31. Redemption In The Rain

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Grim liked to think that Lupus usually knew what was going on. He also liked to think, for those few seconds, he completely shattered that mindset in Lupis.

An array of black tentacles erupted from Grim's back, stabbing through Lupus's shoulders and driving him to the ground. Naturally, this was only a minor scratch to a god.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Lupus roared, yellow eyes blazing.

A black aura bled off Grim as rose into view, jaw locked in a bitter scowl. His supplementary limbs hung in the air, poised to strike.

"Get your hands off my brother," Grim rasped, the hood of his cloak casting an omnious shadow over his face. His voice trembled.

"Grim?" Artemis cried, staring up at him in shock. Grim couldn't look past the tears in his eyes.

Above them, a storm festered. Lightening flashed, the image of the two gods face to face burned into white. Rain poured from the sky.

"None of this is his fault!" Grim shouted, rain carving a path down his cheeks, "Moony has been the best companion I could have asked for!"

Ragged breath escaped Grim's lungs in short puffs. "It was all me. I unleashed Eris. It's my fault, I'm the one to blame."

A weight lifted off Grim's shoulders as he met eyes with Artemis. Artemis smiled, still on his knees. The rain bit through the blood on his face.

Heaving his sword over his shoulder, Lupus's expression remained cold. "As I expected," he murmured, his baritone matching the growl of the thunder, "I always knew you were a disaster."

Lupus swung his blade, but Grim was faster. Shadowy tendrils wrapped around the sword, pitching it across the field. Lupus threw a punch, hitting Grim in the gut.

He staggered in front of Artemis, stomping his foot to the ground. The earth groaned, Grim's powers tearing a fissure between he and Lupus.

Facing his brother, Grim held out a hand. He wasn't sure if it was rain or tears running down his cheeks.

"Moony...I'm so sorry any of this happened. I'm sorry for everything," Grim swallowed, staring at the bruises on Artemis's intelligent eyes, "You don't deserve someone like me."

Artemis took his hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. He allowed him to pull him to his feet, immediately falling against his chest and hugging him. Water came down in sheets, soaking both of them to the bone.

"It's okay, I understand. I'm sorry for walking out on you like that. And I think I do deserve a brother who rushes to save me, in my opinion," Artemis laughed weakly, "My neck thanks you."

From the other side of the fissure, Lupus rose to full height. "Grimslay, you can't keep hiding who you are."

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