8. Women in Pottery

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Here's another thing about the world of the gods: almost everything explodes. Magic? Yup. Patron animals? You bet. Random pieces of pottery? Especially.

And like most things in the world of the gods, exploding is usually a sign that something is seriously wrong.
Luckily for Grim, Artemis comprehended what had just happened far quicker than he did. He tackled Grim head on, sending them tumbling behind a pillar.

A wave of smoke and bits of pottery rushed over them, dark clouds flooding the room. Grim struggled to pull his head out from under Artemis's chest. Artemis pressed him onto the ground, teeth grit. It had been years since Grim had seen him look so serious.

"There's someone here," Artemis rasped.

The smoke gathered at the top of the room, transforming into festering storm clouds. Lightening crackled within the self-contained thunderhead as the air in the center of the room shimmered. Bit by bit, a figure started to appear, in the process of walking.

A floor length white dress came into view, followed by silky black hair and a thin face. Fully formed, the women took to a slow stride towards Hades, a wide grin stretching her full lips. She was beautiful, in the same way a fearsome lioness was.

"It's been a while, Hades," the woman cooed, her voice rich and deep.

Hades did not respond, clenching his fists. A line of black fire ripped across the floor.

The woman snorted, unperturbed by the hellfire blazing by her feet. "You don't look very happy to see me, darling."

"You're a monster!" Hades bellowed, darting at her.

Seconds before Hades could steamroll her, the woman dissipated, sinking into the floor as a cloud of vapor. Hades fell to the floor, hitting his knees.

An extended pause hung in the air as Grim watched with bated breath, waiting to make sure the coast was clear. Finally, shoved Artemis off his chest, stumbling into the center of the room.

Hades lifted his head, his expression haggard. He was pale and covered in sweat, and the wrinkles around his eyes made it look like he had aged around ten years.

"Dad..." Grim breathed, his heart still thudding, "Who was that?"

Hades's dark, haunted eyes gazed at him, drilling through Grim. "That was Eris, the goddess of chaos."

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