Halloween One-Shot (Will Fix)

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After few weeks of that night, where the walled city Trolberg was saved from the trolls' attack and a werewolf that mysteriously appeared and ferociously fought the gigantic troll Trundle, known as the Mountain King, in order to give Trolberg's safety patrol officers a chance to petrify Trundle with their weapon: a giant version of their torch guns, which kills the evil troll, and the mysterious werewolf had vanished that night after Trundle was crushed into stones, saving Trolberg.

Trolberg began celebrating and having Halloween decorations around the city and preparations for children for trick or treating and has been three weeks after the Mountain King events and the death of the evil troll Trundle. As for Erik Ahlberg, he had announced his retirement and promoted Gerda Gustav as the new head of Trolberg's Safety Patrol. Gerda also had created the annual Night of the Trolls, where the trolls would be allowed to go into the city to hear Amma and get a chance to bloom. However, not everyone had loved the holiday, as they still fear the trolls, nor were they able to find out or discover who the mysterious werewolf that was involved in saving their city was, who was never found.

As everyone was getting ready for Halloween preparations, Hilda, Frida and David were seen with their younger siblings along with their respective mothers and stepfather going out for the store to get their own Halloween costumes. Percy and his now married wives spending time with their children as they were heading inside the store to get their own costumes. 

However, unknown to Percy, Johanna and his other wives decided to have a secret surprise for him for Halloween, as Johanna eyed at her werewolf husband seductively. 

She then turns to Camille, Olivia and Kaisa as she whispers to them.

Johanna: (whispering) Ladies, what do you say that we give our husband a special surprise this Halloween?

Camille, Kaisa and Olivia look at each other in thought. They all share what Johanna was thinking before turning back to her.

Kaisa: (whispering) You've read our minds.

Camille: (whispering) I agree.

Olivia: (whispering) Count me in.

They hear grunting and slight squealing. They turn and see Amber is picking what costume she wants. She was pulling onto it as it was stuck. Percy goes over and helps her get the costume unstuck.

Percy: Is this the costume you want, Amber?

Amber nodded at her father. She was holding a unicorn costume and looking at him pleadingly as Percy thought of it. Johanna warmly nods at her beloved husband, so he decides to let her have it.

Percy: Alright, Amber. You can have it.

Amber hugs her daddy, as he gently hugs his daughter back. Amber happily hugs the costume and goes over to her mothers as Johanna gently hugs her back.

Johanna: You're welcome, Amber. You would look adorable in that costume.

Amber smiled happily and continues hugging her mother.

Percy's other wives were endeared by the very sight.

With the kids, they were looking for costumes to dress into. Hilda happens to have found one.

Hilda: Ooh, a werewolf costume. I could use that.

Frida found what she's looking for and smiled in excitement.

Frida: This witch costume definitely speaks to me.

David also finds a costume that catches his eye.

David: Looks like I'll be going as a librarian.

Hilda: How about you, Lincoln? Which costume are you choosing?

Lincoln: I'm going for werewolf.

Hilda: (smiles) Ah, just like me.


Camille: Kids, did you find your costumes for Halloween?

Frida: We sure did, Mum.


The family then purchase the costumes and items they picked up, and then head for home.

Later, after shopping in the store, the family returned to their household and they came inside. Caesar and Twig were sleeping, though they woke up and saw the family had came back. Caesar barked happily and approached them, tail wagging, with Twig following him.

Hilda: Hey Caesar and Twig.

The hellhound hybrid and deer-fox looked at the bags and were curious. Hilda notices this.

Hilda: Oh, you see, Twig and Caesar We have these bags because we're preparing to go trick-or-treating this Halloween.

Later, everyone dresses into their costumes. They come out dressed in their costumes.


Lincoln: Is everybody ready to trick-or-treat?

Frida: (cuddles him) I'm ready, Lincy.

Hilda: (cuddles Lincoln as well) Me too.

Hilda and Frida glared at each other. Seeing this, Lincoln cuddles them both, showing he's not one to be fought over.

David: I'm ready, Lincoln.

Amber, in her unicorn costume, goes over to Lincoln with a joyful giggle, showing she too is prepared.


Percy: Have fun, kids, and stay safe.

Hilda: We will.

Hilda, her blood-siblings, her step-siblings and her pets all walk outside, closing the door behind them.

Now with the children away, Johanna and Percy's other wives quickly decide to put their plan for his surprise into action.

While they were getting ready to surprise, Johanna calls for Percy in a siren-like tone.

Johanna: (in a siren-like voice) Oh, Percy.

Percy: (as he walks over to the source) You call, baby?

He went inside their bedroom and grew very excited when he sees what his wives were doing and sees why they called him. His werewolf side as his beloved wives were eying him seductively.

Johanna and Kaisa are dressed up as Succubi. 

Camille and Olivia are dressed as Jessica Rabbit from the 1987 movie, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?".

Johanna: You like what you see, Percy?

Percy: More like love what I see.

Johanna chuckled seductively at her husband. His wives watched his werewolf side come out, his tail wagging in excitement. Percy goes over to them.

Percy grabbed Kaisa and Johanna and he began kissing them. They kissed him back and they made out as they let out pleasured moans. Percy also grabs Camille and Olivia and starts kissing them, both of whom return the kiss. 


Percy penetrates his penis inside Johanna's pussy. He thrusts into her, making her moan in pleasure. He has Johanna standing on her left leg and facing him with her right leg held and raised halfway high to his left side in his left hand, and his right arm holding her, supporting her balance. He brings her close and kisses her lips, making her moan. She lets out more moans when Percy's cum squirts into her womb. 


He puts his dick inside of Kaisa


Percy blows his load inside of Kaisa.


Percy puts his dick inside Camille's pussy.


Camille moans intensely as Percy ejaculates within her pussy and she cums on his penis.


Percy penetrates inside Olivia


Percy feels his dick starting to twitch as his orgasm is reaching it's peak.

Percy: Gonna... cum.

Olivia: Same here! Let's cum at the same time!

Percy keeps thrusting into Olivia until they both reach climax, cumming at the same time. Olivia cums on Percy's dick while he splooges in her womb. 

Percy and his harem are seen laying on their bed, his wives cuddling him.

Percy: Best treat for Halloween ever had.

Johanna: You said it, honey.

Percy: I love you, ladies.

Percy's Harem: We love you too, Percy. 

Author's Note: l humbly apologize if the writing in this story looks rushed and unprepared, I got so lazy like I did when trying to draw art on paper. But I'll be sure to get this completed, even if it takes me years. Overall, I hope you guys enjoyed the story.

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