28. In Which Grim Is Concerned

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Light danced across Ziva's collected eyes.

"I am aware she escaped from her prison. I have received many refugees running from her storms," Ziva murmured, her voice even.

Grim shuffled from foot to foot. "What's gonna happen?"

"I suppose someone will defeat her and seal her once more."

"You're not gonna go after her?" Grim asked, taking a cautious step forward. If Ziva could seal Eris, it would all be over.

Ziva shook her head. "I have no reason to interfere. I did not cause this problem."

Are you kidding me? Grim thought, not bothering to hide the anger that flickered on his expression. How could she be so callous, so lazy? Didn't Ziva realize how serious this was?

Grim almost choked, a sick feeling of familiarity in his stomach. Is this how he sounded to Artemis? Hearing his own logic parroted to him felt bizzare. Grim fell into silence, pondering his own moral choices.

"By the way," Ziva said smoothly, touching the shiny surface of her crystal ball, "Did you hear the news about that friend of yours, the hellhound? Artemis, was it?"

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