, mind you) in the Middle Ages for witchcraft, almost made an Mayan human sacrifice, and even encountered a terrible fit of food poisoning in Las Vegas. He had been shamed and subjected to misfortune in nearly every country, time period, and language.

Now, Grim had another notch to add to his belt: stumbling into Waffle House at four in the morning, soaked from head to toe and covered in mud. Strike one Tennessee, zero for Grim.

"Table for two," Artemis mumbled, wet glasses sliding down his face.

The confused stares of mortal truckers burned into Grim and Artemis's backs with every squelch of their waterlogged shoes. The waitress showed them to a seat that sat directly under the airvent, and Grim was too tired to complain. A puddle began to form under them as they browsed the menu.

The diner was small and drafty and seemed to be taken straight from the fifties. The booths were furnished with obnoxiously blue, cracked material and a jukebox stood to Grim's left. All the waitresses wore pink aprons and seemed likely to call him "sweetie" or "doll" in a thick country accent.

Artemis propped his arm against the sticky table, gazing at the window. "Hey, Grim."

Grim lazily met his eyes.

"By chance, you aren't causing this," Artemis waved his hand at the unrelenting typhoon outside, "are you? This seems pretty...unlucky."

Grim shrugged. He took a coffee cup from the tray the waitress had left on the table. It instantly shattered in his hand. He grabbed another. "Don't know," he muttered, staring at the empty cup, "I really don't."

He turned his head, the sounds of the television that hung on the wall snatching his attention. On the screen, footage of a landslide played, the mud sweeping up cars and people alike. The scene changed, showing a massive tornado ripping through a small town.

Fluorescent light reflected off Artemis's glasses. "It seems the humans are suffering."

"Sucks for them, I guess."

"Are you two watching the news too?" their waitress murmured, hovering over their table. She filled up their cups, the hot steam like a godsend. "It's crazy, y'know? All this stuff started happening all at once yesterday. The world's so chaotic these days."

Grim choked, watching the woman glide to another table. "That's how she's gonna do it, Moony," he rasped, head down.

"What?" Artemis said.

"Eris. She's doing all of this," Grim flicked his eyes upward, "All those years ago, she tried to destroy the world, right? It's only natural she'd try again."

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