Summer of 1998

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It became the summer of 1998, at a school two duck: Donald and Della duck, both Scrooge mcduck's niece and nephew were heading to class.

And outside the school drop out, two Latin birds were jumping out of a van.

One green Brazilian dapper parrot with a fun spirit, who's worldly and whimsical, José Carioca

And the other a red chicken that is an energetic and fun-loving guy, Panchito Pistoles.

"Come on José, It's the last day of school" panchito ran with Jose chasing after him.

"I'm coming panchito" Jose laughed.

As both boys ran inside, the school bus arrived and as the doors opened, one An young anthropomorphic chicken with glasses was reading a book Not needing to make friends due to his antisocial behavior.

But at the same time a is a male duck with Cuban roots in a purple tan shirt jumped off.

He was Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, a new student very shy and has a hard time making friends.

Inside the school, Della and Donald were heading to class when the antisocial chicken passed by as ge continues to read his book, he he passes by Jose and panchito as they fool around in the halls acting like the class clowns they are.

"Are you excited for summer Jose"

"Heck what do you think we should do this summer" Jose asked.

"Well I been thinking we go to the pool to attract the laddies" panchito purred as a couple of girls passed by and he wrapped his arm around Jose.

"Now what do you say after school we go to the lake"

"Ok panchito"

Then as the two head to class, Fenton goes in his English classroom.

He looks around eager for the new friends to make, he takes a deep breath and he walks up to the first group of desk who were talking.

But when he pulls up a chair to seat in, one dog boy says: "sorry this seat is taken"

"Oh sorry"

But each desk he tries to seat, he gets rejected.

"That seats taken" a female white feather duck says.


"Already taken"

Fenton frowns as he feels lonely but then he sees the antisocial chicken sitting a alone with his book that he was still reading.

Fenton decided to give it one last try, so he walks up to him.

"Hi...mind if I seat here" Fenton asked hoping this one would at least let him.

But the antisocial chicken turns the page of his book and said: "go ahead"

Fenton's face lights up as he finally got to make a new friend.

He sits down next to him, "hi I'm Fenton"

Fenton holds his hand out to greet with a hand shake.

"Gyro gearloose" the antisocial chicken named gyro says without breaking any eye contact.

"You don't talk much do you"

Gyro pulls his eyes off the book for a second, "I'm not very sociable...I'm not the popular type...I just prefer me and my books alone, I'm a super genius but I prefer to be alone"

Then somewhere in history class, Della and Donald were waiting for class to be over in time for summer.

Della was jittery with excitement while Donald was running with his guitar, he could care less with the brooding kid he is...

"Are you excited about summer Donald" Della asked her brother.


"You what I been thinking, we should do something exciting for summer, we should go on adventure"

Donald's eyes open wide by the word: adventure.

"Oh no no, we have enough adventures enough already with Uncle Scrooge we don't need more adventures"

Della  looks at him irritated then the bell rang and Doors fling open with kids spill out into the halls like sheep.

Della and Donald walked out, "why can't we just have a normal summer" Donald groaned.

"How wants a normal summer when we can do something up"

It became for the mcducks to reunite, a duck with a green suit came by and picked up a ten dollar.

"Oh look...a 10 dollar" It was Gladstone gander.

"Hey guys" he puts the dollar in his pocket and walks up to his cousin.

"Hey cousin Gladstone" Della waved.

"Hey cus" Donald says.

"What are you going" Gladstone asked.

"We are just going over our summer plans...what are you going to do this summer" Della says.

"Oh I Don't know...probably find a dollar that'll take me somewhere excited"

They hurled their books in the trash as lockers emptied out.

"Finally no more school" Della cheered.

"No more homework, no more study, just rest and relaxation" Gladstone says.

"Say where's cousin fethry" Della asked.

"Probably still in junior woodchuck, we should probably go pick him up" Gladstone says.

Then when they passed by a door, a weird kid who is cousin fethry in a woodchuck uniform came out holding a fish and hugging it"

"Hi ya cousins" fethry waved at them then he showed them the fish, "I made a new friend today: meet smelly"

Donald and Gladstone coved their noses from the stench and Della was freaked out by it.

"Ok...let's go" Della says.

Then gyro was walking out of school when..."hey...wait up"

"Ugh" he groaned and rolled his eyes when he hears Fenton walking with him.

The four mcducks head outside, "so what do you guys want to do for summer" fethry asked.

"Well i want to have an adventure but Donald wants to have a normal summer" Della says.

"We are kids, why can't we just act like a normal family" Donald asked.

