Thanksgiving (WIP)

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Our story begins in Trolberg during daytime in Johanna, Hilda and Percy's House. Percy and his family were enjoying themselves with family time.

Suddenly, the sound of a phone rings.

Johanna: Wonder who could be calling us?

Percy: I'll check, hun. (walking over and grabs the phone) Hello? Oh, hey, Mom. What's up? Oh, Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Wait, you want me and my family to come to Stonehenge again? For a Thanksgiving dinner. Okay, we'll be there.

As Percy is talking to his mother on the phone, Johanna, Kaisa, Olivia and Camille look at each other. They couldn't make out what they are hearing.

Percy hangs up the phone and goes to the living room to announce the news to his family.

Percy: Family, I have good news.

Johanna: What is it, hun?

Percy: My mother has invited us all to Thanksgiving Dinner at their home at Stonehenge.

Percy: My mother has invited us all to Thanksgiving Dinner at their home at Stonehenge.

His family grow very intrigued at the idea of having their first Thanksgiving dinner with Percy's side of the family. It makes Johanna feel very excited about it.

Johanna: We are?

Hilda: (excitedly) We're invited to Thanksgiving Dinner at our grandparent's home?!

Percy: Yes, we're invited, Hilda.

Hilda: How exciting! I never had Thanksgiving dinner with your family before, Dad.

Frida: Neither did I.

David: Nor me.

Percy: You'll be excited at Stonehenge again I can imagine that. (holding Joan in his arms and cradles his daughter) And hopefully we don't run to Elena again like last time.

That's something his harem agrees. They didn't like her for what she did to Percy and for abandoning Amber.

Johanna: Yeah, hopefully.

Camille: She is bad news.

Kaisa: After what she did to Percy and Amber.

Olivia: Quite Shameful of her if you ask me.

Percy: True. And I'm grateful I have all four of you. And I do mean it.

Percy hugs his Trolberg milfs and kisses them on their cheeks, making them tint a blush.

Johanna: I am grateful to have Percy in my life. Unlike my ex-husband Anders, Percy is everything to me and he knows to give me what I always wanted. (nuzzles onto Percy lovingly) And I do mean it.

Percy: Sure do, hon. After all, I provide for my family.


Johanna: We'll be at the airport in no time before Thanksgiving.

Percy: We're not going to the airport, Johanna. Because I have a better idea. I never thought I would do this again, but I guess it's time that I show how I came to Scandinavia. It was the day I met you and Hilda.

Johanna: What are you going to do, Percy?

Percy: To call upon another form of transportation. Just watch.

Percy looks at Caesar as the hellhound hybrid sits calmly.

Percy: You know what to do, boy.

Caesar barks as he raises his head up to the sky and begins howling, surprising Johanna and his Trolberg harem and Hilda. As Caesar continues howling for a few hours, suddenly, a very loud screech was heard, which shocks Percy's harem.

Johanna: What was that?

Percy: Our key to our destination.

David: It sure was kinda frightening as such if it makes that kind of sound.

People in the city heard the loud screech as Caesar kept howling. Suddenly, a large shadowy figure appeared over the city as it landed in front of the crowd and gave out a very loud shriek to announce it's presence, shocking the public. Johanna, Hilda and the rest of the family were astonished by what they're seeing, the creature had turned out to be... a gryphon as the creature noticed Percy and Caesar walking towards it, much to Johanna's concern.

The gryphon looks down as it shrieked so loud at Percy's face, while Percy stood calmly still, unfazed at the gryphon's ear splitting shriek.

Johanna: (in mind) How is Percy not afraid, let alone fazed by that loud shriek from that gryphon?

The gryphon continues to shriek at Percy and he begins to whistle. This somehow appeases the gryphon, as the public watches Percy do the whistle as the gryphon eventually calms down. Percy's wife, harem and family wonder how Percy was able to do that whistle.

Hilda: Dad, that was amazing!

Frida: I heard some people whistle, but I've never heard one like that before.

David: Neither did I.

Percy: (petting the gryphon softly) You remember me, Venus. I'm your rider. (throws a piece of some sort of meat and the gryphon takes it) I might need you again. Think you might take me and my family to Stonehenge? It's Thanksgiving this year.

The gryphon coos happily as Venus licks his face and gives out another of his ear splitting shriek that echoed throughout Trolberg. This forces some people to cover their ears, even Percy's wives and children were forced to follow suit.

Percy: (chuckles softly while covering his ears) Sguramente te encanta gritar. (turns to his family) Johanna, come over here. This is Venus, he's my gryphon. And no need to worry, he won't bite you or Hilda.

Johanna: (hesitantly) Uh... okay.

Taking caution, Johanna approaches Venus. Venus looks down at Johanna curiously and begins sniffing her. Upon seeing Amber, the gryphon nuzzles the toddler, cooing affectionately. This earns a smile and a happy giggle from her.

At first, they thought Venus would be dangerous. But Venus proved to be a gentle giant. Johanna gently scratches Venus as the gryphon purred in delight.

Percy: (holding Johanna's hand close to Venus's neck) Just let Venus smell you and Hilda, Johanna, he might like you if you let him smell you.

Johanna: Well, o...kay?

Percy: It'll be alright, Johanna. I'm right there with you. Venus won't harm you. He just needs to get to know you and Hilda.

Johanna: Okay, if you say so.

Venus lowers himself down to the ground and starts sniffing at Johanna and Hilda while letting them pet him and begins purring in delight. The gryphon licks Hilda in the cheek, making the blue-haired girl giggle.

Hilda: You were right, Dad, he is friendly.

The rest of the family go to approach Venus as he begins showing his affection for them while letting them pet him and sniffing at them.

Percy: He is friendly, Hilda. (petting his blue haired stepdaughter's hair affectionately) Now, let's get our stuff and we'll be ride Venus to Stonehenge. Gryphons fly very fast than the airplanes do.

David: They do?

Percy: Definitely. I've seen it in action.

David gulps in fear of the thought of fast flying speed.

Percy: That's why I always have these. I made these harnesses myself when you ride gryphons. I used to be a gryphon rider back on Stonehenge, went to a school where you learn to ride gryphons like how people do with horses.

Percy chuckles.

Percy: I was always the one that rides a gryphon without thinking or trying. I'm basically always the fast learner. Like how Frida keeps up with her grades.

Frida: That's true.

Percy: Now, let's get packing and get ready to leave, family. We'll be riding Venus and flying to Stonehenge in no time.

Johanna, Hilda and the rest of the family look at each other as they nodded. Venus was their key for their destination.

Kaisa: Okay, Percy.

And so, Percy's family and harem went back into the house to gather their things. After finishing, they got back outside where Venus is at.


Hilda: Did Caesar just have wings?!

David: (notices this and gets surprised) Whoa! He does!

Percy: Yep, pretty much.

Frida: But how is this even possible? (to Percy) You never said Caesar had wings.

Percy: I know, I just like to keep very hidden surprises sometimes, Frida.

Percy gives a very slight laugh.

Percy: Caesar's part Pterolycus, by the way.

Hilda: Part Pterolycus?

Frida and David: Part Pterolycus?

David: What's a pterolycus?

Percy: A winged species of wolf. Pterolycus are very common where I live. There's lots of them in the Rocky Mountains. They live all the way up in the mountains. And no, they don't lay eggs like the woffs do.

Hilda: They give birth like Mum does?

Percy: Yes. (cradles Johanna lovingly) Just like your beautiful mother.

Johanna: (blushing from that compliment) Oh, Percy...


Author's Note: I apologize if this story is rushed, but I intend to have it finished, even if it takes me years.

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