41. A Divine Retribution

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"Moony!" Grim cried, groping through the thick smoke that had fallen over the area, "You okay?"

The foundation had caved in on itself, the throne room falling into a pile of dust and stone. The sky was now exposed, a furious rainstorm throwing sheets of water onto the ruins.

"I'm fine! Just a couple cuts!" Artemis called from several feet away, his head emerging from the rubble.

"The wall fell on her, Grimslay. That's about as still as she's going to be," Hades growled, touching Grim's arm, "Whatever you're going to do, here's your chance."

Grim flexed his hands, taking a cautious step forward to the place the wall had given in. He could see Eris underneath the stone, fighting to free herself of the thousand pound weight on her body. Her hands desperately clawed to reach him, filthy nails wanting to rip into his throat.

"You!" she snapped, a dirty lock of hair falling across her face. Her teeth were grit and blood streamed down her face, the cool, mischievous facade she always maintained lost, "You were a mistake, Grimslay! I regret the day I made you! You ruin everything you touch!"

Crackling energy swirled around Grim, sparks flashing around his fingers.

"What, a sealing spell? That's never stopped me," Eris cackled, the laugh coming out as more of a wheeze.

Grim cocked his head, grinning wide. "Well, Eris, you know me. You're entirely right about me."

His tentacles shot out, wrapping around Eris, the divine energy pulsing with an audible hum with the effort of the spell. White light cloaked her body, and she howled in agony, twisting her head to stare at Grim.

"I ruin everything I touch."

And then she exploded.

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