"Because we aren't a normal family, we are the's in our blood to seek out adventure"

Just then a teenage slim rooster wearing a red t-shirt, ripped jeans and black sneakers with a New Jersey accent shoved four of the mcducks.

"AH" the four kids yelled as they fell.

Donald gets pushed  to the ground, and his guitar gets broken, fethry fell down the stairs and he dropped his fish and it flopped into the sewers.

"SMELLY NO!" Fethry tries to reach out for him.

Gladstone saw his 10 dollar flew in the air, "MY 10"

But then a twenty flew down to his feet, "hey a twenty" he picks it up.

"Watch it weirdos" the teen shouted.

Della glared as she helped Donald up then without fear, she storms up to him.


The bully turns around and stare at Della menacingly.

He bends down to her lever as she continues to glare at him dead eye, not backing down as the boys stayed back not risk standing up to Valentino.

"What was that little girl" Valentino mocked her.

"You heard me you big bully, I'm not afraid of you" she crosses her arms.

"Well you should be...I'm the most dangerous kid in school"

"Well I deal with danger everyday"

"I watch it kid if you know what's good for you" Valentino threatens her.

"You really wanna threaten me with police around"

Valentino sees the police, he's gotten too many warning from officers...he didn't want to spend his summer in jail.

So he walks off, "you got lucky but this summer is going be a troublesome for you, your miserable brother and weird cousins, so I watch your step next time"

Valentino leaves with Della and the others walking away.

"Are you ok cousin Donald" fethry asked as he helped him up,

"Yeah I'm fine...come on..let's go"

"This summer's gonna be a hurt
train, for you and your weird family" Valentino called out one time.

After that rough day, Valentino walks out to the park, he was in the mood to tackle someone...then somewhere in the park.

He spots a kid riding a bicycle, he was chubby, with red hair, and a cap.

He has missing person fliers and he looked invulnerable and easy.

Valentino smiles sinisterly, "finally some fresh meat"

The cubby boy placed a flier of kit who's been missing for awhile.

"Don't worry kit, we'll find you because when a kid goes missing in this town, we find them"

He puts the missing flier on a wall with the rest of fliers with other missing kids.

Over time since kit's disappearance, other kids have been gone missing, it was getting

Then when he ride his bike, Valentino tripped his bike and the kid went flying off his bike.


He rubbed his head and hears Valentino laughing.

"Aw what's wrong chubby, have a nice trip"

The innocent kid starts to feel frightened, "I'm not chubby"

"Oh I'm sorry I should've said holly big boned"

As Valentino mocked him, then he takes his cap.

"Hey! Give that back"

The boy tries to get his hat back when Valentino pushed him back and saw the kid's name on the back of the hat.

"Launchpad mcquack? What a stupid babe" Valentino throws the hat at him.

Launchpad throws his hat back and was shaking.

"My mom says it's a special name"

"Oh please you are nothing but a chubby piggy, crashpad"

Launchpad tries to back away but Valentino grab by his shirt and hoist him up.

"Time to show you what I do to new kids"

He drops Launchpad in the dirt, he held his fist up, Launchpad flinch.

But just as He was about to beat Launchpad...

A pinecone hit his eye, "AH!! What the"

Valentino grabs his eye and looks around to see where that came from.

"Leave him alone Val"

Valentino looks around to where the voice came from...

Then hidden in a tree, someone was throwing a pibe one in his hands then he threw the pibe one at Valentino again but at his head this time...

"AH! What the"

But at that same time, the mcducks were at the park when they heard and saw Valentino being attacked.

Then jumping out of the trees was a white feather mallard.

He had a purple t-shirt, with a brown jacket, and a Darkwing franchised hat with the logo: DW.

He landed in front of Launchpad and when launchpad saw him, he was amazed how he saved him.

The young mallard continues to glare at Valentino as the rooster growled at him.

"Beat it nerdwing, this doesn't involve you" Valentino growled at him.

"Actually it does when it's goons like you that make my day: let's get...dangerous"

He pulls out more pinecones from his pack back and when Valentino blocks from the throws, the little mallard ran and jumped then he kicked the roaster in the beak.


He looks up to see the mallard glaring at him then he hears the mcducks cheering for him.

"You show that bully" Della says.

Valentino then backed down, he knew he couldn't win.

So he wiped his beak and walks away, "this isn't over" he shouted.

Then when he left, Della and the mcduck's were impressed on how the mallard kid took care of that bully.

Then he turns to Launchpad and helps him up.

"Are you ok" he asked Launchpad.

And Launchpad smiled, "yeah thanks...I'm lauchpad"

"Hi I'm drake...drake mallard"

The two shook hands...

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