Chapter 4- Inner Turmoil

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Crystal's P.O.V
I wake at the crack of dawn. I try to get back to sleep, but my mind won't settle down. Thoughts whirl through my mind like bullets, and as I try to quiet my mind, one thought stands out more than the rest.
"Why don't you just finish it? Get it over with..."
I climb out of my bed, shivering, as my bare feet touch the freezing tile.
As I pad down the stairs, my mind stays focused on my thought, and I become even more determined to take action.
I reach for the drawer, sliding a carving knife out of its slot. I bring it towards my hand, but then dump it back into the drawer, slamming it as I do so. I breath heavily against the cupboards for a moment, before haphazardly dressing and gathering my beach belongings. I run out into the cool morning air, and head towards the beach.

I walk on the path around the beach, trying to soothe my nerves, but my arms and legs keep twitching of their own accord. I notice a few people giving me inquisitive stares, but I ignore them and go on to the beach.
I jump in to the water, and Dory's saying keeps playing in my head.
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." I try to follow this wise advice, but after a few moments, I come up splashing. I jog to the changing rooms, ignoring the lifeguard's stare burning into my back.
When I arrive home, I find my mom in hysterics, with my dad consoling her... Or at least trying to.
"Oh, honey, you're back!" She blubbers, reaching for me.
I check the clock. It's only been a couple of hours.
"I thought you ran away!" My mother continues.
"I was at the beach," I state.
My father turns his gaze to me.
"Now, young lady, that was very inconsiderate of you."
I gulp. Whenever "young lady" comes out, there's sure to be trouble.
"You should wait until reasonable hours to leave the house, and you should be telling your mother where you are going," he reprimands.
"I'm sorry," I whisper.
My father gives me one more stern glance before going off to work.
I stand there, scratching my head, a bit confused. I was sure he would give me a punishment. Oh well. I won't complain.
My mother dabs at her eyes, but still manages to ask, " Would you like some breakfast?"

Rhys' P.O.V
"C, A, G, D... No, that's not right...," I trail off, tapping a finger against my chin.
"Aha! There! C, A, G, E!"
I jump out of my chair excitedly.
"Arelina!" I call, rapping on her door. "I have a surprise for you!"
Arelina comes to the door, yawning, still in her pyjamas.
"It's almost noon. We're you still sleeping?" I wonder.
"Nah," she waves a hand.
"Well, I wrote a song for you," I offer. "You wanna hear it?"
"Sure," Arelina concedes.
We hop down to the living room, and I present my song.
I start strumming the first chords of music on my guitar, then I'm off.
"Little birdie, don't be sad,
Even when things are bad,
I will be there,
To give you care,
Don't give in to sorrow,
There is always tomorrow..."

Crystal's P.O.V
I sit staring out of my bedroom window, watching the goings on of the neighbourhood. I've been doing this a lot lately.
I see the little boy across the street taking out the garbage. His face is twisted in annoyance.
I wish I could be like that. My biggest worry being that I have to take out the garbage.
Feeling the impending cry-fest, I dive under my covers, and let go.

I wake to the still darkness of night. I creep out of my room, and peek into my parents room; they are sound asleep.
I tiptoe into the kitchen, finding the knife I had earlier.
"Yessss," the voice in my mind hisses.
I press the knife into the soft skin of my wrist, feeling the pulse beneath it.
A sliver of space appears, and droplets of blood drip to the floor. I hesitate. Do I really want to do this?
"Yessss" the voice in my mind repeats.
The rational part of my brain kicks in.
"NO!" It shouts.
It's like in movies, where they have an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other.
"No one likessss you,"
"Your parents love you!"
"No one caresss about you,"
"No one shows it, but they do!"
I massage my temples as the voices grow louder and more distorted in my head.
Removing the latch on the door, I stumble onto the sidewalk, letting fresh air dispel whatever voices I had in my head.
I crawl back to bed, waiting for sleep, or the end, to come.

Rhys' P.O.V
"...And they lived happily ever after, the end!" I announce, slapping the book shut.
Arelina had begged me to read her a story, though both my parents voiced the opinion that she was too old for that.
"Another!" Arelina pleads.
"You need to get to sleep," I scold, bobbing my sister's nose.
Looking ridiculously crestfallen, Arelina snuggles under her covers.
I tenderly tuck her in, then make to leave, but she latches on to my hand, and doesn't let go.
I wait till the sound of Arelina's breathing grows even, then try to untangle myself, but her grip only gets tighter. My head nods, and I give myself over to the peaceful realm of sleep.

I awake to whimpers, and almost fall back asleep, but then the terrible part of the recurring nightmare begins.
"No! What are you doing?! Ouch! Why are you taking my clothes?" Tears run freely from Arelina's eyelids.
I shake her, but she doesn't wake. I yell in her ear, shaking her again as well.
My sister starts, slapping my hands as she awakens.
"It's only you!" She breathes, heaving a sigh of relief. "You're still here."
"Yes, and I always will be."

Thanks for reading! ❤️

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